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Revision 1.15, Sun Apr 5 10:20:37 1998 UTC (26 years, 5 months ago) by wosch
Changes since 1.14: +1 -0 lines

Support mozilla cvs tree.

#!/usr/bin/perl -s
# cvsweb - a CGI interface to the CVS tree.
# Written by Bill Fenner <fenner@parc.xerox.com> on his own time.
# Insert BSD copyright here.
#HTTP_USER_AGENT: Mozilla/1.1N (X11; I; SunOS 4.1.3_U1 sun4m) via proxy gateway CERN-HTTPD/3.0 libwww/2.17
#SERVER_NAME: www.freebsd.org
#SCRIPT_FILENAME: /usr/local/www/cgi-bin/env.pl
#HTTP_ACCEPT: */*, image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg
#HTTP_COOKIE: s=beta26429821397802167
#PATH_INFO: /foo/bar
#DOCUMENT_ROOT: /usr/local/www/data/
#PATH: /sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
#PATH_TRANSLATED: /usr/local/www/data//foo/bar
#SCRIPT_NAME: /cgi-bin/env.pl
#SERVER_SOFTWARE: Apache/1.0.0
#REMOTE_HOST: beta.xerox.com
#SERVER_ADMIN: webmaster@freebsd.org
require 'timelocal.pl';
require 'ctime.pl';

$hsty_base = "";
require 'cgi-style.pl';

	    'freebsd', '/home/ncvs',
	    'openbsd', '/home/OpenBSD/cvs',
	    'learn', '/c/learncvs',
	    'mozilla', '/a/mozilla-cvs',

$cvstreedefault = 'freebsd';
$cvstree = $cvstreedefault;
$cvsroot = $CVSROOT{"$cvstree"} || "/home/ncvs";

$intro = "
This is a WWW interface to the FreeBSD CVS tree.
You can browse the file hierarchy by picking directories
(which have slashes after them, e.g. <b>src/</b>).
If you pick a file, you will see the revision history
for that file.
Selecting a revision number will download that revision of
the file.  There is a link at each revision to display
diffs between that revision and the previous one, and
a form at the bottom of the page that allows you to
display diffs between arbitrary revisions.
If you would like to use this CGI script on your own web server and
CVS tree, see <A HREF=\"http://www.freebsd.org/~fenner/cvsweb/\">
the CVSWeb distribution site</A>.
Please send any suggestions, comments, etc. to
<A HREF=\"mailto:fenner\@freebsd.org\">Bill Fenner &lt;fenner\@freebsd.org&gt;</A>
$shortinstr = "
Click on a directory to enter that directory. Click on a file to display
its revision history and to get a
chance to display diffs between revisions. 

$verbose = $v;
($where = $ENV{'PATH_INFO'}) =~ s|^/||;
$where =~ s|/$||;
($scriptname = $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}) =~ s|^/?|/|;
$scriptname =~ s|/$||;
$scriptwhere = $scriptname . '/' . $where;
$scriptwhere =~ s|/$||;

if ($query = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}) {
    foreach (split(/&/, $query)) {
	s/%(..)/sprintf("%c", hex($1))/ge;	# unquote %-quoted
	if (/(\S+)=(.*)/) {
	    $input{$1} = $2;
	} else {
    $query = "?" . $query;

$config = '/usr/local/etc/cvsweb';
do "$config" if -f $config;

if ($input{'cvsroot'}) {
    if ($CVSROOT{$input{'cvsroot'}}) {
	$cvstree = $input{'cvsroot'};
	$cvsroot = $CVSROOT{"$cvstree"};
do "$config-$cvstree" if -f "$config-$cvstree";

$fullname = $cvsroot . '/' . $where;

if (!-d $cvsroot) {
	&fatal("500 Internal Error",'$CVSROOT not found!<P>The server on which the CVS tree lives is probably down.  Please try again in a few minutes.');

if (-d $fullname) {
	opendir(DIR, $fullname) || &fatal("404 Not Found","$where: $!");
	@dir = readdir(DIR);
	if ($where eq '') {
	    print &html_header("FreeBSD CVS Repository");
	    print $intro;
	} else {
	    print &html_header("/$where");
	    print $shortinstr;
	print "<p>Current directory: <b>/$where</b>\n";
	print "<P><HR NOSHADE>\n";
	# Using <MENU> in this manner violates the HTML2.0 spec but
	# provides the results that I want in most browsers.  Another
	# case of layout spooging up HTML.
	print "<MENU>\n";
	for ($i = 0; $i <= $#dir; $i++) {
		if ($dir[$i] eq "Attic") {
			last lookingforattic;
	$haveattic = 1 if ($i <= $#dir);
	if (!$input{"showattic"} && ($i <= $#dir) &&
				opendir(DIR, $fullname . "/Attic")) {
		splice(@dir, $i, 1,
			grep((s|^|Attic/|,!m|/\.|), readdir(DIR)));
	# Sort without the Attic/ pathname.
	foreach (sort {($c=$a)=~s|.*/||;($d=$b)=~s|.*/||;($c cmp $d)} @dir) {
	    if ($_ eq '.') {
	    if (s|^Attic/||) {
		$attic = " (in the Attic)";
	    } else {
		$attic = "";
	    if ($_ eq '..') {
		next if ($where eq '');
		($updir = $scriptwhere) =~ s|[^/]+$||;
		print "<IMG SRC=\"/icons/back.gif\"> ",
		    &link("Previous Directory",$updir . $query), "<BR>";
#		print "<IMG SRC=???> ",
#		    &link("Directory-wide diffs", $scriptwhere . '/*'), "<BR>";
	    } elsif (-d $fullname . "/" . $_) {
		print "<IMG SRC=\"/icons/dir.gif\"> ",
		    &link($_ . "/", $scriptwhere . '/' . $_ . '/' . $query),
			    $attic, "<BR>";
	    } elsif (s/,v$//) {
# TODO: add date/time?  How about sorting?
		print "<IMG SRC=\"/icons/text.gif\"> ",
		    &link($_, $scriptwhere . '/' .
			    ($attic ? "Attic/" : "") . $_ . $query),
			    $attic, "<BR>";
	print "</MENU>\n";
	if ($input{"only_on_branch"}) {
	    print "<HR><FORM METHOD=\"GET\" ACTION=\"${scriptwhere}\">\n";
	    print "Currently showing only branch $input{'only_on_branch'}.\n";
	    foreach $k (keys %input) {
		print "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=$k VALUE=$input{$k}>\n" if $input{$k};
	    print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Show all branches\">\n";
	    print "</FORM>\n";
	$formwhere = $scriptwhere;
	$formwhere =~ s|Attic/?$|| if ($input{"showattic"});
	if ($haveattic) {
		print "<HR><FORM METHOD=\"GET\" ACTION=\"${formwhere}\">\n";
		foreach $k (keys %input) {
		    print "<INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME=$k VALUE=$input{$k}>\n" if $input{$k};
		print ($input{"showattic"} ? "Show" : "Hide");
		print " attic directories\">\n";
		print "</FORM>\n";
	print &html_footer;
	print "</BODY></HTML>\n";
} elsif (-f $fullname . ',v') {
	if ($input{'rev'} =~ /^[\d\.]+$/) {
		&checkout($fullname, $input{'rev'});
	if ($input{'r1'} && $input{'r2'}) {
		&dodiff($fullname, $input{'r1'}, $input{'tr1'},
			$input{'r2'}, $input{'tr2'}, $input{'f'});
print("going to dolog($fullname)\n") if ($verbose);
} elsif ($fullname =~ s/\.diff$// && -f $fullname . ",v" &&
				$input{'r1'} && $input{'r2'}) {
	# Allow diffs using the ".diff" extension
	# so that browsers that default to the URL
	# for a save filename don't save diff's as
	# e.g. foo.c
	&dodiff($fullname, $input{'r1'}, $input{'tr1'},
		$input{'r2'}, $input{'tr2'}, $input{'f'});
} elsif (($newname = $fullname) =~ s|/([^/]+)$|/Attic/$1| &&
				 -f $newname . ",v") {
	# The file has been removed and is in the Attic.
	# Send a redirect pointing to the file in the Attic.
	($newplace = $scriptwhere) =~ s|/([^/]+)$|/Attic/$1|;
} elsif (0 && (@files = &safeglob($fullname . ",v"))) {
	print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
	print "You matched the following files:\n";
	print join("\n", @files);
	# Find the tags from each file
	# Display a form offering diffs between said tags
} else {
	# Assume it's a module name with a potential path following it.
	$xtra = $& if (($module = $where) =~ s|/.*||);
	# Is there an indexed version of modules?
	if (open(MODULES, "$cvsroot/CVSROOT/modules")) {
		while (<MODULES>) {
			if (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/o && $module eq $1
				&& -d "${cvsroot}/$2" && $module ne $2) {
				&redirect($scriptname . '/' . $2 . $xtra);
	&fatal("404 Not Found","$where: no such file or directory");

sub htmlify {
	local($string, $pr) = @_;

	$string =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
	$string =~ s/</&lt;/g;
	$string =~ s/>/&gt;/g;

	if ($pr) {
		$string =~ s|\bpr(\W+[a-z]+/\W*)(\d+)|<A HREF=/cgi/query-pr.cgi?pr=$2>$&</A>|ig;


sub link {
	local($name, $where) = @_;

	"<A HREF=\"$where\">$name</A>\n";

sub revcmp {
	local($rev1, $rev2) = @_;
	local(@r1) = split(/\./, $rev1);
	local(@r2) = split(/\./, $rev2);

	while (($a = shift(@r1)) && ($b = shift(@r2))) {
	    if ($a != $b) {
		return $a <=> $b;
	if (@r1) { return 1; }
	if (@r2) { return -1; }
	return 0;

sub fatal {
	local($errcode, $errmsg) = @_;
	print "Status: $errcode\n";
	print &html_header("Error");
#	print "Content-type: text/html\n";
#	print "\n";
#	print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Error</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
#	print "<BODY>Error: $errmsg</BODY></HTML>\n";
	print "Error: $errmsg\n";
	print &html_footer;

sub redirect {
	local($url) = @_;
	print "Status: 301 Moved\n";
	print "Location: $url\n";
	print &html_header("Moved");
#	print "Content-type: text/html\n";
#	print "\n";
#	print "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Moved</TITLE></HEAD>\n";
#	print "<BODY>This document is located <A HREF=$url>here</A>.</BODY></HTML>\n";
	print "This document is located <A HREF=$url>here</A>.\n";
	print &html_footer;

sub safeglob {
	local($filename) = @_;

	($dirname = $filename) =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
	$filename =~ s|.*/||;

	if (opendir(DIR, $dirname)) {
		$glob = $filename;
	#	transform filename from glob to regex.  Deal with:
	#	[, {, ?, * as glob chars
	#	make sure to escape all other regex chars
		$glob =~ s/([\.\(\)\|\+])/\\$1/g;
		$glob =~ s/\*/.*/g;
		$glob =~ s/\?/./g;
		$glob =~ s/{([^}]+)}/($t = $1) =~ s-,-|-g; "($t)"/eg;
		foreach (readdir(DIR)) {
			if (/^${glob}$/) {
				push(@results, $dirname . "/" .$_);


sub checkout {
	local($fullname, $rev) = @_;

	open(RCS, "co -p$rev '$fullname' 2>&1 |") ||
	    &fail("500 Internal Error", "Couldn't co: $!");
# /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/igmp.c,v  -->  standard output
# or
# /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/igmp.c,v  -->  stdout
# revision
# /*
	$_ = <RCS>;
	if (/^(\S+),v\s+-->\s+st(andar)?d ?out(put)?\s*$/o && $1 eq $fullname) {
	    # As expected
	} else {
	    &fatal("500 Internal Error",
		"Unexpected output from co: $_");
	$_ = <RCS>;
	if (/^revision\s+$rev\s*$/) {
	    # As expected
	} else {
	    &fatal("500 Internal Error",
		"Unexpected output from co: $_");
	$| = 1;
	print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
	print <RCS>;

sub dodiff {
	local($fullname, $r1, $tr1, $r2, $tr2, $f) = @_;

	if ($r1 =~ /([^:]+)(:(.+))?/) {
	    $rev1 = $1;
	    $sym1 = $3;
	if ($rev1 eq 'text') {
	    $rev1 = $tr1;
	if ($r2 =~ /([^:]+)(:(.+))?/) {
	    $rev2 = $1;
	    $sym2 = $3;
	if ($rev2 eq 'text') {
	    $rev2 = $tr2;
	if (!($rev1 =~ /^[\d\.]+$/) || !($rev2 =~ /^[\d\.]+$/)) {
	    &fatal("404 Not Found",
		    "Malformed query \"$ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}\"");
# rev1 and rev2 are now both numeric revisions.
# Thus we do a DWIM here and swap them if rev1 is after rev2.
# XXX should we warn about the fact that we do this?
	if (&revcmp($rev1,$rev2) > 0) {
	    ($tmp1, $tmp2) = ($rev1, $sym1);
	    ($rev1, $sym1) = ($rev2, $sym2);
	    ($rev2, $sym2) = ($tmp1, $tmp2);
#	XXX Putting '-p' here is a personal preference
	if ($f eq 'c') {
	    $difftype = '-p -c';
	    $diffname = "Context diff";
	} elsif ($f eq 's') {
	    $difftype = '--side-by-side --width=164';
	    $diffname = "Side by Side";
	} else {
	    $difftype = '-p -u';
	    $diffname = "Unidiff";
# XXX should this just be text/plain
# or should it have an HTML header and then a <pre>
	print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
	open(RCSDIFF, "rcsdiff $difftype -r$rev1 -r$rev2 '$fullname' 2>&1 |") ||
	    &fail("500 Internal Error", "Couldn't rcsdiff: $!");
#RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c,v
#retrieving revision 1.16
#retrieving revision 1.17
#diff -c -r1.16 -r1.17
#*** /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/11/03 22:08:08     1.16
#--- /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/12/05 17:46:35     1.17
# Ideas:
# - nuke the stderr output if it's what we expect it to be
# - Add "no differences found" if the diff command supplied no output.
#*** src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/11/03 22:08:08     1.16
#--- src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/12/05 17:46:35     1.17 RELENG_2_1_0
# (bogus example, but...)
	if ($difftype eq '-u') {
	    $f1 = '---';
	    $f2 = '\+\+\+';
	} else {
	    $f1 = '\*\*\*';
	    $f2 = '---';
	while (<RCSDIFF>) {
	    if (m|^$f1 $cvsroot|o) {
		if ($sym1) {
		    $_ .= " " . $sym1 . "\n";
	    } elsif (m|^$f2 $cvsroot|o) {
		if ($sym2) {
		    $_ .= " " . $sym2 . "\n";
	    print $_;

sub dolog {
	local($fullname) = @_;
	local($curbranch,$symnames);	#...

	print("Going to rlog '$fullname'\n") if ($verbose);
	open(RCS, "rlog '$fullname'|") || &fatal("500 Internal Error",
						"Failed to spawn rlog");
	while (<RCS>) {
	    print if ($verbose);
	    if (/^branch:\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
		$curbranch = $1;
	    if ($symnames) {
		if (/^\s+([^:]+):\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
		    $symrev{$1} = $2;
		    if ($revsym{$2}) {
			$revsym{$2} .= ", ";
		    $revsym{$2} .= $1;
		} else {
		    $symnames = 0;
	    } elsif (/^symbolic names/) {
		$symnames = 1;
	    } elsif (/^-----/) {

	if ($onlyonbranch = $input{'only_on_branch'}) {
	    ($onlyonbranch = $symrev{$onlyonbranch}) =~ s/\.0\././;
	    ($onlybranchpoint = $onlyonbranch) =~ s/\.\d+$//;

# each log entry is of the form:
# ----------------------------
# revision
# date: 1995/11/29 22:15:52;  author: fenner;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -3
# log info
# ----------------------------
	while (!/^=========/) {
	    $_ = <RCS>;
	    last logentry if (!defined($_));	# EOF
	    print "R:", $_ if ($verbose);
	    if (/^revision ([\d\.]+)/) {
		$rev = $1;
	    } elsif (/^========/ || /^----------------------------$/) {
		next logentry;
	    } else {
		# The rlog output is syntactically ambiguous.  We must
		# have guessed wrong about where the end of the last log
		# message was.
		# Since this is likely to happen when people put rlog output
		# in their commit messages, don't even bother keeping
		# these lines since we don't know what revision they go with
		# any more.
		next logentry;
#		&fatal("500 Internal Error","Error parsing RCS output: $_");
	    $_ = <RCS>;
	    print "D:", $_ if ($verbose);
	    if (m|^date:\s+(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+);\s+author:\s+(\S+);\s+state:\s+(\S+);|) {
		$yr = $1;
		# damn 2-digit year routines
		if ($yr > 100) {
		    $yr -= 1900;
		$date{$rev} = &timelocal($6,$5,$4,$3,$2 - 1,$yr);
		$author{$rev} = $7;
		$state{$rev} = $8;
	    } else {
		&fatal("500 Internal Error", "Error parsing RCS output: $_");
	    while (<RCS>) {
		print "L:", $_ if ($verbose);
		next line if (/^branches:\s/);
		last line if (/^----------------------------$/ || /^=========/);
		$log{$rev} .= $_;
	    print "E:", $_ if ($verbose);
	print "Done reading RCS file\n" if ($verbose);
# Sort the revisions into commit-date order.
	@revorder = sort {$date{$b} <=> $date{$a}} keys %date;
	print "Done sorting revisions\n" if ($verbose);
# HEAD is an artificial tag which is simply the highest tag number on the main
# branch, unless there is a branch tag in the RCS file in which case it's the
# highest revision on that branch.  Find it by looking through @revorder; it
# is the first commit listed on the appropriate branch.
	$headrev = $curbranch || "1";
	for ($i = 0; $i <= $#revorder; $i++) {
	    if ($revorder[$i] =~ /^(\S*)\.\d+$/ && $headrev eq $1) {
		if ($revsym{$revorder[$i]}) {
		    $revsym{$revorder[$i]} .= ", ";
		$revsym{$revorder[$i]} .= "HEAD";
		$symrev{"HEAD"} = $revorder[$i];
		last revision;
	print "Done finding HEAD\n" if ($verbose);
# Now that we know all of the revision numbers, we can associate
# absolute revision numbers with all of the symbolic names, and
# pass them to the form so that the same association doesn't have
# to be built then.
# should make this a case-insensitive sort
	foreach (sort keys %symrev) {
	    $rev = $symrev{$_};
	    if ($rev =~ /^(\d+(\.\d+)+)\.0\.(\d+)$/) {
		push(@branchnames, $_);
		# A revision number of A.B.0.D really translates into
		# "the highest current revision on branch A.B.D".
		# If there is no branch A.B.D, then it translates into
		# the head A.B .
		$head = $1;
		$branch = $3;
		$regex = $head . "." . $branch;
		$regex =~ s/\./\./g;
		#             <
		#           \____/
		$rev = $head;

		foreach $r (@revorder) {
		    if ($r =~ /^${regex}/) {
			$rev = $head . "." . $branch;
			last revision;
		$revsym{$rev} .= ", " if ($revsym{$rev});
		$revsym{$rev} .= $_;
		if ($rev ne $head) {
		    $branchpoint{$head} .= ", " if ($branchpoint{$head});
		    $branchpoint{$head} .= $_;
	    $sel .= "<OPTION VALUE=\"${rev}:${_}\">$_\n";
	print "Done associating revisions with branches\n" if ($verbose);
        print &html_header("CVS log for $where");
	($upwhere = $where) =~ s|(Attic/)?[^/]+$||;
	print "Up to ", &link($upwhere,$scriptname . "/" . $upwhere . $query);
	print "<BR>\n";
	print "<A HREF=\"#diff\">Request diff between arbitrary revisions</A>\n";
	print "<HR NOSHADE>\n";
	if ($curbranch) {
	    print "Default branch is ";
	    print ($revsym{$curbranch} || $curbranch);
	} else {
	    print "No default branch";
	print "<BR><HR NOSHADE>\n";
# The other possible U.I. I can see is to have each revision be hot
# and have the first one you click do ?r1=foo
# and since there's no r2 it keeps going & the next one you click
# adds ?r2=foo and performs the query.
# I suppose there's no reason we can't try both and see which one
# people prefer...

	for ($i = 0; $i <= $#revorder; $i++) {
	    $_ = $revorder[$i];
	    ($br = $_) =~ s/\.\d+$//;
	    next if ($onlyonbranch && $br ne $onlyonbranch &&
					    $_ ne $onlybranchpoint);
	    print "<a NAME=\"rev$_\"></a>";
	    foreach $sym (split(", ", $revsym{$_})) {
		print "<a NAME=\"$sym\"></a>";
	    if ($revsym{$br} && !$nameprinted{$br}) {
		foreach $sym (split(", ", $revsym{$br})) {
		    print "<a NAME=\"$sym\"></a>";
	    print "\n";
	    print "<A HREF=\"$scriptwhere?rev=$_" . 
		&cvsroot . "\"><b>$_</b></A>";
	    if (/^1\.1\.1\.\d+$/) {
		print " <i>(vendor branch)</i>";
	    print " <i>" . &ctime($date{$_}) . " UTC</i> by ";
	    print "<i>" . $author{$_} . "</i>\n";
	    if ($revsym{$_}) {
		print "<BR>CVS Tags: <b>$revsym{$_}</b>";
	    if ($revsym{$br})  {
		if ($revsym{$_}) {
		    print "; ";
		} else {
		    print "<BR>";
		print "Branch: <b>$revsym{$br}</b>\n";
	    if ($branchpoint{$_}) {
		if ($revsym{$br} || $revsym{$_}) {
		    print "; ";
		} else {
		    print "<BR>";
		print "Branch point for: <b>$branchpoint{$_}</b>\n";
	    # Find the previous revision on this branch.
	    @prevrev = split(/\./, $_);
	    if (--$prevrev[$#prevrev] == 0) {
		# If it was X.Y.Z.1, just make it X.Y
		if ($#prevrev > 1) {
		} else {
		    # It was rev 1.1 (XXX does CVS use revisions
		    # greater than 1.x?)
		    if ($prevrev[0] != 1) {
			print "<i>* I can't figure out the previous revision! *</i>\n";
	    if ($prevrev[$#prevrev] != 0) {
		$prev = join(".", @prevrev);
		print "<BR><A HREF=\"${scriptwhere}.diff?r1=$prev";
		print "&r2=$_" . &cvsroot . "\">Diffs to $prev</A>\n";
		# Plus, if it's on a branch, and it's not a vendor branch,
		# offer to diff with the immediately-preceding commit if it
		# is not the previous revision as calculated above
		# and if it is on the HEAD (or at least on a higher branch)
		# (e.g. change gets committed and then brought
		# over to -stable)
		if (!/^1\.1\.1\.\d+$/ && ($i != $#revorder) &&
					($prev ne $revorder[$i+1])) {
		    @tmp1 = split(/\./, $revorder[$i+1]);
		    @tmp2 = split(/\./, $_);
		    if ($#tmp1 < $#tmp2) {
			print "; <A HREF=\"${scriptwhere}.diff?r1=$revorder[$i+1]";
			print "&r2=$_" . &cvsroot .
                            "\">Diffs to $revorder[$i+1]</A>\n";
	    if ($state{$_} eq "dead") {
		print "<BR><B><I>FILE REMOVED</I></B>\n";
	    print "<PRE>\n";
	    print &htmlify($log{$_}, 1);
	    print "</PRE><HR NOSHADE>\n";
	print "<A NAME=diff>\n";
	print "This form allows you to request diff's between any two\n";
	print "revisions of a file.  You may select a symbolic revision\n";
	print "name using the selection box or you may type in a numeric\n";
	print "name using the type-in text box.\n";
	print "</A><P>\n";
	print "<FORM METHOD=\"GET\" ACTION=\"${scriptwhere}.diff\">\n";
        print "<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=\"cvsroot\" VALUE=\"$cvstree\">\n"
             if &cvsroot;
	print "Diffs between \n";
	print "<SELECT NAME=\"r1\">\n";
	print "<OPTION VALUE=\"text\" SELECTED>Use Text Field\n";
	print $sel;
	print "</SELECT>\n";
	print "<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"tr1\" VALUE=\"$revorder[$#revorder]\">\n";
	print " and \n";
	print "<SELECT NAME=\"r2\">\n";
	print "<OPTION VALUE=\"text\" SELECTED>Use Text Field\n";
	print $sel;
	print "</SELECT>\n";
	print "<INPUT TYPE=\"TEXT\" NAME=\"tr2\" VALUE=\"$revorder[0]\">\n";
	print "<BR><INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=\"f\" VALUE=u CHECKED>Unidiff<br>\n";
	print "<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=\"f\" VALUE=c>Context diff<br>\n";
	print "<INPUT TYPE=RADIO NAME=\"f\" VALUE=s>Side-by-Side<br>\n";
	print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"Get Diffs\">\n";
	print "</FORM>\n";
	print "<HR noshade>\n";
	print "<A name=branch>\n";
	print "You may select to see revision information from only\n";
	print "a single branch.\n";
	print "</A><P>\n";
	print "<FORM METHOD=\"GET\" ACTION=\"$scriptwhere\">\n";
        print qq{<input type=hidden name=cvsroot value=$cvstree>\n}
             if &cvsroot;
	print "Branch: \n";
	print "<SELECT NAME=\"only_on_branch\">\n";
	print "<OPTION VALUE=\"\"";
	print " SELECTED" if ($input{"only_on_branch"} eq "");
	print ">Show all branches\n";
	foreach (sort @branchnames) {
		print "<OPTION";
		print " SELECTED" if ($input{"only_on_branch"} eq $_);
		print ">${_}\n";
	print "</SELECT>\n";
	print "<INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT VALUE=\"View Branch\">\n";
	print "</FORM>\n";
        print &html_footer;
	print "</BODY></HTML>\n";

sub cvsroot {
    return '' if $cvstree eq $cvstreedefault;
    return "&cvsroot=" . $cvstree;