CVS log for mandoc/mdoc_macro.c

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: VERSION_1_13_3

Revision 1.183 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Thu Feb 12 12:24:33 2015 UTC (9 years, 3 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: VERSION_1_13_3
Changes since 1.182: +78 -110 lines
Diff to previous 1.182 (colored)

Delete the mdoc_node.pending pointer and the function calculating
it, make_pending(), which was the most difficult function of the
whole mdoc(7) parser.  After almost five years of maintaining this
hellhole, i just noticed the pointer isn't needed after all.

Blocks are always rewound in the reverse order they were opened;
that even holds for broken blocks.  Consequently, it is sufficient
to just mark broken blogs with the flag MDOC_BROKEN and breaking
blocks with the flag MDOC_ENDED.  When rewinding, instead of iterating
the pending pointers, just iterate from each broken block to its
parents, rewinding all that are MDOC_ENDED and stopping after
processing the first ancestor that it not MDOC_BROKEN.  For ENDBODY
markers, use the mdoc_node.body pointer in place of the former

This also fixes an assertion failure found by jsg@ with afl,
test case #467 (Bo Bl It Bd Bc It), where (surprise surprise)
the pending pointer got corrupted.

Improved functionality, minus one function, minus one struct field,
minus 50 lines of code.

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