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Revision 1.4, Mon Feb 23 22:50:11 2015 UTC (9 years, 6 months ago) by kristaps
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.3: +22 -22 lines

Add reading initial file from stdin.
Ignore some more macros from in GMP.

<!DOCTYPE html>
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		<title>texi2mdoc | Convert texinfo data to mdoc input </title>
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			body > header h1 { margin: 0; font-weight: normal; }
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			<div>Convert Texinfo data to mdoc input</div>
			<div>Version <span>@VERSION@</span></div>
			<div><a href="snapshots/texi2mdoc.tgz">Sources</a></div>
			<div><a href="snapshots/texi2mdoc.tgz.sha512">SHA512</a></div>
			<div><a href="snapshots">Archives</a></div>
				The <span class="nm">texi2mdoc</span> utility is a converter from <a
					href="http://www.gnu.org/software/texinfo/">Texinfo</a> into <a
				It is a standalone <a rel="license"
					href="https://www.isc.org/downloads/software-support-policy/isc-license/">ISC</a>-licensed ISO C utility
				and should compile on any modern UNIX system.
				Contact <a href="http://kristaps.bsd.lv">Kristaps</a> with questions, but please make sure any formatting issue
				hasn't already been covered in the <a href="texi2mdoc.1.html">manual</a>.
				<span class="nm">texi2mdoc</span> is available over <a href="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/anoncvs.html">anoncvs</a>,
				with the module being <q>texi2mdoc</q> instead of <q>mdocml</q> as noted in the instructions.
				You can also browse via <a href="http://mdocml.bsd.lv/cgi-bin/cvsweb/?cvsroot=texi2mdoc">cvsweb</a>.
			<nav data-sblg-nav="1" data-sblg-navsz="4" data-sblg-navcontent="1">
				Version <span class="version">${sblg-title}</span> (<time datetime="${sblg-date}">${sblg-date}</time>): ${sblg-aside}
			&#169; 2015 <a href="http://kristaps.bsd.lv">Kristaps Dzonsons</a>