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Annotation of mandoc/regress/roff/esc/z.out_ascii, Revision 1.1

1.1     ! schwarze    1: ESC-Z(1)                    General Commands Manual                   ESC-Z(1)
        !             2:
        !             3: NNAAMMEE
        !             4:      eesscc--zz - the roff escape z sequence
        !             5:
        !             6: DDEESSCCRRIIPPTTIIOONN
        !             7:      single z with ASCII char: >x<
        !             8:      single z with escape char: >O<
        !             9:      single z with defined string (mytext): >mytext<
        !            10:      single z with font escape: >xxbboolldd<
        !            11:      single z with nospace escape: > new line<
        !            12:      single z with overstrike: >abc<
        !            13:      single z near the end of the line: ><
        !            14:      double z: >x<
        !            15:
        !            16: OpenBSD                         April 29, 2015                         OpenBSD
