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File: [cvsweb.bsd.lv] / mandoc / mandoc.css (download)

Revision 1.24, Tue May 8 17:52:55 2018 UTC (6 years, 4 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.23: +25 -9 lines

Switch the emitted HTML element from <b> to <code> for the fixed
syntax element macros .Nm, .Fl, .Cm, .Ic, .In, .Fd, .Fn, and .Cd.
Adjust both the internal and external style sheets such that
rendering remains unchanged in typical browsers.

Based on feedback from John Gardner <gardnerjohng at gmail dot com>.

/* $Id: mandoc.css,v 1.24 2018/05/08 17:52:55 schwarze Exp $ */
 * Standard style sheet for mandoc(1) -Thtml and man.cgi(8).

/* Global defaults. */

html {		max-width: 100ex; }
body {		font-family: Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
table {		margin-top: 0em;
		margin-bottom: 0em; }
td {		vertical-align: top; }
ul, ol, dl {	margin-top: 0em;
		margin-bottom: 0em; }
li, dt {	margin-top: 1em; }

a.permalink {	border-bottom: thin dotted;
		color: inherit;
		font: inherit;
		text-decoration: inherit; }
* {		clear: both }

/* Search form and search results. */

fieldset {	border: thin solid silver;
		border-radius: 1em;
		text-align: center; }
input[name=expr] {
		width: 25%; }

table.results {	margin-top: 1em;
		margin-left: 2em;
		font-size: smaller; }

/* Header and footer lines. */

table.head {	width: 100%;
		border-bottom: 1px dotted #808080;
		margin-bottom: 1em;
		font-size: smaller; }
td.head-vol {	text-align: center; }
td.head-rtitle {
		text-align: right; }
span.Nd { }

table.foot {	width: 100%;
		border-top: 1px dotted #808080;
		margin-top: 1em;
		font-size: smaller; }
td.foot-os {	text-align: right; }

/* Sections and paragraphs. */

div.manual-text {
		margin-left: 5ex; }
h1.Sh {		margin-top: 2ex;
		margin-bottom: 1ex;
		margin-left: -4ex;
		font-size: 110%; }
h2.Ss {		margin-top: 2ex;
		margin-bottom: 1ex;
		margin-left: -2ex;
		font-size: 105%; }
div.Pp {	margin: 1ex 0ex; }
a.Sx { }
a.Xr { }

/* Displays and lists. */

div.Bd { }
div.D1 {	margin-left: 5ex; }

ul.Bl-bullet {	list-style-type: disc;
		padding-left: 1em; }
li.It-bullet { }
ul.Bl-dash {	list-style-type: none;
		padding-left: 0em; }
li.It-dash:before {
		content: "\2014  "; }
ul.Bl-item {	list-style-type: none;
		padding-left: 0em; }
li.It-item { }
ul.Bl-compact > li {
		margin-top: 0ex; }

ol.Bl-enum {	padding-left: 2em; }
li.It-enum { }
ol.Bl-compact > li {
		margin-top: 0ex; }

dl.Bl-diag { }
dt.It-diag { }
dd.It-diag {	margin-left: 0ex; }
b.It-diag {	font-style: normal; }
dl.Bl-hang { }
dt.It-hang { }
dd.It-hang {	margin-left: 10.2ex; }
dl.Bl-inset { }
dt.It-inset { }
dd.It-inset {	margin-left: 0ex; }
dl.Bl-ohang { }
dt.It-ohang { }
dd.It-ohang {	margin-left: 0ex; }
dl.Bl-tag {	margin-left: 10.2ex; }
dt.It-tag {	float: left;
		margin-top: 0ex;
		margin-left: -10.2ex;
		padding-right: 2ex;
		vertical-align: top; }
dd.It-tag {	clear: right;
		width: 100%;
		margin-top: 0ex;
		margin-left: 0ex;
		vertical-align: top;
		overflow: auto; }
dl.Bl-compact > dt {
		margin-top: 0ex; }

table.Bl-column { }
tr.It-column { }
td.It-column {	margin-top: 1em; }
table.Bl-compact > tbody > tr > td {
		margin-top: 0ex; }

cite.Rs {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: normal; }
span.RsA { }
i.RsB {		font-weight: normal; }
span.RsC { }
span.RsD { }
i.RsI {		font-weight: normal; }
i.RsJ {		font-weight: normal; }
span.RsN { }
span.RsO { }
span.RsP { }
span.RsQ { }
span.RsR { }
span.RsT {	text-decoration: underline; }
a.RsU { }
span.RsV { }

span.eqn { }
table.tbl { }

/* Semantic markup for command line utilities. */

table.Nm { }
code.Nm {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
code.Fl {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
code.Cm {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
var.Ar {	font-style: italic;
		font-weight: normal; }
span.Op { }
code.Ic {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
code.Ev {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: normal;
		font-family: monospace; }
i.Pa {		font-weight: normal; }

/* Semantic markup for function libraries. */

span.Lb { }
code.In {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
a.In { }
code.Fd {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
var.Ft {	font-style: italic;
		font-weight: normal; }
code.Fn {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
var.Fa {	font-style: italic;
		font-weight: normal; }
var.Vt {	font-style: italic;
		font-weight: normal; }
var.Va {	font-style: italic;
		font-weight: normal; }
code.Dv {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: normal;
		font-family: monospace; }
code.Er {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: normal;
		font-family: monospace; }

/* Various semantic markup. */

span.An { }
a.Lk { }
a.Mt { }
code.Cd {	font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold;
		font-family: inherit; }
i.Ad {		font-weight: normal; }
b.Ms {		font-style: normal; }
span.St { }
a.Ux { }

/* Physical markup. */

.No {		font-style: normal;
		font-weight: normal; }
.Em {		font-style: italic;
		font-weight: normal; }
.Sy {		font-style: normal;
		font-weight: bold; }
.Li {		font-style: normal;
		font-weight: normal;
		font-family: monospace; }