#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright (c) 2020 Ingo Schwarze # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std qw(getopts); our ($opt_a, $opt_b, $opt_c, $opt_L, $opt_n, $opt_p, $opt_s); my %accounts; # {ano}{type, text}; from pta-accounts(5) my %alist; # {ano}{subname, ''}[]; contains lists of entries my %cclist; # {cc}{ano}[]; contains lists of entries my %entry; # {year, month, day, date, id, contra, # amount, rel, old, days, skip, cc, text, sum} my %prices; # {cc}{year, month, day, date, days, price} my %profit; # {cc}[]; contains lists of profit entries my %ptot; # {cc}{profit, percent, capital, pcpa, days} my %atypes = ( A => 'Assets', Q => 'Equity', L => 'Liabilities', R => 'Revenue', S => 'Statistical accounts', X => 'Expenses', ); my $translations = { de => { 'Account list' => 'Kontenblatt', 'Assets' => 'Aktiva', 'Balance sheet' => 'Bilanz', 'change in price' => 'Kursaenderung', 'Cost center' => 'Kostenstelle', 'current period' => 'aktuelle Periode', 'Equity' => 'Eigenkapital', 'Expenses' => 'Aufwand', 'Liabilities' => 'Fremdkapital', 'loss' => 'Verlust', 'mismatch' => 'Diskrepanz', 'Partial balance sheet' => 'Teilbilanz', 'previous years' => 'Vorjahre', 'profit' => 'Gewinn', 'Profits and losses' => 'Gewinne und Verluste', 'Revenue' => 'Ertrag', 'since' => 'seit', 'Statistical accounts' => 'Statistische Konten', 'Subaccount list' => 'Unterkontenblatt', 'total' => 'Summe', 'total assets' => 'Bilanzsumme', 'total loss' => 'Gesamtverlust', 'total profit' => 'Gesamtgewinn', } }; # === SUBROUTINES ===================================================== sub translate ($) { my $en = shift; return $translations ? $translations->{$en} : $en; } sub translate_type ($) { my $type = shift; my $en = $atypes{substr $type, 0, 1} || '?'; return translate $en || $type; } # Handles account entries (not journal entries) with respect to # subaccounts, running totals, cost centers, # and realized profits and losses in the profit table, # but does not handle unrealized profits and losses. sub make_entry (\%$) { my ($entry, $ano) = @_; my $sub = $accounts{$ano}{type} =~ /[RX]/ && $entry->{text} =~ s/\((.*?)\) *// ? $1 : ''; my $old = $alist{$ano}{$sub} ? $alist{$ano}{$sub}[-1]{sum} : 0; push @{$alist{$ano}{$sub}}, {%$entry, sum => $old + $entry->{amount}}; my $cc = $entry->{cc} or return; $old = $cclist{$cc}{$ano} ? $cclist{$cc}{$ano}[-1]{sum} : 0; push @{$cclist{$cc}{$ano}}, {%$entry, sum => $old + $entry->{amount}}; push @{$profit{$cc}}, { %$entry, old => $prices{$cc}{price}, amount => -$entry->{amount}, rel => -$entry->{amount} / $prices{$cc}{price}, } if $accounts{$ano}{type} =~ /p/; } # For account lists, not for balance sheets. sub print_amount ($) { my $amount = shift; if ($amount < 0) { printf "%9s %9.2f", '', -$amount; } else { printf "%9.2f %9s", $amount, ''; } } sub print_amount_text ($$) { my ($entry, $account) = @_; print_amount $entry->{amount}; printf " %10.2f %s\n", $entry->{sum} * ($account->{type} =~ /[ASX]/ ? 1 : -1), $entry->{text}; } # For balance sheets, not for account lists. sub print_sum ($$$$$) { my ($list, $ano, $indent, $debit, $credit) = @_; my $type = $accounts{$ano}{type}; my $amount = $list->[-1]{sum}; printf "%*s%05u ", $indent, '', $ano; if ($type =~ /[AX]/ || ($type eq 'S' && $amount >= 0)) { printf "%9.2f %9s", $amount, ''; $$debit += $amount; } else { printf "%9s %9.2f", '', -$amount; $$credit -= $amount; } printf " %s\n", $accounts{$ano}{text}; } sub usage () { printf STDERR "usage: %s [-abcnps] [-L de]\n", $0; exit 1; } # === MAIN PROGRAM ===================================================== getopts 'abcL:nps' or usage; $opt_a = $opt_b = $opt_c = $opt_p = $opt_s = 1 unless $opt_a || $opt_b || $opt_c || $opt_n || $opt_p || $opt_s; $opt_L ||= 'en'; if ($opt_L eq 'de') { $translations = $translations->{$opt_L}; } elsif ($opt_L eq 'en') { undef $opt_L; undef $translations; } else { printf STDERR "unsupported language %s\n", $opt_L; usage; } my $fn = 'accounts.txt'; open my $in, $fn or die "$fn: $!"; while (<$in>) { chomp; next if /^(?:#|$)/; my $line = $_; s/^(\d+) +// or die "$fn account number parse error: $line"; my $account = {}; $accounts{$1} = $account; s/^([ALQRSX]p?) +// or die "$fn account type parse error: $line"; $account->{type} = $1; $account->{text} = $_; } close $in; # === JOURNAL PARSER =================================================== $fn = 'journal.txt'; open $in, $fn or die "$fn: $!"; while (<$in>) { chomp; next if /^(?:#|$)/; my $line = $_; # --- Subsequent line of a split entry. ------------------------ if (%entry) { s/^ *(\d+) +// or die "$fn split account parse error: $line"; my $ano = $1; /^(-?\d+\.\d+) +(.*)/ or die "$fn split amount parse error: $line"; my ($amount, $text) = ($1, $2); my $cc = $1 if $text =~ s/\[(.*?)\] *//; $accounts{$ano} or die "unknown account $ano: $line"; $amount *= $entry{amount} < 0 ? -1 : +1; # Combine the text on the split side. my $newentry = { %entry, amount => $amount, text => "$entry{text} $text", }; if ($cc) { $newentry->{cc} = $cc; $newentry->{text} = "[$cc] $newentry->{text}"; } make_entry %$newentry, $ano; # Append split account numbers on the combined side. my $contra = $entry{contra}; $alist{$contra}{''}[-1]{text} .= " $ano" unless $alist{$contra}{''}[-1]{text} =~ / $ano/; # If the split side specifies a cost center, # manually create the cost center entry on the combined # side because make_entry was only called once there. if ($cc) { my $old = $cclist{$cc}{$contra} ? $cclist{$cc}{$contra}[-1]{sum} : 0; $newentry->{contra} = $ano; $newentry->{amount} *= -1; $newentry->{sum} = $old - $amount; push @{$cclist{$cc}{$contra}}, $newentry; } # Keep track of the remaining amount. $entry{amount} -= $amount; %entry = () if abs($entry{amount}) < 0.005; next; } # --- Parse a normal journal entry or a price line. ------------ s/^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2}) +// or die "$fn date parse error: $line"; my ($year, $month, $day) = ($1, $2, $3); s/^([A-Z]+(?:\d+\/\d+)?) +// or die "$fn ID parse error: $line"; my $id = $1; s/^(\d+) +// or die "$fn debit account number parse error: $line"; my $debit = $1; my ($credit, $oldpc, $newpc); if (s/^(\d+)#(\d+) +//) { $oldpc = $1; $newpc = $2; } elsif (s/^(\d+) +//) { $credit = $1; } else { die "$fn credit account number parse error: $line"; } /^(\d+\.\d+) +(.*)/ or die "$fn amount parse error: $line"; my ($amount, $text) = ($1, $2); my $cc = $1 if $text =~ /\[(.*?)\]/; # --- Handle a price line. ------------------------------------- if ($oldpc || $newpc) { defined $cc or die "$fn price without cost center: $line"; my $old = $prices{$cc}; my $new = { year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, date => "$year-$month-$day", days => ($month - 1) * 30 + ($day - 1), price => $newpc * $amount, }; $prices{$cc} = $new unless $prices{$cc} && $oldpc == $newpc; next unless $oldpc; # --- Some units were already held. -------------------- my $oldval = $old ? $old->{price} : $cclist{$cc}{$debit}[-1]{sum}; my $diff = $oldpc * $amount - $oldval; my $newprofit = { year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, date => $new->{date}, id => $id, amount => $diff, old => $oldval, rel => $diff / $oldval, text => (sprintf "[%s] %s", $cc, (translate 'change in price')), }; if ($old) { # Record a gain or loss in this period. $newprofit->{olddate} = $old->{date}; $newprofit->{days} = $new->{days} - $old->{days} + ($new->{year} - $old->{year}) * 360; $newprofit->{text} .= sprintf " %s %s (%dd)", (translate 'since'), $old->{date}, $newprofit->{days}; } else { # Record a gain or loss before this period. $newprofit->{skip} = 1; $newprofit->{text} .= sprintf " (%s)", (translate 'previous years'); } push @{$profit{$cc}}, $newprofit; # --- Obsolete one previous line, if needed. ----------- for (my $i = $#{$profit{$cc}} - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { my $oldprofit = $profit{$cc}[$i]; next unless $oldprofit->{olddate}; $oldprofit->{skip} = 1 if $oldprofit->{olddate} eq $old->{date}; last; } next; } # --- Handle a normal journal entry. --------------------------- %entry = ( year => $year, month => $month, day => $day, date => "$year-$month-$day", id => $id, text => $text, cc => $cc, ); if ($debit) { $accounts{$debit} or die "unknown debit account $debit: $line"; my %newentry = (%entry, contra => $credit, amount => $amount); make_entry %newentry, $debit; } else { $credit or die "splitting both sides: $line"; # Remember a credit side split. $entry{contra} = $credit; $entry{amount} = $amount; } if ($credit) { $accounts{$credit} or die "unknown credit account $credit: $line"; my %newentry = (%entry, contra => $debit, amount => -$amount); make_entry %newentry, $credit; # This entry is not split: clear it after processing. %entry = () if $debit; } else { # Remember a debit side split. $entry{contra} = $debit; $entry{amount} = -$amount; } } # The last journal entry is an incomplete split. die "$fn split parse error: EOF" if %entry; close $in; # === OUTPUT =========================================================== for my $ano (sort keys %accounts) { next unless $alist{$ano}; # --- Subaccount lists. ---------------------------------------- if ($opt_s) { for my $sub (sort keys %{$alist{$ano}}) { next if $sub eq ''; printf "\n%s %s %s (%s) %s\n", (translate 'Subaccount list'), $ano, $accounts{$ano}{text}, (translate_type $accounts{$ano}{type}), $sub; for my $entry (@{$alist{$ano}{$sub}}) { printf "%10s %6s %5s ", $entry->{date}, $entry->{id}, $entry->{contra}; print_amount_text $entry, $accounts{$ano}; } } } # --- Account lists. ------------------------------------------- my ($sum, $hassub); if ($alist{$ano}{''}) { $sum = $alist{$ano}{''}[-1]{sum}; } else { $alist{$ano}{''} = []; $sum = 0; } # Entries outside any subaccount. if ($opt_a) { printf "\n%s %s %s (%s)\n", (translate 'Account list'), $ano, $accounts{$ano}{text}, (translate_type $accounts{$ano}{type}); for my $entry (@{$alist{$ano}{''}}) { printf "%10s %6s %5s ", $entry->{date}, $entry->{id}, $entry->{contra}; print_amount_text $entry, $accounts{$ano}; } } # Subaccount balances. for my $sub (sort { $alist{$ano}{$b}[-1]{sum} <=> $alist{$ano}{$a}[-1]{sum} } grep { $_ ne '' } keys %{$alist{$ano}}) { $hassub = 1; $sum += $alist{$ano}{$sub}[-1]{sum}; if ($opt_a) { printf "%24s", ''; print_amount $alist{$ano}{$sub}[-1]{sum}; printf " %10.2f %s\n", $sum * ($accounts{$ano}{type} =~ /[ASX]/ ? 1 : -1), $sub; } } push @{$alist{$ano}{''}}, {sum => $sum} if $hassub; } # --- Balance sheet. --------------------------------------------------- if ($opt_b) { my $debit = 0; my $credit = 0; my $stat; printf "\n%s\n", (translate 'Balance sheet');; for my $ano (sort keys %accounts) { $alist{$ano} or next; if ($accounts{$ano}{type} =~ /S/) { $stat = 1; } else { print_sum $alist{$ano}{''}, $ano, 18, \$debit, \$credit; } } printf "%23s %9.2f %9.2f %s\n", '', $debit, $credit, (translate 'total assets'); printf "%33s %9.2f %s\n", '', $credit - $debit, (translate 'mismatch') if abs($credit - $debit) > 0.005; # --- Statistical accounts. ------------------------------------ if ($stat) { $debit = $credit = 0; printf "\n%s\n", (translate 'Statistical accounts');; for my $ano (sort keys %accounts) { $alist{$ano} && $accounts{$ano}{type} =~ /S/ or next; print_sum $alist{$ano}{''}, $ano, 18, \$debit, \$credit; } printf "%23s %9.2f %9.2f %s\n", '', $debit, $credit, (translate 'total'); printf "%33s %9.2f %s\n", '', $credit - $debit, (translate 'mismatch') if abs($credit - $debit) > 0.005; } } # --- Cost centers. ---------------------------------------------------- for my $cc (sort keys %cclist) { if ($opt_c) { # --- Cost center account lists. ----------------------- printf "\n%s [%s] %s\n", (translate 'Cost center'), $cc, (translate 'Account list'); for my $ano (sort keys %accounts) { next unless $cclist{$cc}{$ano}; printf "%19s %5s %30s *** %s (%s)\n", '', $ano, '', $accounts{$ano}{text}, (translate_type $accounts{$ano}{type}); for my $entry (@{$cclist{$cc}{$ano}}) { printf " %10s %6s %5s ", $entry->{date}, $entry->{id}, $entry->{contra}; print_amount_text $entry, $accounts{$ano}; } } # --- Partial balance sheet. --------------------------- my $debit = 0; my $credit = 0; my $stat; printf "\n%s [%s] %s\n", (translate 'Cost center'), $cc, (translate 'Partial balance sheet'); for my $ano (sort keys %accounts) { $cclist{$cc}{$ano} or next; if ($accounts{$ano}{type} =~ /S/) { $stat = 1; } else { print_sum $cclist{$cc}{$ano}, $ano, 20, \$debit, \$credit; } } printf "%25s %9.2f %9.2f %s\n", '', $debit, $credit, (translate 'total assets'); # --- Cost center statistical accounts. ---------------- if ($stat) { $debit = $credit = 0; printf "\n%s [%s] %s\n", (translate 'Cost center'), $cc, (translate 'Statistical accounts'); for my $ano (sort keys %accounts) { $cclist{$cc}{$ano} && $accounts{$ano}{type} =~ /S/ or next; print_sum $cclist{$cc}{$ano}, $ano, 20, \$debit, \$credit; } printf "%25s %9.2f %9.2f %s\n", '', $debit, $credit, (translate 'total'); } } # --- Cost center profits and losses. -------------------------- if ($opt_p && $profit{$cc}) { printf "\n%s [%s] %s\n", (translate 'Cost center'), $cc, (translate 'Profits and losses'); my $pr = 0; my $days = 0; my $capital = 0; for my $i (0 .. $#{$profit{$cc}}) { my $entry = $profit{$cc}[$i]; printf " %s %6s %8.2f %5.1f%% of %8.2f ", $entry->{date}, $entry->{id}, $entry->{amount}, 100.0 * $entry->{rel}, $entry->{old}; if ($entry->{days}) { printf "%5.1f%% p.a.", 36000.0 * $entry->{rel} / $entry->{days}; } else { printf "%11s", ''; } printf " %s", $entry->{text}; if ($entry->{skip}) { print " --\n"; next; } else { print "\n"; } $pr += $entry->{amount}; next unless $entry->{days}; $days += $entry->{days}; $capital += $entry->{old} * $entry->{days}; } my $entry = { profit => $pr, percent => 100.0 * $pr / $capital * $days, capital => $capital / $days, pcpa => 36000.0 * $pr / $capital, days => $days, }; printf "%19s %8.2f %5.1f%% of %8.2f %5.1f%% p.a. " . "[%s] %s (%s, %dd)\n", '', $pr, $entry->{percent}, $entry->{capital}, $entry->{pcpa}, $cc, translate($pr < 0 ? 'total loss' : 'total profit'), (translate 'current period'), $days; $ptot{$cc} = $entry; } } # --- Global list of profits and losses. ------------------------------- if ($opt_p && %ptot) { my $pr = 0; my $capital = 0; my $maxd = 0; printf "\n%s\n", (translate 'Profits and losses'); for my $cc (sort keys %ptot) { printf "%9.2f %5.1f%% of %9.2f %5.1f%% p.a. %3dd [%s]\n", $ptot{$cc}{profit}, $ptot{$cc}{percent}, $ptot{$cc}{capital}, $ptot{$cc}{pcpa}, $ptot{$cc}{days}, $cc; $pr += $ptot{$cc}{profit}; $capital += $ptot{$cc}{capital} * $ptot{$cc}{days} / 360.0; $maxd = $ptot{$cc}{days} if $maxd < $ptot{$cc}{days}; } printf "%9.2f %5.1f%% of %9.2f %5.1f%% p.a. %3dd %s\n", $pr, 100.0 * $pr / $capital * $maxd / 360.0, 360.0 * $capital / $maxd, 100.0 * $pr / $capital, $maxd, translate($pr < 0 ? 'total loss' : 'total profit'); } exit 0;