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File: [cvsweb.bsd.lv] / cvsweb / Attic / cvsweb.conf (download)

Revision 3.48, Thu May 1 15:47:32 2003 UTC (21 years, 2 months ago) by scop
Changes since 3.47: +59 -2 lines

Syntax highlighting using GNU Enscript (1.6.2+).

Submitted by:	Neal Horman <neal@wanlink.com>

# -*-perl-*-
# Configuration of cvsweb.cgi, the
# CGI interface to CVS Repositories.
# (c) 1998-1999 H. Zeller    <zeller@think.de>
#     1999      H. Nordstrom <hno@hem.passagen.se>
#     2000-2002 A. MUSHA     <knu@FreeBSD.org>
#     2002-2003 V. Skyttä    <scop@FreeBSD.org>
#          based on work by Bill Fenner  <fenner@FreeBSD.org>
# $FreeBSD$
# $Id: cvsweb.conf,v 3.48 2003/05/01 15:47:32 scop Exp $
# $Idaemons: /home/cvs/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf,v 3.27 2001/08/01 09:48:39 knu Exp $

# Set the path for the following commands:
#   cvs, rlog, rcsdiff
#   gzip (if you enable $allow_compress)
#   (g)tar, zip (if you enable $allow_tar)
#   cvsgraph (if you enable $allow_graph)
$command_path = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';

# Search the above directories for each command (prefer gtar over tar).
for (qw(cvs rlog rcsdiff gzip gtar zip cvsgraph enscript)) {
	$CMD{$_} = search_path($_);
$CMD{tar}   = delete($CMD{gtar}) if $CMD{gtar};
$CMD{tar} ||= search_path('tar');

# CVS Root
# CVSweb can handle several CVS-Repositories
# at once. Enter a short symbolic names and the
# full path of these repositories here.
# NOTE that the symbolic names may not contain
# whitespaces.
# Note, that cvsweb.cgi currently needs to have physical access
# to the CVS repository so :pserver:someone@xyz.com:/data/cvsroot
# won't work!

# 'symbolic_name' => ['name_to_display', 'path_to_the_actual_repository']
# Listed in the order specified:
@CVSrepositories = (
	'local'   => ['Local Repository', '/home/cvs'],
#	'freebsd' => ['FreeBSD',          '/home/ncvs'],
#	'openbsd' => ['OpenBSD',          '/home/ncvs'],
#	'netbsd'  => ['NetBSD',           '/home/ncvs'],
#	'ruby'    => ['Ruby',             '/var/anoncvs/ruby'],

# This tree is enabled by default when
# you enter the page
$cvstreedefault = $CVSrepositories[2 * 0];    # The first one

# Bug tracking system options
# ("PR" means Problem Report, as in GNATS)
#@prcategories = qw(
#    advocacy
#    alpha
#    bin
#    conf
#    docs
#    gnu
#    i386
#    kern
#    misc
#    pending
#    ports
#    sparc

#$prcgi = "http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=%s";
#$prkeyword = "PR";

# Manual gateway
$mancgi =

# Defaults for UserSettings

	# sortby: File sort order
	#   file   Sort by filename
	#   rev    Sort by revision number
	#   date   Sort by commit date
	#   author Sort by author
	#   log    Sort by log message

	"sortby" => "file",

	# ignorecase: ignore case in sorts (filenames, authors, log messages)
	#   0      Honour case
	#   1      Ignore case

	"ignorecase" => "0",

	# hideattic: Hide or show files in Attic
	#   1      Hide files in Attic
	#   0      Show files in Attic

	"hideattic" => "1",

	# logsort: Sort order for CVS logs
	#   date   Sort revisions by date
	#   rev    Sort revision by revision number
	#   cvs    Don't sort them. Same order as CVS/RCS shows them.

	"logsort" => "date",

	# f:	 Default diff format
	#   h      Human readable
	#   u      Unified diff
	#   c      Context diff
	#   s      Side by side
	"f" => "u",

	# hidecvsroot: Don't show the CVSROOT directory
	#   1      Hide CVSROOT directory
	#   0      Show CVSROOT directory
	"hidecvsroot" => "0",

	# hidenonreadable: Don't show entries which cannot be read
	#   1      Hide non-readable entries
	#   0      Show non-readable entries
	"hidenonreadable" => "1",

# some layout stuff

# Wanna have a logo on the page ?
$logo = '<p><img src="/icons/apache_pb.gif" alt="Powered by Apache"></p>';

# The title of the Page on startup.  This will be put inside a <h1> tag.
$defaulttitle = "CVS Repository";

# The address is shown on the footer.  This will be put inside a <address> tag.
$address = '<span style="font-size: smaller">FreeBSD-CVSweb &lt;<a href="mailto:freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org">freebsd-cvsweb@FreeBSD.org</a>&gt;</span>';

$long_intro = <<EOT;
This is a WWW interface for CVS Repositories.
You can browse the file hierarchy by picking directories
(which have slashes after them, <i>e.g.</i>, <b>src/</b>).
If you pick a file, you will see the revision history
for that file.
Selecting a revision number will download that revision of
the file.  There is a link at each revision to display
diffs between that revision and the previous one, and
a form at the bottom of the page that allows you to
display diffs between arbitrary revisions.
This script has been written by Bill Fenner and improved by Henner Zeller,
Henrik Nordstr&ouml;m, and Ken Coar, then Akinori MUSHA brought it
back to FreeBSD community and made further improvements; it is covered
by <a
href="http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html">The BSD Licence</a>.
If you would like to use this CGI script on your own web server and
CVS tree, download the latest version from &lt;URL:<a
Feel free to send any patches, suggestions and comments to the FreeBSD-CVSweb
mailing list at

$short_instruction = <<EOT;
Click on a directory to enter that directory. Click on a file to display
its revision history and to get a chance to display diffs between revisions.

# Icons for the web UI.  If ICON-URL is empty, the TEXT representation is
# used.  If you do not want to have a tool tip for an icon, set TEXT empty.
# The width and height of the icon allow the browser to correctly display
# the table while still loading the icons.  If these icons are too large,
# check out the "mini" versions in the icons/ directory; they have a
# width/height of 16/16.

my $iconsdir = '/icons';

# format:             TEXT       ICON-URL                  width height
%ICONS = (
          back  => [('[BACK]',  "$iconsdir/back.gif",      20,   22)],
          dir   => [('[DIR]',   "$iconsdir/dir.gif",       20,   22)],
          file  => [('[TXT]',   "$iconsdir/text.gif",      20,   22)],
          graph => [('[GRAPH]', "$iconsdir/minigraph.png", 16,   16)],
undef $iconsdir;

# An URL where to find the CSS.
$cssurl = '/css/cvsweb.css';

# the length to which the last logentry should
# be truncated when shown in the directory view
$shortLogLen = 80;

# Show author of last change
$show_author = 1;

# table view for directories

# Cell padding for directory table
$tablepadding = 2;

# Modules in the repository that should not be displayed, either by default
# nor by explicit path specification.
@HideModules = (
#	"^my/secret/module",

# Files matching these pathnames shouldn't be checked out with cvsweb,
# since they may contain sensitive information. Simple file name based
# filter. Often, the CVSROOT/passwd is exposed and some people tend
# to check in their .cvspass, though this is a bad idea. These files
# shouldn't be readable by default. Thanks to Damian Gryski to point
# this out.
# Note that this affects only files, not directories.
@ForbiddenFiles = (
	"^CVSROOT/passwd\$",   # CVSROOT/passwd should not be cvs add'ed, though
	"/\\.cvspass\$",       # Ditto.  Just in case.

# Use CVSROOT/CVSROOT/descriptions for describing the directories/modules
# See INSTALL section 8
$use_descriptions = 0;

# Human Readable Diff

# (c) 1998 H. Zeller <zeller@think.de>
# Generates two columns of color encoded
# diff; much like xdiff or emacs-ediff mode.
# The diff-stuff is a piece of code I once made for
# cvs2html which is under GPL,
# see http://www.sslug.dk/cvs2html
# (c) 1997/98 Peter Toft <pto@sslug.imm.dtu.dk>
# some parameters to screw:

# make lines breakable so that the columns do not
# exceed the width of the browser
$hr_breakable = 1;

# give out function names in diffs
# this just makes sense if we have C-files, otherwise
# diff's heuristic doesn't work well ..
# ( '-p' option to diff)
$showfunc = 1;

# For each pair of regexps, files that match the first regexp will be diff'ed
# with an '-F' option with the second regexp.
%funcline_regexp = (
	"\\.(4th|fr)\$" => "\\(^\\|[ \t]\\): ",
	"\\.rb\$"       => "^[\t ]*\\(class\\|module\\|def\\) ",

# ignore whitespaces for human readable diffs
# (indendation and stuff ..)
# ( '-w' option to diff)
$hr_ignwhite = 0;

# ignore diffs which are caused by
# keyword-substitution like $Id - Stuff
# ( '-kk' option to rcsdiff)
$hr_ignkeysubst = 1;

# the width of the textinput of the
# request-diff-form
$inputTextSize = 12;

# Mime Types

# mapping to mimetypes to help
# cvsweb to guess the correct mime-type on
# checkout; you can use the mime.types from
# apache here:
$mime_types = '/usr/local/etc/apache/mime.types';

# quick mime-type lookup; maps file-suffices to
# mime-types for displaying checkouts in the browser.
# Further MimeTypes will be found in the
# file $mime_types (apache style mime.types - file)
# - add common mappings here for faster lookup
	"html"  => "text/html",
	"shtml" => "text/html",
	"gif"   => "image/gif",
	"jpeg"  => "image/jpeg",
	"jpg"   => "image/jpeg",
	"png"   => "image/png",
	"xpm"   => "image/xpm",
	"*"     => "text/plain",

# Charset for HTML output
$charset = '';

# e.g.
#$charset = $where =~ m,/ru[/_-], ? 'koi8-r'
#  : $where =~ m,/zh[/_-], ? 'big5'
#  : $where =~ m,/ja[/_-], ? 'x-euc-jp'
#  : $where =~ m,/ko[/_-], ? 'x-euc-kr'
#  : 'iso-8859-1';

# Output filter
$output_filter = '';

# e.g.
## unify/convert Japanese code into EUC-JP
#$output_filter= '/usr/local/bin/nkf -e';

# Misc
# allow annotation of files
# this requires rw-access to the
# CVSROOT/history file (if you have one)
# and rw-access to the subdirectory to
# place the lock so you maybe don't want it
$allow_annotate = 1;

# allow pretty-printed version of files
$allow_markup = 1;

# allow extra hlink formatting (such as PR xrefs) in logs
$allow_log_extra = 1; # default: enabled

# allow extra hlink formatting (such as PR xrefs) in directories
$allow_dir_extra = 1;

# allow extra hlink formatting in source code/formatted diff views
$allow_source_extra = 1;

# allow compression with gzip
# of output if the Browser accepts
# [make sure to have gzip in the path]
$allow_compress = 0;

# Make use of javascript functions.
# This way you can select one of your CVSroot
# without pressing 'Go' (.. if you do have more
# than one CVSROOT defined)
$use_java_script = 1;

# open Download-Links in another window
$open_extern_window = 1;

# The size of this extern window; this size option
# needs use_java_script to be defined
# just comment them if you don't want to have a fixed
# size
#$extern_window_width = 600;
#$extern_window_height = 440;

# Edit Options
# Enable form to edit your options (hideattic,sortbydate)
# this isn't necessary if you've $dirtable defined 'cause
# this allows editing of all your options more intuitive
$edit_option_form = (not $dirtable);

# If you have files which automatically refers to other files
# (such as HTML) then this allows you to browse the checked
# out files as if outside CVS.
$checkout_magic = 1;

# Show last changelog message for sub directories
# The current implementation makes many assumptions and may show the
# incorrect file at some times. The main assumption is that the last
# modified file has the newest filedate. But some CVS operations
# touches the file without even when a new version is't checked in,
# and TAG based browsing essientially puts this out of order, unless
# the last checkin was on the same tag as you are viewing.
# Enable this if you like the feature, but don't rely on correct results.
$show_subdir_lastmod = 0;

# Show CVS log when viewing file contents
$show_log_in_markup = 1;

# Preformat when viewing file contents.  This should be turned off
# when you have files in the repository that are in a multibyte
# encoding which uses HTML special characters ([<>&"]) as part of a
# multi-byte character. (such as iso-2022-jp, ShiftJIS, etc.)
# Otherwise those files will get screwed up in markup.
$preformat_in_markup = '';

# Tabstop used to expand tabs in colored diffs. If undefined then
# tabs are always expanded to 8 spaces.
$tabstop = 8;

# if you wish to display absolute times in your local timezone,
# then define mytz and fill in the strings for your standard and
# daylight time. Note that you must also make sure the system
# timezone is correctly set.
# @mytz=("EST", "EDT");

# cvsweb is friendly to caches by indicating a suitable
# last-modified timestamp. Doing this uses slightly more
# CPU so you might want to disable it if you have a slow
# server
$use_moddate = 1;

# Allows downloading a tarball of the current directory if set.
# Bear in mind that this allows downloading a tarball of your entire
# repository, which can take a lot of time and disk space to create!
# If you enable this, you may need to make sure that cvsweb can write to
# CVSROOT/val-tags, due to a bug in cvs.
$allow_tar = '';

# Allows graphical representations of file logs with CvsGraph if set.
$allow_cvsgraph = $CMD{cvsgraph} ? 1 : 0;

# Maximum number of filenames to pass to rlog(1) in one command.
# If you see "Failed to spawn GNU rlog" errors with directories containing
# lots of files, experiment by setting this to different values and see if
# the error still occurs.  A good value to start from would be eg. 200.
# Just comment this out if you're not bitten by the problem.
#$file_list_len = 200;

# Path to the CvsGraph configuration file.  Only used if $allow_cvsgraph
# is true.  Leave this empty or comment it out to make cvsgraph(1) use its
# default configuration file.
#$cvsgraph_config = "/etc/cvsgraph.conf";

# Options to pass to tar(1).
@tar_options = qw();

# e.g. @tar_options = qw(--ignore-failed-read);
#      GNU tar has some useful options against unexpected errors.
#      Other useful options include "--owner=0" and "--group=0", see
#      the tar(1) (or gtar(1)) manpage for details.

# Options to pass to gzip(1) when compressing a tarball to download.
@gzip_options = qw();

# e.g. @gzip_options = qw(-3);
#      Try lower compression level than 6 (default) if you want faster
#      compression, or higher, for better compression.

# Options to pass to zip(1) when compressing a zip archive to download.
@zip_options = qw(-q);

# e.g. @zip_options = qw(-3);
#      Try lower compression level than 6 (default) if you want faster
#      compression, or higher, for better compression.

# Options to pass to cvs(1).
# For cvs versions prior to 1.11, the '-l' option doesn't work; If you want
# working checkouts with an older cvs version, you'll have to make sure that
# the cvsweb user can read and write to CVSROOT/history.
@cvs_options = qw(-lf);

push @cvs_options, '-R' if ($^O eq 'freebsd' || $^O eq 'openbsd');
push @cvs_options, '-u' if ($^O eq 'netbsd');

#      Only FreeBSD's and OpenBSD's cvs(1) supports -R (read only access
#      mode) option, which considerably speeds up checkouts over NFS.
#      A similar effect is provided by -u on NetBSD.

# Options to pass to the 'cvs annotate' command, usually the normal
# @cvs_options are good enough here.
@annotate_options = @cvs_options;

#      To make annotate work against a read only repository, add -n, e.g.:
#      @annotate_options = (@cvs_options, '-n');

# Enables syntax highlighting using GNU Enscript if set.
# You will need GNU Enscript version 1.6.2 or newer for this to work.
#$allow_enscript = $CMD{enscript} ? 1 : 0;

# Options to pass to enscript(1).
# Do not set the -q, --language, -o and --highlight options here.
# Most useful styles are probably emacs, emacs_verbose and msvc.
@enscript_options = qw(--style=emacs --color=1);

# Enscript highlight rule to filename regex mappings.  The set of useful
# mappings depends on what highlight rules the system has installed.
%enscript_types =
   'ada'          => qr/\.ad(s|b|a)$/o,
   'asm'          => qr/\.[Ss]$/o,
   'awk'          => qr/\.awk$/o,
   'bash'         => qr/\.(bash(_profile|rc)|inputrc)$/o,
   'c'            => qr/\.(c|h)$/o,
   'changelog'    => qr/^changelog$/io,
   'cpp'          => qr/\.(c\+\+|C|H|cpp|cc|cxx)$/o,
   'csh'          => qr/\.(csh(rc)?|log(in|out)|history)$/o,
   'elisp'        => qr/\.e(l|macs)$/o,
   'fortran'      => qr/\.[fF]$/o,
   'haskell'      => qr/\.(l?h|l?g)s$/o,
   'html'         => qr/\.x?html?$/o,
   'idl'          => qr/\.idl$/o,
   'inf'          => qr/\.inf$/io,
   'java'         => qr/\.java$/o,
   'javascript'   => qr/\.js$/o,
   'ksh'          => qr/\.ksh$/o,
   'm4'           => qr/\.m4$/o,
   'makefile'     => qr/((GNU)?[Mm]akefile.*|\.(ma?ke?|am)$)/o,
   'matlab'       => qr/\.m$/o,
   'nroff'        => qr/\.man$/o,
   'pascal'       => qr/\.p(as|p)?$/io,
   'perl'         => qr/\.p(m|(er?)l)$/io,
   'postscript'   => qr/\.e?ps$/io,
   'python'       => qr/\.py$/o,
   'rfc'          => qr/\b((rfc|draft)\..*\.txt)$/o,
   'scheme'       => qr/\.(scm|scheme)$/o,
   'sh'           => qr/\.sh$/o,
   'skill'        => qr/\.il$/o,
   'sql'          => qr/\.sql$/o,
   'states'       => qr/\.st$/o,
   'synopsys'     => qr/\.s(cr|yn(th)?)$/o,
   'tcl'          => qr/\.tcl$/o,
   'tcsh'         => qr/\.tcshrc$/o,
   'tex'          => qr/\.tex$/o,
   'vba'          => qr/\.vba$/o,
   'verilog'      => qr/\.(v|vh)$/o,
   'vhdl'         => qr/\.vhdl?$/o,
   'vrml'         => qr/\.wrl$/o,
   'wmlscript'    => qr/\.wmls(cript)?$/o,
   'zsh'          => qr/\.(zsh(env|rc)|z(profile|log(in|out)))$/o,
