CVS log for mandoc/regress/roff/esc/

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Default branch: MAIN
Current tag: MAIN

Revision 1.1 / (download) - annotate - [select for diffs], Wed Apr 13 13:19:36 2022 UTC (2 years, 2 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN

Surprisingly, groff supports multiple copy mode escapes at the
beginning of an escape sequence: \, \E, \EE, \EEE, and so on all do
the same outside copy mode, so let them do the same in mandoc(1), too.

This fixes an assertion failure triggered by \EE*X that tb@ found
with afl(1).  The first E was consumed by roff_expand(), but that
function failed to recognize the escape sequence as the expansion
of a user-defined string and handed it over to mandoc_escape(),
which consumed the second E and then died on an assertion because
it is not prepared to handle user-defined strings.  Fix this by
letting *both* functions handle arbitrary numbers of 'E's correctly.

This form allows you to request diff's between any two revisions of a file. You may select a symbolic revision name using the selection box or you may type in a numeric name using the type-in text box.
