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File: [cvsweb.bsd.lv] / mandoc / regress / mdoc / Dt / Makefile (download)

Revision 1.3, Wed Mar 8 22:54:43 2017 UTC (7 years, 2 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: VERSION_1_14_6, VERSION_1_14_5, VERSION_1_14_4, VERSION_1_14_3, VERSION_1_14_2, HEAD
Changes since 1.2: +1 -2 lines

Now that markdown output is tested for almost everything, test all
input files in -T markdown output mode by default and only mark
those files with SKIP_MARKDOWN that are not to be tested.
Much easier to read, and almost minus 40 lines of Makefile code.

# $OpenBSD: Makefile,v 1.6 2015/02/16 19:02:32 schwarze Exp $

REGRESS_TARGETS	 = badsec case dupe fourargs late
REGRESS_TARGETS	+= missing noarg nobody nosec order
LINT_TARGETS	 = badsec case dupe fourargs late
LINT_TARGETS	+= missing noarg nobody nosec order

SKIP_GROFF	 = badsec nobody
SKIP_ASCII	 = badsec

# When the section is missing from the man(7) .TH title line,
# empty parentheses are shown in the page header.
# When the section is missing from the mdoc(7) .Dt title line,
# no empty parentheses are shown in the page header.
# Hence, there is no bug-compatible translation from mdoc(7)
# to man(7) for this case.  That's not mandoc(1)'s fault.

SKIP_TMAN	 = fourargs late missing noarg nosec

.include <bsd.regress.mk>