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Revision 1.7, Mon Nov 17 18:46:23 2014 UTC (9 years, 6 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.6: +17 -2 lines

version 0.1 and some Makefile tweaks

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			<span class="nm">pod2mdoc</span>
			<span class="nd">Convert POD data to mdoc input</span>
				<span>version <span>@VERSION@</span></span>
				<span><a href="snapshots/pod2mdoc.tgz">Sources</a></span>
				<span><a href="snapshots">Archives</a></span>
				The <span class="nm">pod2mdoc</span> utility is a converter from <a
					href="http://perldoc.perl.org/perlpod.html">POD</a> into <a
				It's meant to operate like <a class="nm" href="http://perldoc.perl.org/pod2man.html">pod2man</a>; however, it
				doesn't require a <a href="http://www.perl.org/">Perl</a> installation: <span class="nm">pod2mdoc</span> is a
				standalone <a rel="license"
					href="https://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license/">ISC</a>-licensed ISO C utility
				and should compile on any modern UNIX system.
				Be aware, as stated in the <a href="pod2mdoc.1.html">manual</a>:
				By way of being a presentational language, POD is not well-represented
				by mdoc(7).
				Semantic content must be inferred and may be wrong.
				The <span class="nm">pod2mdoc</span> utility is still in an early stage of development and far from complete.
				However, when translating the <a href="http://www.libressl.org/">LibreSSL</a> <code>-lssl</code> manuals,
				it has been shown that with some manual postprocessing, it is already usable for real-world tasks.
				Contact the <a href="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/contact.html">mandoc developers</a> with questions,
				but please make sure any formatting issue
				hasn't already been covered in the <a href="pod2mdoc.1.html">manual</a>.
				In addition to the release notes given below, a full <a href="ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a> is available.
				New in version 0.1 (November 17, 2014)
				Simple <code>Ft/Fo/Fa/Fc</code> parser and formatter for the SYNOPSIS.
				New in version 0.0.13 (July 19, 2014)
				Proper translation of POD commands
				and formatting codes into mdoc macros,
				including correct whitespace handling.
				Only capital ASCII letters A-Z
				can start a formatting code.
				Do not skip the content of invalid
				formatting codes.
				Improved handling of filename extensions.
				New in version 0.0.12 (July 11, 2014)
				Render <code>B&lt;NULL&gt;</code> as <code>.Dv NULL</code>.
				Correctly check the number of arguments.
				Show the usage() message if there are too many arguments.
				Mention the optional "file" argument in the usage() message.
				New in version 0.0.11 (April 7, 2014)
				Properly render <code>#include</code> in the SYNOPSIS with <code>In</code>.
				Handle nested escape codes in <code>L&lt;&gt;</code> links (and ignore them).
				Properly consume whitespace following <code>X&lt;&gt;</code> and <code>N&lt;&gt;</code>.
			&#169; 2014 <a href="http://kristaps.bsd.lv">Kristaps Dzonsons</a> and Ingo Schwarze,
			$Date: 2014/11/17 18:46:23 $