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File: [cvsweb.bsd.lv] / cvsweb / Attic / cvsweb.conf (download)

Revision 4.25, Fri Nov 29 18:50:15 2019 UTC (4 years, 6 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 4.24: +1 -23 lines

Delete support for external %DIFF_COMMANDS.
Files like spreadsheets normally aren't committed to CVS.
Besides, it is not a good idea to run random, not necessarily
trustworthy external programs in a web application context.

# -*- perl -*-
# $Id: cvsweb.conf,v 4.25 2019/11/29 18:50:15 schwarze Exp $
# $doc: cvsweb.conf,v 1.38 2006/01/19 19:53:38 ceri
# $knu: cvsweb.conf,v 1.97 2005/06/19 09:13:50 scop
# Configuration of cvsweb.cgi, a web interface to CVS repositories.
# (c) 1998-1999 H. Zeller    <zeller@think.de>
#     1999      H. Nordstrom <hno@hem.passagen.se>
#     2000-2002 A. MUSHA     <knu@FreeBSD.org>
#     2002-2005 V. Skyttä    <scop@FreeBSD.org>
#          based on work by Bill Fenner  <fenner@FreeBSD.org>

# Unless otherwise noted, all boolean parameters here default to off
# when no value for them has been explicitly set.

# CVS roots
# CVSweb can handle several CVS repositories at once.  Enter short (internal)
# symbolic repository names, their names in the UI and the actual locations
# here.  The repositories will be listed in the order they're specified here.
# Obviously, CVSweb will need read access to these repository dirs.  If you
# receive an error that no valid CVS roots were found, double-check the file
# permissions and any other attributes your system may have for the repository
# directories, such as SELinux file contexts.
# CVSweb will also load per-cvsroot configuration files if they exist.
# The symbolic_name (see below) of the CVS root will be concatenated into the
# name of the main (this) configuration file along with a hyphen, and that
# file will be loaded for that particular CVS root.  For examples, see
# cvsweb.conf-* in the CVSweb distribution.
# Note that only local repositories are currently supported.  Things like
# :pserver:someone@xyz.com:/data/cvsroot won't work.
# 'symbolic_name' => ['Name to display',  '/path/to/cvsroot']
@CVSrepositories = (
        'local'   => ['Local Repository', '/cvs'],

# Manual gateway linking.  This will be done only for views for which
# $allow_*_extra below is true.
$mancgi =

# Defaults for user definable options.

    # sortby: File sort order
    #   file   Sort by filename
    #   rev    Sort by revision number
    #   date   Sort by commit date
    #   author Sort by author
    #   log    Sort by log message
    "sortby" => "file",

    # ignorecase: Ignore case in sorts (filenames, authors, log messages)
    #   0      Honor case
    #   1      Ignore case
    "ignorecase" => "0",

    # hideattic: Hide or show files in Attic
    #   1      Hide files in Attic
    #   0      Show files in Attic
    "hideattic" => "1",

    # logsort: Sort order for CVS logs
    #   date   Sort revisions by date
    #   rev    Sort revision by revision number
    #   cvs    Don't sort them. Same order as CVS/RCS shows them.
    "logsort" => "date",

    # f: Default diff format
    #   h      Human readable
    #   u      Unified diff
    #   c      Context diff
    "f" => "u",

    # hidecvsroot: Don't show the CVSROOT directory.  Note that this is
    # just the default for a user settable option (like others in this
    # %DEFAULTVALUE hash); it won't really prevent access to CVSROOT.
    # See @ForbiddenFiles for that.
    #   1      Do not include the top-level CVSROOT directory in dir listings
    #   0      Treat the top-level CVSROOT directory just like all other dirs
    "hidecvsroot" => "0",

    # hidenonreadable: Don't show files and directories that cannot be read
    # in directory listings.
    #   1      Hide non-readable entries
    #   0      Show non-readable entries
    "hidenonreadable" => "1",

    # ln: Show line numbers in HTMLized views
    #   1      Show line numbers
    #   0      Don't show line numbers
    "ln" => "0",

# Layout options (see also the included CSS file)

# Wanna have a logo on the page ?
#$logo = '<p><img src="/icons/apache_pb.gif" alt="Powered by Apache" /></p>';

# The title of the Page on startup.  This will be put inside <h1> and <title>
# tags, and HTML escaped.
$defaulttitle = "CVS Repository";

# The address is shown on the footer.  This will be put inside a <address> tag.
$address = '<span style="font-size: smaller">CVSweb</span>';

# Icons for the web UI.
my $iconsdir = '/icons';

# An URL where to find the CSS.
$cssurl = '/css/cvsweb.css';

# The length to which the last log entry should be truncated when shown
# in the directory view.
$shortLogLen = 80;

# Show author of last change?
$show_author = 1;

# Regular expressions for files and directories which should be hidden.
# Each regexp is compared against a path relative to a CVS root, after
# stripping the trailing ",v" if present.  Matching files and directories
# are not displayed.
@ForbiddenFiles = (
    qr|^CVSROOT/+passwd$|o, # CVSROOT/passwd should not be 'cvs add'ed though.
    qr|/\.cvspass$|o,       # Ditto.  Just in case.

# Use CVSROOT/descriptions for describing the directories/modules?
# See INSTALL, section 9.
$use_descriptions = 0;

# Human readable diff.
# (c) 1998 H. Zeller <zeller@think.de>
# Generates two columns of color encoded diff; much like xdiff or GNU Emacs'
# ediff-mode.
# The diff-stuff is a piece of code I once made for cvs2html which is under
# GPL, see http://www.sslug.dk/cvs2html
# (c) 1997/98 Peter Toft <pto@sslug.imm.dtu.dk>

# Make lines breakable so that the columns do not exceed the width of the
# browser?
$hr_breakable = 1;

# Ignore whitespace in human readable diffs? ('-w' option to diff)
$hr_ignwhite = 0;

# Ignore diffs which are caused by keyword substitution, $Id and friends?
# ('-kk' option to rcsdiff)
$hr_ignkeysubst = 1;

# Mime types

# The MIME type lookup works like this:
# 1) Look up from %MTYPES below with the file name extension (suffix).
# 2) If not found, use the MIME::Types(3) module if it's available.
# 3) If not found, lookup from the $mime_types file (see below).
# 4) If not found, try %MTYPES{'*'}.
# 5) If not found, use 'application/octet-stream' if the file's keyword
#    substitution mode is b (ie. the file was checked in as binary to CVS),
#    'text/plain' otherwise.

# Quick MIME type lookup; maps filename extensions to MIME types.
# Add common mappings here for fast lookup.  You can also use this
# to override MIME::Types(3) or the $mime_types file (see below).
	"html"  => "text/html",
	"shtml" => "text/html",
	"gif"   => "image/gif",
	"jpeg"  => "image/jpeg",
	"jpg"   => "image/jpeg",
	"png"   => "image/png",
	"xpm"   => "image/xpm",
#	"*"     => "text/plain",

# The traditional mime.types file, eg. the one from Apache is fine.
# See above where this gets used.
$mime_types = '/conf/mime.types';

# Charset appended to the Content-Type HTTP header for text/* MIME types.
# Note that the web server may default to some charset which may take effect
# if you leave this parameter empty or unset.
# For Apache, see also the AddDefaultCharset directive.
$charset = '';

# e.g.
#$charset = $where =~ m,/ru[/_-], ? 'koi8-r'
#  : $where =~ m,/zh[/_-], ? 'big5'
#  : $where =~ m,/ja[/_-], ? 'x-euc-jp'
#  : $where =~ m,/ko[/_-], ? 'x-euc-kr'
#  : 'iso-8859-1';

# Output filter
$output_filter = '';

# e.g.
## unify/convert Japanese code into EUC-JP
#$output_filter= '/usr/local/bin/nkf -e';

# Misc

# Allow annotation of files?  See also @annotate_options below.
$allow_annotate = 1;

# Allow HTMLized versions of files?
$allow_markup = 1;

# Allow CVSweb to create mailto: links from email addresses in various
# HTMLized views?  Default: yes.
#$allow_mailtos = 0;

## Extra hyperlinking means hyperlinks to manual page
## gateways, see $mancgi above.

# Allow extra hyperlinking (such as PR cross-references) in logs?
# Default: yes.
#$allow_log_extra = 0;

# Allow extra hyperlinking in directory views?
$allow_dir_extra = 1;

# Allow extra hyperlinking in source code/formatted diff views?
$allow_source_extra = 1;

# Allow compression with gzip in general?  Note that this also requires
# that the browser supports it, and will be disabled on the fly when necessary.
#$allow_compress = 1;

# Show a form for setting options in the directory view?
$edit_option_form = 1;

# Show last changelog message for subdirectories?
# The current implementation makes many assumptions and may show the
# incorrect file at some times. The main assumption is that the last
# modified file has the newest filedate. But some CVS operations
# touch the file even when a new version isn't checked in, and TAG
# based browsing essentially puts this out of order unless the last
# checkin was on the same tag as you are viewing.
# Enable this if you like the feature, but don't rely on correct results.
#$show_subdir_lastmod = 1;

# Show CVS log when viewing file contents?
$show_log_in_markup = 1;

# Preformat when viewing file contents?  This should be turned off
# when you have files in the repository that are in a multibyte
# encoding which uses HTML special characters ([<>&"]) as part of a
# multibyte character. (such as iso-2022-jp, ShiftJIS, etc.)
# Otherwise those files will get screwed up in markup.
#$preformat_in_markup = 1;

# Default tab width used to expand tabs to spaces in various HTMLized views.
# Note that CVSweb scans the first few lines of sources for some common editor
# directives controlling the tab width.  It uses the value from them if found,
# falling back to the value of $tabstop if not.  Default: 8.
#$tabstop = 4;

# CVSweb is friendly to caches by sending the HTTP Last-Modified
# header corresponding to the sent content.  In the case of a
# checkout, this may require running rcslog on the file solely for the
# purpose of retrieving the timestamp to be sent.  If you have a slow
# server, you may want to turn this off for a small performance gain.
$use_moddate = 1;

# Maximum number of filenames to pass to rlog(1) in one command.
# If you see "Failed to spawn rlog" errors with directories containing
# lots of files, experiment by setting this to different values and see if
# the error still occurs.  A good value to start from would be eg. 200.
# Just comment this out if you're not bitten by the problem.
#$file_list_len = 200;

# Whether to allow downloading a tarball of the current directory.
# While downloading of the entire repository is disallowed, depending on
# the directory this may take a lot of time and disk space.  For some CVS
# versions, the user account running CVSweb needs write access to
# CVSROOT/val-tags.  See also the tar options below.
$allow_tar = 0;

# Options to pass to tar(1).
# For example: @tar_options = qw(--ignore-failed-read);
# GNU tar has some useful options against unexpected errors.
# Other useful options include "--owner=0" and "--group=0", see
# the tar(1) (or gtar(1)) manpage for details.
@tar_options = qw();

# Options to pass to cvs(1).
# For cvs versions 1.11 to 1.11.6 (broken in < 1.11, removed in 1.11.7), you
# can use the '-l' option to prevent cvs from writing to the history file.
# For other cvs versions, either suppress history logging by using the
# LogHistory parameter in CVSROOT/config or make sure that the CVSweb user
# can read and write to CVSROOT/history.
# FreeBSD's and OpenBSD's cvs(1) has long since supported -R (read only access
# mode) option, which considerably speeds up checkouts over NFS.  For other
# platforms, the -R option is available in cvs >= 1.12.1.
# A similar effect is provided by -u on NetBSD.
@cvs_options = qw(-f);
push @cvs_options, '-R' if ($^O eq 'freebsd' || $^O eq 'openbsd');
push @cvs_options, '-u' if ($^O eq 'netbsd');

# Options to pass to the 'cvs annotate' command, usually the normal
# @cvs_options are good enough here.
# To make annotate work against a read only repository, add -n, ie.:
# @annotate_options = (@cvs_options, '-n');
@annotate_options = @cvs_options;

# Options to pass to rcsdiff(1).
# Probably the only useful one here is -q (suppress diagnostic output).
@rcsdiff_options = qw(-q);

# Troubleshooting: in case of problems, setting this to 1 will cause more
# error output into your web server error log.  Under normal operation,
# this should be set to 0 or commented out.
#$DEBUG = 1;
