CVS log for mandoc/html.c

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: VERSION_1_11_1

Revision 1.131 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Tue Mar 22 14:05:45 2011 UTC (13 years, 2 months ago) by kristaps
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: VERSION_1_11_1
Changes since 1.130: +1 -9 lines
Diff to previous 1.130 (colored)

Move mandoc_isdelim() back into libmdoc.h.  This fixes an unreported
error where (1) -man pages were punctuating delimiters (e.g., `.B a ;')
and where (2) standalone punctuation in -mdoc or -man (e.g., ";" on its
own line) would also be punctuated.  This introduces a small amount of
complexity of mdoc_{html,term}.c must manage their own spacing with
running print_word() or print_text().  The check for delimiting now
happens in mdoc_macro.c's dword().

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