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File: [cvsweb.bsd.lv] / mandoc / regress / mdoc / Os / dupe.out_lint (download)

Revision 1.6, Sun Jan 19 16:44:53 2020 UTC (4 years, 4 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: VERSION_1_14_6, HEAD
Changes since 1.5: +2 -2 lines

Align to the new, sane behaviour of the groff_mdoc(7) .Dd macro:
without an argument, use the empty string, and always concatenate
all arguments, no matter their number.
This allows reducing the number of arguments of mandoc_normdate()
and some other simplifications, at the same time polishing some
error messages by adding the name of the macro in question.

mandoc: dupe.in:3:5: STYLE: operating system explicitly specified: Os NetBSD (NetBSD)
mandoc: dupe.in:2:5: STYLE: Mdocdate found: Dd $Mdocdate: January 19 2020 $ (NetBSD)
mandoc: dupe.in:4:2: WARNING: prologue macros out of order: Dt after Os
mandoc: dupe.in:5:2: ERROR: duplicate prologue macro: Os
mandoc: dupe.in:5:5: STYLE: operating system explicitly specified: Os FreeBSD (NetBSD)
mandoc: dupe.in:2:5: STYLE: Mdocdate found: Dd $Mdocdate: January 19 2020 $ (NetBSD)
mandoc: dupe.in:11:2: ERROR: duplicate prologue macro: Os
mandoc: dupe.in:11:5: STYLE: operating system explicitly specified: Os OpenBSD (NetBSD)
mandoc: dupe.in: STYLE: RCS id missing: (NetBSD)