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File: [cvsweb.bsd.lv] / cvsweb / cvsweb.cgi (download)

Revision, Sat Mar 17 22:28:31 2007 UTC (17 years, 2 months ago) by simon
Branch: FreeBSD-www-branch
Changes since +4225 -3471 lines

Merge CVSweb 3.0.6 into HEAD.  This was basically done as a manual merge
the relevant parts onto CVSweb 3.0.6 stock files, so it is not entirely
impossible that some local changes were lost, though I don't think/hope

The use of cgi-style.pl was merged by danger@.  He also, together with
Dan Langille, got CVSweb 3 tested against FreshPorts prior to commit, so
this update should not blow up FreshPorts.  Thanks to both for the help.

Note that this now means that the FreeBSD CGI scripts more or less
require perl 5.8 (or at least something newer than 5.0), to run without
local modifications - but people really shouldn't be running perl 5.0
these days anyway... (no comments on the fact that www.FreeBSD.org did
this until ~2 hours ago... ).

#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# cvsweb - a CGI interface to CVS trees.
# Written in their spare time by
#             Bill Fenner          <fenner@FreeBSD.org>   (original work)
# extended by Henner Zeller        <zeller@think.de>,
#             Henrik Nordstrom     <hno@hem.passagen.se>
#             Ken Coar             <coar@Apache.Org>
#             Dick Balaska         <dick@buckosoft.com>
#             Akinori MUSHA        <knu@FreeBSD.org>
#             Jens-Uwe Mager       <jum@helios.de>
#             Ville Skyttä         <scop@FreeBSD.org>
#             Vassilii Khachaturov <vassilii@tarunz.org>
# Based on:
# * Bill Fenners cvsweb.cgi revision 1.28 available from:
#   http://www.FreeBSD.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/www/en/cgi/cvsweb.cgi
# Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Bill Fenner
#           (c) 1998-1999 Henner Zeller
#           (c) 1999      Henrik Nordstrom
#           (c) 2000-2002 Akinori MUSHA
#           (c) 2002-2005 Ville Skyttä
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
# are met:
# 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
#    notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
#    documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# $FreeBSD: www/en/cgi/cvsweb.cgi,v 2007/03/17 21:52:33 simon Exp $
# $zId: cvsweb.cgi,v 1.112 2001/07/24 13:03:16 hzeller Exp $
# $Idaemons: /home/cvs/cvsweb/cvsweb.cgi,v 1.84 2001/10/07 20:50:10 knu Exp $

require 5.006;

use strict;

use warnings;
use filetest qw(access);

use vars qw (
  $VERSION $CheckoutMagic $MimeTypes $DEBUG
  $config $allow_version_select
  @CVSrepositories @CVSROOT %CVSROOT %CVSROOTdescr
  %alltags %fileinfo %tags @branchnames %nameprinted
  %symrev %revsym @allrevisions %date %author @revdisplayorder
  @revisions %state %difflines %log %branchpoint @revorder $keywordsubstitution
  $prcgi @prcategories $re_prcategories $prkeyword $re_prkeyword $mancgi
  $doCheckout $scriptname $scriptwhere
  $where $Browser $nofilelinks $maycompress @stickyvars %funcline_regexp
  $is_links $is_lynx $is_w3m $is_msie $is_mozilla3 $is_textbased
  %input $query $barequery $sortby $bydate $byrev $byauthor
  $bylog $byfile $defaultDiffType $logsort $cvstree $cvsroot
  $charset $output_filter
  @command_path %CMD $allow_compress $backicon $diricon $fileicon $graphicon
  $fullname $cvstreedefault $logo $defaulttitle $address $binfileicon
  $long_intro $short_instruction $shortLogLen $show_author
  $tablepadding $hr_breakable $showfunc $hr_ignwhite $hr_ignkeysubst
  $inputTextSize $mime_types $allow_annotate $allow_markup $allow_mailtos
  $allow_log_extra $allow_dir_extra $allow_source_extra
  $allow_cvsgraph $cvsgraph_config $use_java_script $edit_option_form
  $show_subdir_lastmod $show_log_in_markup $preformat_in_markup
  $tabstop $state $annTable $sel @ForbiddenFiles
  $use_descriptions %descriptions @mytz $dwhere
  $use_moddate $gzip_open $file_list_len
  $allow_tar @tar_options @gzip_options @zip_options @cvs_options
  @annotate_options @rcsdiff_options
  $HTML_DOCTYPE $HTML_META $cssurl $CSS $cvshistory_url
  $allow_enscript @enscript_options %enscript_types

use Cwd                   qw(abs_path);
use File::Basename        qw(dirname);
use File::Path            qw(rmtree);
use File::Spec::Functions qw(canonpath catdir catfile curdir devnull rootdir
                             tmpdir updir);
use File::Temp            qw(tempdir tempfile);
use IPC::Run              qw();
use Time::Local           qw(timegm);
use URI::Escape           qw(uri_escape uri_unescape);

use constant VALID_PATH   => qr/^([[:^cntrl:]]+)$/o;
use constant VALID_TAG1   => qr/^([a-zA-Z][[:graph:]]*)$/o;
use constant VALID_TAG2   => qr/^([^\$,.:;@]+)$/o;
use constant CVSWEBMARKUP => qr{^text/(x-cvsweb|vnd\.viewcvs)-markup$}io;
use constant LOG_FILESEPR => qr/^={77}$/o;
use constant LOG_REVSEPR  => qr/^-{28}$/o;

use constant HAS_ZLIB     => eval { require Compress::Zlib; };
use constant HAS_EDIFF    => eval { require String::Ediff;  };

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

# All global initialization that can be done in compile time should go to
# the BEGIN block.  Persistent environments, such as mod_perl, will benefit
# from this.

  $VERSION = '3.0.6';

    '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ' .

<meta name="robots" content="nofollow" />
<meta name="generator" content="FreeBSD-CVSweb $VERSION" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />

  # Use MIME::Types for MIME type lookups if it's available.
  eval {
    require MIME::Types;
    $MimeTypes = MIME::Types->new(only_complete => 1);
  $MimeTypes = undef if $@;

  $CheckoutMagic = '~checkout~';

  $cgi_style::hsty_base = 'http://www.FreeBSD.org';
  $_ = q$FreeBSD: www/en/cgi/cvsweb.cgi,v 1.89 2005/10/28 14:55:57 fenner Exp $;
  @_ = split;
  $cgi_style::hsty_date = "@_[3,4]";

  # warningproof
  0 if $cgi_style::hsty_base ne $cgi_style::hsty_date;

  package cgi_style;
  require "./cgi-style.pl";
  package main;

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

sub printDiffSelect($);
sub printDiffSelectStickyVars();
sub getDiffLinks($$$);
sub printLogSortSelect($);
sub findLastModifiedSubdirs(@);
sub htmlify_sub(&$);
sub htmlify($;$);
sub spacedHtmlText($;$);
sub link($$);
sub revcmp($$);
sub fatal($$@);
sub config_error($$);
sub redirect($;$);
sub safeglob($);
sub search_path($);
sub getEnscriptHL($);
sub getMimeType($;$);
sub head($;$);
sub scan_directives(@);
sub openOutputFilter();
sub doAnnotate($$);
sub doCheckout($$$);
sub doEnscript($$$;$);
sub doGraph();
sub doGraphView();
sub cvswebMarkup($$$$$$;$);
sub viewable($);
sub doDiff($$$$$$);
sub getDirLogs($$@);
sub readLog($;$);
sub printLog($$$;$$);
sub doLog($);
sub flush_diff_rows($$$$);
sub human_readable_diff($$);
sub navigateHeader($$$$$;$);
sub plural_write($$);
sub readableTime($$);
sub clickablePath($$);
sub chooseCVSRoot();
sub chooseMirror();
sub fileSortCmp();
sub download_url($$;$);
sub download_link($$$;$);
sub display_url($$;$);
sub display_link($$;$$);
sub graph_link($;$);
sub history_link($$;$);
sub toggleQuery($;$);
sub htmlquote($);
sub htmlunquote($);
sub uri_escape_path($);
sub http_header(;$$);
sub html_header($;$);
sub html_footer();
sub link_tags($);
sub forbidden($);
sub startproc(@);
sub runproc(@);
sub checkout_to_temp($$$);

# Get rid of unsafe environment vars.  Don't do this in the BEGIN block
# (think mod_perl)...

my ($mydir) = (dirname($0) =~ /(.*)/);    # untaint

##### Start of Configuration Area ########

# == EDIT this ==
# Locations to search for user configuration, in order:
for (catfile($mydir, 'cvsweb.conf'), '/usr/local/etc/cvsweb/cvsweb.conf') {
  if (-r $_) {
    $config = $_;

##### End of Configuration Area   ########

undef $mydir;

######## Configuration parameters #########

  %MTYPES = %tags = %alltags = %fileinfo = %DIFF_COMMANDS = ();

$cvstreedefault = $logo = $defaulttitle =
  $address = $long_intro = $short_instruction = $shortLogLen = $show_author =
  $tablepadding = $hr_breakable = $showfunc = $hr_ignwhite =
  $hr_ignkeysubst = $inputTextSize = $mime_types = $allow_annotate =
  $allow_markup = $allow_compress = $use_java_script = $edit_option_form =
  $show_subdir_lastmod = $show_log_in_markup = $preformat_in_markup =
  $tabstop = $use_moddate = $gzip_open = $DEBUG = $allow_cvsgraph =
  $cvsgraph_config = $cvshistory_url = $allow_tar = undef;

$allow_version_select = $allow_mailtos = $allow_log_extra = 1;

@DIFFTYPES = qw(h H u c s);
    'descr'   => 'colored',
    'opts'    => ['-u'],
    'colored' => 1,
    'descr'   => 'long colored',
    'opts'    => ['--unified=15'],
    'colored' => 1,
    'descr'   => 'unified',
    'opts'    => ['-u'],
    'colored' => 0,
    'descr'   => 'context',
    'opts'    => ['-c'],
    'colored' => 0,
    'descr'   => 'side by side',
    # width=168 should be enough to support 80 character line lengths
    'opts'    => ['--side-by-side', '--width=168'],
    'colored' => 0,

@LOGSORTKEYS = qw(cvs date rev);
  { descr => 'Not sorted',  },
  { descr => 'Commit date', },
  { descr => 'Revision',    },

##### End of configuration parameters #####

my $pathinfo = '';
if (defined($ENV{PATH_INFO}) && $ENV{PATH_INFO} ne '') {
  ($pathinfo) = ($ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ VALID_PATH)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Illegal PATH_INFO in environment: <code>%s</code>',
  ($scriptname) = ($ENV{SCRIPT_NAME} =~ VALID_PATH)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Illegal SCRIPT_NAME in environment: <code>%s</code>',

$scriptname    = '' unless defined($scriptname);

$where         =  $pathinfo;
$doCheckout    =  $where =~ s|^/$CheckoutMagic/|/|o;
$where         =~ s|^/||;
$scriptname    =~ s|^/*|/|;

# Let's workaround thttpd's stupidity..
if ($scriptname =~ m|/$|) {
  $pathinfo .= '/';
  my $re = quotemeta $pathinfo;
  $scriptname =~ s/$re$//;

# $scriptname : the URI escaped path to this script
# $where      : the path in the CVS repository (without leading /, or only /)
# $scriptwhere: the URI escaped $scriptname + '/' + $where
$scriptname   = uri_escape_path($scriptname);
$scriptwhere  = join('/', $scriptname, uri_escape_path($where));
$where        = '/' if ($where eq '');

# In text-based browsers, it's very annoying to have two links per file;
# skip linking the image for them.

$Browser     = $ENV{HTTP_USER_AGENT} || '';
$is_links    = ($Browser =~ m`^E?Links `);
$is_lynx     = ($Browser =~ m`^Lynx/`i);
$is_w3m      = ($Browser =~ m`^w3m/`i);
$is_msie     = ($Browser =~ m`MSIE`);
$is_mozilla3 = ($Browser =~ m`^Mozilla/[3-9]`);

$is_textbased = ($is_links || $is_lynx || $is_w3m);

$nofilelinks = $is_textbased;

# newer browsers accept gzip content encoding
# and state this in a header
# (netscape did always but didn't state it)
# It has been reported that these
#  braindamaged MS-Internet Exploders claim that they
# accept gzip .. but don't in fact and
# display garbage then :-/
# Turn off gzip if running under mod_perl and no zlib is available,
# piping does not work as expected inside the server.
$maycompress = (
    && $ENV{HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING} =~ /gzip/)
   || $is_mozilla3)
  && !$is_msie
  && !(defined($ENV{MOD_PERL}) && !HAS_ZLIB)

# Parameters that will be sticky in all constructed links/query strings.
@stickyvars =
  qw(cvsroot hideattic ignorecase sortby logsort f only_with_tag ln
     hidecvsroot hidenonreadable);

# Load configuration.
if (-f $config) {
  do "$config" or config_error($config, $@);
} else {
  fatal("500 Internal Error",
        'Configuration not found.  Set the parameter <code>$config</code> in cvsweb.cgi to your <b>cvsweb.conf</b> configuration file first.');

# Try to find a readable dir where we can cd into.  Some abs_path()
# implementations as well as various cvs operations require such a dir to
# work properly.
  local $^W = 0;
  for my $dir (tmpdir(), rootdir()) {
    last if (-r $dir && chdir($dir));

$CSS = $cssurl ?
  sprintf("<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s\" />\n",
          htmlquote($cssurl)) : '';

# --- input parameters

my %query = ();
if (defined($ENV{QUERY_STRING})) {
  for my $p (split(/[;&]+/, $ENV{QUERY_STRING})) {
    next unless $p;
    $p =~ y/+/ /;
    my ($key, $val) = split(/=/, $p, 2);
    next unless defined($key);
    $val = 1 unless defined($val);
    ($key = uri_unescape($key)) =~ /[[:graph:]]/ or next;
    ($val = uri_unescape($val)) =~ /[[:graph:]]/ or next;
    $query{$key} = $val;

undef %input;

my $t;
for my $p (qw(graph hideattic hidecvsroot hidenonreadable ignorecase ln copt
              makeimage options tarball)) {
  $t = $query{$p};
  if (defined($t)) {
    ($input{$p}) = ($t =~ /^([01]|on)$/)
      or fatal('500 Internal Error',
               'Invalid boolean value: <code>%s=%s</code>', $p, $t);
for my $p (qw(annotate r1 r2 rev tr1 tr2)) {
  $t = $query{$p};
  if (defined($t)) {
    if (($p eq 'r1' || $p eq 'r2') && $t eq 'text') {
      # Special case for the "Use text field" option in the log view diff form.
      $input{$p} = $t;
    } elsif (($p eq 'rev' || $p eq 'annotate') && ($t eq '.' || $t eq 'HEAD')){
      # Another special case, allow linking to latest revision using these.
      $input{$p} = '.';
    my ($rev, $tag) = split(/:/, $t, 2);
    ($input{$p}) = ($rev =~ /^(\d+(?:\.\d+)*)$/)
      or fatal('500 Internal Error',
               'Invalid revision: <code>%s=%s</code>', $p, $t);
    if (defined($tag)) {
      ($tag) = ($tag =~ VALID_TAG1)
        or fatal('500 Internal Error',
                 'Invalid tag/branch name in revision: <code>%s=%s</code>',
                 $p, $t);
      ($tag) = ($tag =~ VALID_TAG2)
        or fatal('500 Internal Error',
                 'Invalid tag/branch name in revision: <code>%s=%s</code>',
                 $p, $t);
      $input{$p} .= ':' . $tag;
$t = defined($query{only_with_tag}) ?
  $query{only_with_tag} : $query{only_on_branch}; # Backwards compatibility.
if (defined($t)) {
  ($input{only_with_tag}) = ($t =~ VALID_TAG1)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Invalid tag/branch name: <code>%s</code>', $t);
  ($input{only_with_tag}) = ($t =~ VALID_TAG2)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Invalid tag/branch name: <code>%s</code>', $t);
$t = $query{logsort};
if (defined($t)) {
  ($input{logsort}) = ($t =~ /^(cvs|date|rev)$/)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Unsupported log sort key: <code>%s</code>', $t);
$t = $query{f};
if (defined($t)) {
  ($input{f}) = ($t =~ /^(([hH]|[ucs]c?)|ext\d*)$/)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Unsupported diff format: <code>%s</code>', $t);
$t = $query{sortby};
if (defined($t)) {
  ($input{sortby}) = ($t =~ /^(file|date|rev|author|log)$/)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Unsupported dir sort key: <code>%s</code>', $t);
$t = $query{'content-type'};
if (defined($t)) {
  ($input{'content-type'}) = ($t =~ m|^([-0-9A-Za-z]+/[-0-9A-Za-z\.\+]+)$|)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Unsupported content type: <code>%s</code>', $t);
$t = $query{cvsroot};
if (defined($t)) {
  ($input{cvsroot}) = ($t =~ /^([[:print:]]+)$/)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Invalid symbolic CVS root name: <code>%s</code>', $t);
$t = $query{path};
if (defined($t)) {
  ($input{path}) = ($t =~ VALID_PATH)
    or fatal('500 Internal Error',
             'Invalid path: <code>%s</code>', $t);

# --- end input parameters

# CVS roots
my $rootfound = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@CVSrepositories); $i += 2) {
  my $key = $CVSrepositories[$i];
  my ($descr, $root) = @{$CVSrepositories[$i+1]};
  $root = canonpath($root);
  unless (-d $root) {
    warn("Root '$root' defined in \@CVSrepositories is not a directory, " .
         'entry ignored');
  $rootfound ||= 1;
  $cvstreedefault = $key unless defined($cvstreedefault);
  $CVSROOTdescr{$key} = $descr;
  $CVSROOT{$key} = $root;
  push(@CVSROOT, $key);
unless ($rootfound) {
  fatal('500 Internal Error',
        'No valid CVS roots found!  See <code>@CVSrepositories</code> in ' .
        'the configuration file (<code>%s</code>).',
undef $rootfound;

# Default CVS root
if (!defined($CVSROOT{$cvstreedefault})) {
  fatal("500 Internal Error",
        '<code>$cvstreedefault</code> points to a repository (%s) not ' .
        'defined in <code>@CVSrepositories</code> in your configuration ' .
        'file (<code>%s</code>).',

$DEFAULTVALUE{cvsroot} = $cvstreedefault;

while (my ($key, $defval) = each %DEFAULTVALUE) {

  # Replace not given parameters with defaults.
  next unless (defined($defval) && $defval =~ /\S/ && !defined($input{$key}));

  # Empty checkboxes in forms return nothing, so we define a helper parameter
  # in these forms (copt) which indicates that we just set parameters with a
  # checkbox.
  if ($input{copt}) {

    # 'copt' is set -> the result of empty input checkbox
    # -> set to zero (disable) if default is a boolean (0|1).
    $input{$key} = 0 if ($defval eq '0' || $defval eq '1');

  } else {

    # 'copt' isn't set --> empty input is not the result
    # of empty input checkbox --> set default.
    $input{$key} = $defval;

$barequery = "";
my @barequery;
foreach (@stickyvars) {

  # construct a query string with the sticky non default parameters set
  if (defined($input{$_})
      && !(defined($DEFAULTVALUE{$_}) && $input{$_} eq $DEFAULTVALUE{$_}))
    push(@barequery, join('=', uri_escape($_), uri_escape($input{$_})));

if ($allow_enscript) {
  push(@DIFFTYPES, qw(uc cc sc));
  @DIFFTYPES{qw(uc cc sc)} = (
     'descr'   => 'unified, colored',
     'opts'    => ['-u'],
     'colored' => 0,
     'descr'   => 'context, colored',
     'opts'    => ['-c'],
     'colored' => 0,
     'descr'   => 'side by side, colored',
     # width=168 should be enough to support 80 character line lengths
     'opts'    => ['--side-by-side', '--width=168'],
     'colored' => 0,
} else {
  # No Enscript -> respect difftype, but don't offer colorization.
  if ($input{f} && $input{f} =~ /^([ucs])c$/) {
    $input{f} = $1;

# is there any query ?
if (@barequery) {
  $barequery = join (';', @barequery);
  $query     = "?$barequery";
  $barequery = ";$barequery";
} else {
  $query = "";
undef @barequery;

if (defined($input{path})) {

# get actual parameters
  my $sortby = $input{sortby} || 'file';
  $bydate    = 0;
  $byrev     = 0;
  $byauthor  = 0;
  $bylog     = 0;
  $byfile    = 0;
  if ($sortby eq 'date') {
    $bydate = 1;
  } elsif ($sortby eq 'rev') {
    $byrev = 1;
  } elsif ($sortby eq 'author') {
    $byauthor = 1;
  } elsif ($sortby eq 'log') {
    $bylog = 1;
  } else {
    $byfile = 1;

$defaultDiffType = $input{f};

$logsort = $input{logsort};

# alternate CVS-Tree, configured in cvsweb.conf
if ($input{cvsroot} && $CVSROOT{$input{cvsroot}}) {
  $cvstree = $input{cvsroot};
} else {
  $cvstree = $cvstreedefault;

$cvsroot = $CVSROOT{$cvstree};

# create icons out of description
foreach my $k (keys %ICONS) {
  my ($itxt, $ipath, $iwidth, $iheight) = @{$ICONS{$k}};
  no strict 'refs';
  if ($ipath) {
    ${"${k}icon"} =
      sprintf('<img src="%s" alt="%s" border="0" width="%d" height="%d" />',
              htmlquote($ipath), htmlquote($itxt), $iwidth, $iheight);
  } else {
    ${"${k}icon"} = $itxt;

my $config_cvstree = "$config-$cvstree";

# Do some special configuration for cvstrees
if (-f $config_cvstree) {
  do "$config_cvstree"
    or fatal("500 Internal Error",
             'Error in loading configuration file: %s<br /><br />%s<br />',
             $config_cvstree, $@);
undef $config_cvstree;

$re_prcategories  = '(?:' . join ('|', @prcategories) . ')' if @prcategories;
$re_prkeyword     = quotemeta($prkeyword) if defined($prkeyword);
$prcgi           .= '%s' if defined($prcgi) && $prcgi !~ /%s/;

$fullname         = catfile($cvsroot, $where);

my $rewrite = 0;
if ($pathinfo =~ m|//|) {
  $pathinfo =~ y|/|/|s;
  $rewrite = 1;
if (-d $fullname) {
  if ($pathinfo !~ m|/$|) {
    $pathinfo .= '/';
    $rewrite   = 1;
} elsif ($pathinfo =~ m|/$|) {
  chop $pathinfo;
  $rewrite = 1;
if ($rewrite) {
  redirect($scriptname . uri_escape_path($pathinfo) . $query, 1);
undef $rewrite;

undef $pathinfo;

if (!-d $cvsroot) {
  fatal("500 Internal Error",
        '$CVSROOT not found!<p>The server on which the CVS tree lives is probably down.  Please try again in a few minutes.');

# Short-circuit forbidden things.  Note that $fullname should not change
# after this, because the rest of the code assumes this check has already
# been done.
fatal('403 Forbidden', 'Access to %s forbidden.', $where)
  if forbidden($fullname);

# Handle tarball downloads before any headers are output.
if ($input{tarball}) {
  fatal('403 Forbidden', 'Downloading tarballs is prohibited.')
    unless $allow_tar;

  my ($module)  =  ($where =~ m,^/?(.*),);    # untaint
  $module       =~ s,/([^/]*)$,,;
  my ($ext)     =  ($1 =~ /(\.t(?:ar\.)?gz|\.zip)$/);
  my ($basedir) =  ($module =~ m,([^/]+)$,);

  if ($basedir eq '' || $module eq '') {
    fatal('500 Internal Error',
          'You cannot download the top level directory.');

  my $istar = ($ext eq '.tar.gz' || $ext eq '.tgz');
  if ($istar) {
    fatal('500 Internal Error', 'tar command not found.') unless $CMD{tar};
    fatal('500 Internal Error', 'gzip command not found.') unless $CMD{gzip};
  my $iszip = ($ext eq '.zip');
  if ($iszip && !$CMD{zip}) {
    fatal('500 Internal Error', 'zip command not found.');
  if (!$istar && !$iszip) {
    fatal('500 Internal Error', 'Unsupported archive type.');

  my $tmpexportdir;
  eval {
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
    # Don't use the CLEANUP argument to tempdir() here, since we might be under
    # mod_perl (the process runs for a long time), unlink explicitly later.
    $tmpexportdir = tempdir('.cvsweb.XXXXXXXX', TMPDIR => 1);
  if ($@) {
    fatal('500 Internal Error', 'Unable to make temporary directory: %s', $@);
  if (!chdir($tmpexportdir)) {
    fatal('500 Internal Error',
          "Can't cd to temporary directory %s: %s", $tmpexportdir, $!);

  my @fatal;
  my $tag = $input{only_with_tag} || 'HEAD';
  $tag = 'HEAD' if ($tag eq 'MAIN');

  my @cmd =
    ($CMD{cvs}, @cvs_options, '-Qd', $cvsroot, 'export', '-r', $tag,
     '-d', $basedir, $module);
  my $export_err;
  my ($errcode, $err) = runproc(\@cmd, '2>', \$export_err);
  if ($errcode) {
    @fatal =
      ('500 Internal Error',
       'Export failure (exit status %s), output: <pre>%s</pre>',
       $errcode, $err || $export_err);

  } else {

    $| = 1;    # Essential to get the buffering right.
    local (*TAR_OUT);

    my (@cmd, $ctype);
    if ($istar) {
      my @tar = ($CMD{tar}, @tar_options, '-cf', '-', $basedir);
      my @gzip = ($CMD{gzip}, @gzip_options, '-c');
      push(@cmd, \@tar, '|', \@gzip);
      $ctype = 'application/x-gzip';
    } elsif ($iszip) {
      my @zip = ($CMD{zip}, @zip_options, '-r', '-', $basedir);
      push(@cmd, \@zip, \'');
      $ctype = 'application/zip';
    push(@cmd, '>pipe', \*TAR_OUT);

    my ($h, $err) = startproc(@cmd);
    if ($h) {
      print "Content-Type: $ctype\r\n\r\n";
      local $/ = undef;
      print <TAR_OUT>;
    } else {
      @fatal = ('500 Internal Error',
                '%s failure (exit status %s), output: <pre>%s</pre>',
                $istar ? 'Tar' : 'Zip', $? >> 8 || -1, $err);

  # Clean up.

  &fatal(@fatal) if @fatal;


# View a directory
if (-d $fullname) {

  my $dh = do { local (*DH); };
  opendir($dh, $fullname) or fatal("404 Not Found", '%s: %s', $where, $!);
  my @dir = grep(!forbidden(catfile($fullname, $_)), readdir($dh));
  my @subLevelFiles = findLastModifiedSubdirs(@dir) if $show_subdir_lastmod;
  my @unreadable = getDirLogs($cvsroot, $where, @subLevelFiles);

  if ($where eq '/') {
    $long_intro =~ s/!!CVSROOTdescr!!/$CVSROOTdescr{$cvstree}/g;
    print $long_intro;
  } else {
    my $html = (-f catfile($fullname, 'README.cvs.html,v') ||
                -f catfile($fullname, 'Attic', 'README.cvs.html,v'));
    my $text = (!$html &&
                (-f catfile($fullname, 'README.cvs,v') ||
                 -f catfile($fullname, 'Attic', 'README.cvs,v')));
    if ($html || $text) {
      my $rev = $input{only_with_tag} || 'HEAD';
      my $cr = abs_path($cvsroot) || $cvsroot;
      my $co = "$where/README.cvs.html" if $html;
      $co ||= "$where/README.cvs" if $text;
      # abs_path() taints when run as a CGI...
      if ($cr =~ VALID_PATH) {
        $cr = $1;
      } else {
        fatal('500 Internal Error', 'Illegal CVS root: <code>%s</code>', $cr);
      my @cmd = ($CMD{cvs}, @cvs_options, '-d', $cr, 'co', '-p', "-r$rev",$co);
      local (*CVS_OUT, *CVS_ERR);
      my ($h, $err) = startproc(\@cmd, \"", '>pipe', \*CVS_OUT,
                                '2>pipe', \*CVS_ERR);
      fatal('500 Internal Error', $err) unless $h;
      if ($html) {
        local $/ = undef;
        print <CVS_OUT>;
      } else {
        print "<p>\n";
        while (<CVS_OUT>) {
          print htmlquote($_), '<br />';
        print "</p>";
    print $short_instruction;

  if ($use_descriptions &&
      open(DESC, catfile($cvsroot, 'CVSROOT', 'descriptions'))) {
    while (<DESC>) {
      my ($dir, $description) = /(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
      $descriptions{$dir} = $description;

  print "<p><a name=\"dirlist\"></a></p>\n";

  # give direct access to dirs
  if ($where eq '/') {

  } else {
    print '<p>Current directory: <b>', clickablePath($where, 0), '</b>';
    if ($cvshistory_url) {
      (my $d = $where) =~ s|^/*(.*?)/*$|$1|;
      print ' - ', history_link($d, '');
    print "</p>\n";
    print "<p>Current tag: <b>", htmlquote($input{only_with_tag}), "</b></p>\n"
      if $input{only_with_tag};

  print "<hr />\n";

  my $infocols = 1;

  printf(<<EOF, 'Directory index of ' . htmlquote($where));
<table class="dir" width="100%%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="$tablepadding" summary="%s">
  printf('<th colspan="2"%s>', ($byfile ? ' class="sorted"' : ''));

  if ($byfile) {
    print 'File';
  } else {
    print &link('File',
                sprintf('./%s#dirlist', toggleQuery('sortby', 'file')));
  print "</th>\n";

  # Do not display the other column headers if we do not have any files
  # with revision information.
  if (scalar(%fileinfo)) {
    printf('<th%s>', ($byrev ? ' class="sorted"' : ''));

    if ($byrev) {
      print 'Rev.';
    } else {
      print &link('Rev.',
                  sprintf('./%s#dirlist', toggleQuery('sortby', 'rev')));
    print "</th>\n";
    printf('<th%s>', ($bydate ? ' class="sorted"' : ''));

    if ($bydate) {
      print 'Age';
    } else {
      print &link('Age',
                  sprintf('./%s#dirlist', toggleQuery('sortby', 'date')));
    print "</th>\n";

    if ($show_author) {
      printf('<th%s>', ($byauthor ? ' class="sorted"' : ''));

      if ($byauthor) {
        print 'Author';
      } else {
                sprintf('./%s#dirlist', toggleQuery('sortby', 'author')));
      print "</th>\n";
    printf('<th%s>', ($bylog ? ' class="sorted"' : ''));

    if ($bylog) {
      print 'Last log entry';
    } else {
      print &link('Last log entry',
                  sprintf('./%s#dirlist', toggleQuery('sortby', 'log')));
    print "</th>\n";
  } elsif ($use_descriptions) {
    print "<th>Description</th>\n";
  print "</tr>\n";

  my $dirrow = 0;

  my $i;
  for ($i = 0; $i <= $#dir; $i++) {
    if ($dir[$i] eq "Attic") {
      last lookingforattic;

  if (!$input{hideattic}
      && ($i <= $#dir)
      && opendir($dh, $fullname . '/Attic'))
    splice(@dir, $i, 1, grep((s|^|Attic/|, !m|/\.|), readdir($dh)));

  my $hideAtticToggleLink =
    ? ''
    : &link('[hide]', sprintf('./%s#dirlist', &toggleQuery('hideattic')));

  # Sort without the Attic/ pathname.
  # place directories first

  my $filesexists;
  my $filesfound;

  foreach my $file (sort { &fileSortCmp } @dir) {

    next if ($file eq curdir());

    # ignore CVS lock and stale NFS files
    next if ($file =~ /^\#cvs\.|^,|^\.nfs/); # \# for XEmacs cperl-mode...

    # Check whether to show the CVSROOT path
    next if ($input{hidecvsroot} && $where eq '/' && $file eq 'CVSROOT');

    # Is it a directory?
    my $isdir = -d catdir($fullname, $file);

    # Ignore non-readable files and directories?
    next if ($input{hidenonreadable} && (! -r _ || ($isdir && ! -x _)));

    my $attic = '';
    if ($file =~ s|^Attic/||) {
      $attic = ' <span class="attic">(in the Attic) ' .
        $hideAtticToggleLink . '</span>';

    if ($file eq updir() || $isdir) {
      next if ($file eq updir() && $where eq '/');
      my ($rev, $date, $log, $author, $filename, $keywordsubst) =
        @{$fileinfo{$file}} if (defined($fileinfo{$file}));
      printf "<tr class=\"%s\">\n<td class=\"dir\" colspan=\"2\">",
        ($dirrow % 2) ? 'even' : 'odd';

      if ($file eq updir()) {
        my $url = "../$query";
        print $nofilelinks ? $backicon : &link($backicon, $url);
        print '&nbsp;', &link("Parent Directory", $url);

      } else {
        my $url = './' . uri_escape_path($file) . "/$query";
        print '<a name="', htmlquote($file), '"></a>';
        print $nofilelinks ? $diricon : &link($diricon, $url);
        print '&nbsp;', &link(htmlquote("$file/"), $url), $attic;
        if ($file eq "Attic") {
          print ' <span class="attic">',
                  sprintf('./%s#dirlist', &toggleQuery('hideattic'))),

      # Show last change in dir
      if ($filename) {
        print "</td>\n<td>&nbsp;</td>\n<td class=\"age\">";
        print readableTime(time() - $date, 0) if $date;
        print "</td>\n<td class=\"author\">", htmlquote($author)
          if $show_author;
        print "</td>\n<td class=\"log\">";
        $filename =~ s%^[^/]+/%%;
        print &link(htmlquote("$filename/$rev"),
                            uri_escape($file), uri_escape($filename),
                            $query, $rev)), '<br />';
        if ($log) {
          print htmlify(substr($log, 0, $shortLogLen), $allow_dir_extra);
          print '...' if (length($log) > 80);

      } else {
        my $dwhere = ($where ne '/' ? $where : '') . $file;

        if ($use_descriptions && defined $descriptions{$dwhere}) {
          print '<td colspan="', ($infocols - 1), '">';
          print $descriptions{$dwhere};

        } elsif ($infocols > 1) {

          # close the row with the appropriate number of
          # columns, so that the vertical seperators are visible
          my ($cols) = $infocols;
          while ($cols > 1) {
            print "</td>\n<td>&nbsp;";

      print "</td>\n</tr>\n";

    } elsif ($file =~ s/,v$//) {

      my $fileurl = ($attic ? 'Attic/' : '') . uri_escape_path($file);
      my $url     = './' . $fileurl . $query;
      next if (!defined($fileinfo{$file}));
      my ($rev, $date, $log, $author, $filename, $keywordsubst) =
      my $isbinary = $keywordsubst eq 'b' ? 1 : 0;

      printf "<tr class=\"%s\">\n", ($dirrow % 2) ? 'even' : 'odd';
      printf '<td class="file"%s>', $allow_cvsgraph ? '' : ' colspan="2"';

      my $icon = $isbinary ? $binfileicon : $fileicon;
      print $nofilelinks ? $icon : &link($icon, $url);
      print '&nbsp;', &link(htmlquote($file), $url), $attic;
      print '</td><td class="graph">', graph_link($fileurl) if $allow_cvsgraph;
      print "</td>\n<td width=\"30\">", display_link($fileurl, $rev);
      print "</td>\n<td class=\"age\">";
      print readableTime(time() - $date, 0) if $date;
      print "</td>\n<td class=\"author\">", htmlquote($author) if $show_author;
      print "</td>\n<td class=\"log\">";

      if ($log) {
        print htmlify(substr($log, 0, $shortLogLen), $allow_dir_extra);
        print '...' if (length $log > 80);
      print "</td>\n</tr>";
    print "\n";

  print "</table>\n";

  if ((my $num = scalar(@unreadable)) && ! $input{hidenonreadable}) {
    printf(<<EOF, $num, htmlquote(join(', ', @unreadable)));
 <b>NOTE:</b> The following %d unreadable files were ignored:<br />

  if ($filesexists && !$filesfound) {
    my $currtag = defined($input{only_with_tag}) ?
      sprintf(' (%s)', htmlquote($input{only_with_tag})) : '';
    printf(<<EOF, $filesexists, $currtag);
 <b>NOTE:</b> There are %d files, but none matches the current tag%s.

  if ($input{only_with_tag} && (!%tags || !$tags{$input{only_with_tag}})) {
    %tags = %alltags;

  if (scalar %tags
      || $input{only_with_tag}
      || $edit_option_form
      || defined($input{options}))
    print "<hr />\n";

  if (scalar %tags || $input{only_with_tag}) {
    print "<form method=\"get\" action=\"./\">\n<p>\n";
    foreach my $var (@stickyvars) {
      printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$var\" value=\"%s\" />\n",
        if (defined($input{$var})
            && (!defined($DEFAULTVALUE{$var})
                || $input{$var} ne $DEFAULTVALUE{$var})
            && $var ne 'only_with_tag');
    printf(<<EOF, ($use_java_script ? ' onchange="this.form.submit()"' : ''));
<span class="nowrap">
<label for="only_with_tag" accesskey="T">Show only files with tag:
<select id="only_with_tag" name="only_with_tag"%s>
<option value="">All tags / default branch</option>
    foreach my $tag (reverse sort { lc $a cmp lc $b } keys %tags) {
      my $selected =
        defined($input{only_with_tag}) && $input{only_with_tag} eq $tag;
             $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
    printf(<<EOF, htmlquote($where));
</label></span> <span class="nowrap">
<label for="path" accesskey="P">Module path or alias:
<input type="text" id="path" name="path" value="%s" size="15" /></label>
<input type="submit" value="Go" accesskey="G" />

  if ($allow_tar && $filesfound) {
    my ($basefile) = ($where =~ m,(?:.*/)?([^/]+),);
    my $havetar = $CMD{tar} && $CMD{gzip};
    my $havezip = $CMD{zip};
    if (defined($basefile) && $basefile ne '' && ($havetar || $havezip)) {
      my $q = ($query ? "$query;" : '?') . 'tarball=1';
      print "<hr />\n",
        '<div style="text-align: center">Download this directory in ';
      # Mangle the filename so browsers show a reasonable filename to download.
      my @types = ();
      $basefile = uri_escape($basefile);
      push(@types, &link('tarball', "$basefile.tar.gz$q")) if $havetar;
      push(@types, &link('zip archive', "$basefile.zip$q")) if $havezip;
      print join(' or ', @types), "</div>\n";

  if ($edit_option_form || defined($input{options})) {

    print <<EOF;
<form method="get" action="./">
<legend>General options</legend>
<input type="hidden" name="copt" value="1" />
    for my $v qw(hidecvsroot hidenonreadable) {
      printf(qq{<input type="hidden" name="%s" value="%s" />\n},
             $v, $input{$v} || 0);
    if ($cvstree ne $cvstreedefault) {
      print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cvsroot\" value=\"$cvstree\" />\n";
    print <<EOF;
<table summary="General options">
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="sortby" accesskey="F">Sort files by:</label>
<td class="opt-value">
<select id="sortby" name="sortby">
<option value="">File</option>
    print "<option", $bydate ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
      " value=\"date\">Age</option>\n";
    print "<option", $byauthor ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
      " value=\"author\">Author</option>\n"
        if $show_author;
    print "<option", $byrev ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
      " value=\"rev\">Revision</option>\n";
    print "<option", $bylog ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
      " value=\"log\">Log message</option>\n";
    print <<EOF;
<label for="ignorecase" accesskey="I">case-insensitive:
    print '<input id="ignorecase" name="ignorecase" type="checkbox"',
      $input{ignorecase} ? ' checked="checked"' : '',
        " value=\"1\" /></label>\n";
    print <<EOF;
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="hideattic" accesskey="A">Hide files in Attic:</label>
<td class="opt-value">
    print '<input id="hideattic" name="hideattic" type="checkbox"',
      $input{hideattic} ? ' checked="checked"' : '', ' value="1" />';
    print <<EOF;
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="logsort" accesskey="L">Sort log by:</label>
<td class="opt-value">
    print <<EOF;
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="ln" accesskey="N">Show line numbers:</label>
<td class="opt-value">
    print '<input id="ln" name="ln" type="checkbox"',
      $input{ln} ? ' checked="checked"' : '', " value=\"1\" />\n";
    print <<EOF;
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="f" accesskey="D">Diff format:</label>
    print <<EOF;
<td colspan="2" class="opt-label">
<input type="submit" value="Change Options" accesskey="C" />

# View Files
elsif (-f $fullname . ',v') {

  if (defined($input{rev}) || $doCheckout) {
    &doCheckout($fullname, $input{rev}, $input{only_with_tag});

  if (defined($input{annotate}) && $allow_annotate) {
    &doAnnotate($input{annotate}, $input{only_with_tag});

  if (defined($input{r1}) && defined($input{r2})) {
    &doDiff($fullname,  $input{r1},  $input{tr1},
            $input{r2}, $input{tr2}, $input{f});

  if ($allow_cvsgraph && $input{graph}) {
    if ($input{makeimage}) {
    } else {


# View Diff
elsif ($fullname =~ s/\.diff$//
       && -f $fullname . ',v' && $input{r1} && $input{r2})

  # $where-diff-removal if 'cvs rdiff' is used
  # .. but 'cvs rdiff'doesn't support some options
  # rcsdiff does (-w and -p), so it is disabled
  # $where =~ s/\.diff$//;

  # Allow diffs using the ".diff" extension so that browsers that default
  # to the filename in the URL when saving don't save diffs as eg. foo.c.
  &doDiff($fullname,  $input{r1},  $input{tr1},
          $input{r2}, $input{tr2}, $input{f});


elsif (do { (my $tmp = $fullname) =~ s|/([^/]+)$|/Attic/$1|; -f "$tmp,v" }) {
  # The file has been removed and is in the Attic.
  # Send a redirect pointing to the file in the Attic.
  (my $newplace = $scriptwhere) =~ s|/([^/]+)$|/Attic/$1|;
  if ($ENV{QUERY_STRING} ne "") {
  } else {


elsif (0 && (my @files = &safeglob($fullname . ",v"))) {
  print "You matched the following files:\n";
  print join ("\n", @files);

  # TODO:
  # Find the tags from each file
  # Display a form offering diffs between said tags

else {
  # Assume it's a module name with a potential path following it.
  my $module;
  my $xtra = (($module = $where) =~ s|(/.*)||) ? $1 : '';

  # Is there an indexed version of modules?
  my $fh = do { local (*FH); };
  if (open($fh, catfile($cvsroot, 'CVSROOT', 'modules'))) {
    while (<$fh>) {
      if (/^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/o
          && $module eq $1
          && $module ne $2
          && -d "$cvsroot/$2")
  fatal("404 Not Found", '%s: no such file or directory', $where);


## End MAIN

sub printDiffSelect($)
  my ($use_java_script) = @_;

  print '<select id="f" name="f"';
  print ' onchange="this.form.submit()"' if $use_java_script;
  print ">\n";

  for my $difftype (@DIFFTYPES) {
    printf("<option value=\"%s\"%s>%s</option>\n",
           $difftype, $input{f} eq $difftype ? ' selected="selected"' : '',

  print "</select>";

sub printDiffSelectStickyVars()
  while (my ($key, $val) = each %input) {
    next if ($key eq 'f');
    next if (defined($DEFAULTVALUE{$key}) && $DEFAULTVALUE{$key} eq $val);
    print "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"", htmlquote($key), "\" value=\"",
      htmlquote($val), "\" />\n";

sub printLogSortSelect($)
  my ($use_java_script) = @_;

  print '<select id="logsort" name="logsort"';
  print ' onchange="this.form.submit()"' if $use_java_script;
  print ">\n";

  for my $sortkey (@LOGSORTKEYS) {
    printf("<option value=\"%s\"%s>%s</option>\n",
           $sortkey, $logsort eq $sortkey ? ' selected="selected"' : '',

  print "</select>";

# Find the last modified, version controlled files in the given directories.
# Compares solely based on modification timestamps.  Files in the returned list
# are without the ,v suffix, and unreadable files have been filtered out.
sub findLastModifiedSubdirs(@)
  my (@dirs) = @_;

  my @files;
  foreach my $dirname (@dirs) {
    next if ($dirname eq curdir() || $dirname eq updir());
    my $dir = catdir($fullname, $dirname);
    next if (!-d $dir);

    my $dh = do { local (*DH); };
    opendir($dh, $dir) or next;
    my (@filenames) = grep(!forbidden(catfile($dir, $_)), readdir($dh));

    my $lastmod     = undef;
    my $lastmodtime = undef;
    foreach my $filename (@filenames) {
      ($filename) =
        (catfile($dirname, $filename) =~ VALID_PATH) or next; # untaint
      my ($file) = catfile($fullname, $filename);
      next if ($filename !~ /,v$/o || !-f $file || !-r _);
      my $modtime = -M _;
      if (!defined($lastmod) || $modtime < $lastmodtime) {
        ($lastmod    = $filename) =~ s/,v$//;
        $lastmodtime = $modtime;
    push(@files, $lastmod) if (defined($lastmod));
  return @files;

sub htmlify_sub(&$)
  (my $proc, local $_) = @_;
  my @a = split(m|(<a [^>]+>[^<]*</a>)|i);
  my $linked;
  my $result = '';

  while (($_, $linked) = splice(@a, 0, 2)) {
    $result .= $_      if defined($_);
    $result .= $linked if defined($linked);

  return $result;

sub htmlify($;$)
  (local $_, my $extra) = @_;

  $_ = htmlquote($_);

  # get URL's as link
     &link($1, htmlunquote($1)) . $3

  if ($allow_mailtos) {
    # Make mailto: links from email addresses.
    $_ = htmlify_sub {
         &link($1, "mailto:$1")
    } $_;

  if ($extra) {

    # get PR #'s as link: "PR#nnnn" "PR: nnnn, ..." "PR nnnn, ..." "bin/nnnn"
    if (defined($prcgi) && defined($re_prkeyword)) {
      my $prev;

      do {
        $prev = $_;

        $_ = htmlify_sub {
             $1 . &link($2, sprintf($prcgi, $2))
        } $_;
      } while ($_ ne $prev);

      if (defined($re_prcategories)) {
        $_ = htmlify_sub {
             &link($1, sprintf($prcgi, $2))
        } $_;

    # get manpage specs as link: "foo.1" "foo(1)"
    if (defined($mancgi)) {
      $_ = htmlify_sub {
           \b ( \w[\w+\-.]* (?: ::\w[\w+\-.]*)* )
            \( ([0-9n]) \) \B
            \. ([0-9n]) \b
            my($text, $name, $section) = ($1, $2, defined($3) ? $3 : $4);
            ($name =~ /[A-Za-z]/ && $name !~ /\.(:|$)/)
             ? &link($text, sprintf($mancgi, $section, uri_escape($name)))
              : $text;
      } $_;

  return $_;

sub spacedHtmlText($;$)
  (local $_, my $ts) = @_;
  return '' unless defined($_);
  $ts ||= $tabstop || 8;

  # Expand tabs
  1 while s/(.*?)(\t+)/$1 . ' ' x (length($2) * $ts - length($1) % $ts)/e;

  if ($hr_breakable) {
    s/^ /\001nbsp;/;      # protect leading and...
    s/ $/\001nbsp;/;      # ...trailing whitespace (mostly for String::Ediff),
    s/  / \001nbsp;/g;    # ...and leave every other space 'breakable'
  } else {
    s/ /\001nbsp;/g;

  $_ = htmlify($_, $allow_source_extra);

  # unescape

  return $_;

# Note that this doesn't htmlquote the first argument...
sub link($$)
  my ($name, $url) = @_;
  return sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', htmlquote($url), $name);

sub revcmp($$)
  my ($rev1, $rev2) = @_;

  # make no comparison for a tag or a branch
  return 0 if $rev1 =~ /[^\d.]/ || $rev2 =~ /[^\d.]/;

  my (@r1) = split(/\./, $rev1);
  my (@r2) = split(/\./, $rev2);
  my ($a, $b);

  while (($a = shift(@r1)) && ($b = shift(@r2))) {
    return $a <=> $b unless ($a == $b);
  if (@r1) { return  1; }
  if (@r2) { return -1; }
  return 0;

# Signal a fatal error.
sub fatal($$@)
  my ($errcode, $format, @args) = @_;
  print "Status: $errcode\r\n";
  print '<div id="error">Error: ',
    sprintf($format, map(htmlquote($_), @args)), "</div>\n";

# Signal a (fatal) configuration error.
sub config_error($$)
  fatal('500 Internal Error',
        'Error loading configuration file "<code>%s</code>":<br /><br />' .
        '%s<br />', @_);

# Sends a redirect to the given URL.
sub redirect($;$)
  my ($url, $permanent) = @_;
  my ($status, $text);
  if ($permanent) {
    $status = '301';
    $text   = 'Moved Permanently';
  } else {
    $status = '302';
    $text   = 'Found';
  print "Status: $status $text\r\n", "Location: $url\r\n";
  print "<p>This document has moved ", &link('here', $url), ".</p>\n";

sub safeglob($)
  my ($filename) = @_;

  (my $dirname = $filename) =~ s|/[^/]+$||;
  $filename =~ s|.*/||;

  my @results;
  my $dh = do { local (*DH); };
  if (opendir($dh, $dirname)) {
    my $glob = $filename;
    my $t;

    #   transform filename from glob to regex.  Deal with:
    #   [, {, ?, * as glob chars
    #   make sure to escape all other regex chars
    $glob =~ s/([\.\(\)\|\+])/\\$1/g;
    $glob =~ s/\*/.*/g;
    $glob =~ s/\?/./g;
    $glob =~ s/{([^}]+)}/($t = $1) =~ s-,-|-g; "($t)"/eg;
    $glob = qr/^$glob$/;

    foreach (readdir($dh)) {
      if ($_ =~ $glob && $_ =~ VALID_PATH) {
        push(@results, catfile($dirname, $1)); # untaint

  return @results;

# Searches @command_path for the given executable file.
sub search_path($)
  my ($command) = @_;
  for my $d (@command_path) {
    my $cmd = catfile($d, $command);
    return $cmd if (-x $cmd && !-d _);
  return '';

# Gets the enscript(1) highlight mode corresponding to the given filename,
# or undef if unsupported.
sub getEnscriptHL($)
  return undef unless $allow_enscript;
  my ($filename) = @_;
  while (my ($hl, $regex) = each %enscript_types) {
    return $hl if ($filename =~ $regex);
  return undef;

# Gets the MIME type for the given file name.
sub getMimeType($;$)
  my ($fullname, $binary) = @_;
  $binary = ($keywordsubstitution && $keywordsubstitution =~ /b/)
    unless defined($binary);

  (my $suffix = $fullname) =~ s/^.*\.([^.]*)$/$1/;

  my $mimetype = $MTYPES{$suffix};
  $mimetype  ||= $MimeTypes->mimeTypeOf($fullname) if defined($MimeTypes);

  if (!$mimetype && $suffix ne '*' && -f $mime_types && -r _) {
    my $fh = do { local (*FH); };
    if (open($fh, $mime_types)) {
      my $re = sprintf('^\s*(\S+\/\S+)\s.+\b%s\b', quotemeta($suffix));
      $re = qr/$re/;
      while (my $line = <$fh>) {
        if ($line =~ $re) {
          $mimetype = $1;
          $MTYPES{$suffix} = $mimetype;
    } else {
      warn("Can't open MIME types file $mime_types for reading: $!");

  $mimetype ||= $MTYPES{'*'};
  $mimetype ||= $binary ? 'application/octet-stream' : 'text/plain';
  return $mimetype;

# read first lines like head(1)
sub head($;$)
  my ($fh, $linecount) = @_;
  $linecount ||= 10;

  my @buf;
  if ($linecount > 0) {
    for (my $i = 0; !eof($fh) && $i < $linecount; $i++) {
      push @buf, scalar <$fh>;
  } else {
    @buf = <$fh>;
  return @buf;

# scan vim and Emacs directives
sub scan_directives(@)
  my $ts = undef;

  for (@_) {
    $ts = $1 if /\b(?:ts|tabstop|tab-width)[:=]\s*([1-9]\d*)\b/;

  ('tabstop' => $ts);

sub openOutputFilter()
  return unless $output_filter;

  open(STDOUT, "|-") and return;

  # child of child
  open(STDERR, '>', devnull()) unless $DEBUG;
  exec($output_filter) or exit -1;

# show Annotation
sub doAnnotate($$)
  my ($rev, $tag) = @_;
  $rev = $tag || 'HEAD' if ($rev eq '.');
  (my $pathname = $where) =~ s|((?<=/)Attic/)?[^/]*$||;
  (my $filename = $where) =~ s|^.*/||;

  # This annotate version is based on the cvs annotate-demo Perl script by
  # Cyclic Software.  It was written by Cyclic Software,
  # http://www.cyclic.com/, and is in the public domain.
  # We could abandon the use of rlog, rcsdiff and co using
  # the cvs server in a similiar way one day (..after rewrite).

  local (*CVS_IN, *CVS_OUT);
  my $annotate_err;
  my ($h, $err) =
    startproc([ $CMD{cvs}, @annotate_options, 'server' ],
              '<pipe', \*CVS_IN, '>pipe', \*CVS_OUT,
              '2>', \$annotate_err);
  fatal('500 Internal Error',
        'Annotate failure (exit status %s), output: <pre>%s</pre>',
        $? >> 8 || -1, $err)
    unless $h;

  # OK, first send the request to the server.  A simplified example is:
  #     Root /home/kingdon/zwork/cvsroot
  #     Argument foo/xx
  #     Directory foo
  #     /home/kingdon/zwork/cvsroot/foo
  #     Directory .
  #     /home/kingdon/zwork/cvsroot
  #     annotate
  # although as you can see there are a few more details.

  print CVS_IN "Root $cvsroot\n";
  print CVS_IN
    "Valid-responses ok error Valid-requests Checked-in Updated Merged Removed M E\n";

  # Don't worry about sending valid-requests, the server just needs to
  # support "annotate" and if it doesn't, there isn't anything to be done.
  print CVS_IN "UseUnchanged\n";
  print CVS_IN "Argument -r\n";
  print CVS_IN "Argument $rev\n";
  print CVS_IN "Argument $where\n";

  # The protocol requires us to fully fake a working directory (at
  # least to the point of including the directories down to the one
  # containing the file in question).
  # So if $where is "dir/sdir/file", then dirs will be ("dir","sdir","file")
  my $path = '';
  foreach my $dir (split('/', $where)) {

    if ($path eq "") {
      # In our example, $dir is "dir".
      $path = $dir;
    } else {
      print CVS_IN "Directory $path\n";
      print CVS_IN "$cvsroot/$path\n";

      # In our example, $_ is "sdir" and $path becomes "dir/sdir"
      # And the next time, "file" and "dir/sdir/file" (which then gets
      # ignored, because we don't need to send Directory for the file).
      $path .= "/$dir";
  undef $path;

  # And the last "Directory" before "annotate" is the top level.
  print CVS_IN "Directory .\n";
  print CVS_IN "$cvsroot\n";

  print CVS_IN "annotate\n";

  # OK, we've sent our command to the server.  Thing to do is to
  # close the writer side and get all the responses.
  if (!close(CVS_IN)) {
    fatal('500 Internal Error',
          'Annotate failure (exit status %s): <code>%s</code>, output: ' .
          '<pre>%s</pre>', $? >> 8, $!, $annotate_err);

  navigateHeader($scriptwhere, $pathname, $filename, $rev, 'annotate');

  my $revtype = ($rev =~ /\./) ? 'revision' : 'tag'; # TODO: tag -> branch/tag?
  print '<h3 style="text-align: center">Annotation of ',
    htmlquote("$pathname$filename"), ", $revtype $rev</h3>\n";

  # Ready to get the responses from the server.
  # For example:
  #     E Annotations for foo/xx
  #     E ***************
  #     M 1.3          (kingdon  06-Sep-97): hello
  #     ok
  my ($lineNr) = 0;
  my ($oldLrev, $oldLusr) = ("", "");
  my ($revprint, $usrprint);

  if ($annTable) {
    print <<EOF;
<table style="border: none" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" summary="Annotation">
  } else {
    print "<pre>";

  # prefetch several lines
  my @buf = head(*CVS_OUT);

  my %d = scan_directives(@buf);

  while (@buf || !eof(*CVS_OUT)) {

    $_ = @buf ? shift @buf : <CVS_OUT>;
    my @words = split;

    # Adding one is for the (single) space which follows $words[0].
    my $rest = substr($_, length($words[0]) + 1);
    if ($words[0] eq "E") {
    } elsif ($words[0] eq "M") {
      (my $lrev = substr($_, 2,  13)) =~ y/ //d;
      (my $lusr = substr($_, 16, 9))  =~ y/ //d;
      my $line = substr($_, 36);
      # TODO: this does not work for branch/tag revisions.
      my $isCurrentRev = ($rev eq $lrev);

      # we should parse the date here ..
      if ($lrev eq $oldLrev) {
        $revprint = sprintf('%-8s', '');
      } else {
        $revprint = sprintf('%-8s', $lrev);
        $revprint =~ s|(\S+)|&link($1, uri_escape($filename)."$query#rev$1")|e;
        $oldLusr = '';

      $usrprint = ($lusr eq $oldLusr) ? '' : $lusr;
      $oldLrev = $lrev;
      $oldLusr = $lusr;

      print $is_textbased ? '<b>' : '<span class="current-rev">'
        if $isCurrentRev;

      $usrprint = sprintf('%-8s', $usrprint);
      printf '%s%s %s %4d:', $revprint, $isCurrentRev ? '!' : ' ',
        htmlquote($usrprint), $lineNr;
      print spacedHtmlText($line, $d{tabstop});

      print $is_textbased ? '</b>' : '</span>' if $isCurrentRev;

    } elsif ($words[0] eq "ok") {
      # We could complain about any text received after this, like the
      # CVS command line client.  But for simplicity, we don't.

    } elsif ($words[0] eq "error") {
      fatal("500 Internal Error",
            'Error occured during annotate: <b>%s</b>', $_);

  if ($annTable) {
    print "</table>";
  } else {
    print "</pre>";

# make Checkout
sub doCheckout($$$)
  my ($fullname, $rev, $tag) = @_;
  $rev = $tag || undef if (!$rev || $rev eq '.');

  # Start resolving whether we will do a markup view or not.
  my $do_markup = undef;
  my $want_type = $input{'content-type'};

  # No markup if markup disallowed.
  $do_markup = 0 unless $allow_markup;

  # No markup if checkout magic cookie in URL.
  $do_markup = 0 if (!defined($do_markup) && $doCheckout);

  # Do markup if explicitly asked using cvsweb-markup content type.  If the
  # asked content type is anything else, no markup.
  if (!defined($do_markup) && $want_type) {
    if ($want_type =~ CVSWEBMARKUP) {
      $want_type = undef;
      $do_markup = 1;
    } else {
      $do_markup = 0;

  # Ok, if $do_markup is still undefined, we know that a download has not been
  # explicitly asked.  For the last check further down below we'll need to
  # know if the file is binary, and possibly run a log on it.
  my $needlog = $do_markup || $use_moddate;

  my $moddate = undef;
  my $revopt;
  if (defined($rev)) {
    $revopt = "-r$rev";
    if ($needlog) {
      readLog($fullname, $rev);
      $moddate   = $date{$rev};
      # TODO: even this does not work for branch tags, but only normal tags :(
      $moddate ||= $date{$symrev{$rev}} if defined($symrev{$rev});
  } else {
    $revopt = "-rHEAD";
    if ($needlog) {
      $moddate = $date{$symrev{HEAD}};

  my $cr = abs_path($cvsroot) || $cvsroot;
  # abs_path() taints when run as a CGI...
  if ($cr =~ VALID_PATH) {
    $cr = $1;
  } else {
    fatal('500 Internal Error', 'Illegal CVS root: <code>%s</code>', $cr);
  # Use abs_path() to work around a bug of cvs -p; expand symlinks if we can.
  my @cmd = ($CMD{cvs}, @cvs_options, '-d', $cr, 'co', '-p', $revopt, $where);

  local (*CVS_OUT, *CVS_ERR);
  my ($h, $err) =
    startproc(\@cmd, \"", '>pipe', \*CVS_OUT, '2>pipe', \*CVS_ERR);
  fatal('500 Internal Error',
        'Checkout failure (exit status %s), output: <pre>%s</pre>',
        $? >> 8 || -1, $err)
    unless $h;

  if (eof(CVS_ERR)) {
    fatal("404 Not Found", '%s is not (any longer) pertinent', $where);

  #Checking out squid/src/ftp.c
  #RCS:  /usr/src/CVS/squid/src/ftp.c,v

  # Parse CVS header
  my ($revision, $filename, $cvsheader);
  $filename = "";
  while (<CVS_ERR>) {
    last if (/^\*\*\*\*/);
    $revision = $1 if (/^VERS: (.*)$/);

    if (/^Checking out (.*)$/) {
      ($filename = $1) =~ s|^\./+||;
    $cvsheader .= $_;

  if ($filename ne $where) {
    fatal("500 Internal Error",
          'Unexpected output from cvs co: <pre>%s</pre> ' .
          '(expected "<code>%s</code>" but got "<code>%s</code>")',
          $cvsheader, $where, $filename);

  # Last checks whether we'll do markup or not.
  my $isbin = $keywordsubstitution && $keywordsubstitution =~ /b/;
  my $mimetype = getMimeType($fullname, $isbin);

  # If we still are not sure whether to do markup or not:
  # if the MIME type is "viewable" or this is not a binary file, do.
  $do_markup = !$isbin || viewable($mimetype) unless defined($do_markup);

  if ($do_markup) {

    # If this is something we'll be linking to in the markup view, we are
    # done with this particular output from "cvs co" and must discard it.
    my $linked = $mimetype =~ m{^image/|application/pdf$}i;
    if ($linked) {

    # Here we know the last modified date, but don't know if tags have been
    # added afterwards (those are shown in the markup view): no last-modified.
    cvswebMarkup(\*CVS_OUT, $fullname, $revision, $isbin, $mimetype, $needlog);

    $h->finish() unless $linked;

  } else {
    http_header($want_type || $mimetype, $moddate);
    local $/ = undef;
    print <CVS_OUT>;

sub cvswebMarkup($$$$$$;$)
  my ($filehandle, $fullname, $rev, $isbin, $mimetype, $logged, $mod) = @_;

  (my $pathname = $where) =~ s|((?<=/)Attic/)?[^/]*$||;
  (my $filename = $where) =~ s|^.*/||;

  navigateHeader($scriptwhere, $pathname, $filename, $rev, 'view', $mod);

  print <<EOF;
<hr />
<div class="log-markup">
  print &clickablePath($where, 1), "<br />\n";

  if ($show_log_in_markup) {
    readLog($fullname) unless $logged; #,$rev);
    printLog($rev, $mimetype, $isbin);
  } else {
    print "Revision: <b>$rev</b><br />\n";
    print 'Tag: ', htmlquote($input{only_with_tag}), "<br />\n"
      if $input{only_with_tag};
  print "</div>\n<hr />";
  my $url = download_url(uri_escape($filename), $rev, $mimetype);

  if ($mimetype =~ m|^image/|i) {
    printf '<img src="%s" alt="%s" /><br />',
      $url . $barequery, htmlquote($filename);
  } elsif (lc($mimetype) eq 'application/pdf') {
    printf '<embed src="%s" width="100%%" height="100%%" /><br />',
      $url . $barequery;
  } else {

    print "<pre>\n";
    my $linenumbers = $input{ln} || 0;

    if (my $enscript_hl = getEnscriptHL($filename)) {
      doEnscript($filehandle, $enscript_hl, $linenumbers);

    } else {
      my $ln  = 0;
      my @buf = ();
      my $ts  = undef;

      if ($preformat_in_markup) {
        # prefetch several lines
        @buf = head($filehandle);
        my %d = scan_directives(@buf);
        $ts = $d{tabstop};

      while (@buf || !eof($filehandle)) {
        $_ = @buf ? shift @buf : <$filehandle>;
        if ($linenumbers) {
          printf '<a id="l%d" class="src">%5d: </a>', ($ln) x 2;
        print $preformat_in_markup ? spacedHtmlText($_, $ts) : htmlquote($_);

    print "</pre>\n";

sub viewable($)
  return shift =~ m{^((text|image)/|application/pdf)}i;

# Show Colored Diff
sub doDiff($$$$$$)
  my ($fullname, $r1, $tr1, $r2, $tr2, $f) = @_;

  if (forbidden($fullname)) {
    fatal('403 Forbidden', 'Access to %s forbidden.', $where);

  my ($rev1, $sym1);
  if ($r1 =~ /([^:]+)(:(.+))?/) {
    $rev1 = $1;
    $sym1 = $3;
  if ($r1 eq 'text') {
    $rev1 = $tr1;
    $sym1 = "";

  my ($rev2, $sym2);
  if ($r2 =~ /([^:]+)(:(.+))?/) {
    $rev2 = $1;
    $sym2 = $3;
  if ($r2 eq 'text') {
    $rev2 = $tr2;
    $sym2 = "";

  # rev1 and rev2 are now both numeric revisions.
  # Thus we do a DWIM here and swap them if rev1 is after rev2.
  # XXX should we warn about the fact that we do this?
  if (&revcmp($rev1, $rev2) > 0) {
    my ($tmp1, $tmp2) = ($rev1, $sym1);
    ($rev1, $sym1) = ($rev2, $sym2);
    ($rev2, $sym2) = ($tmp1, $tmp2);

  my $mimetype = getMimeType($fullname);

  #  Check for per-MIME type diff commands.
  my $diffcmd = undef;
  if (my $diffcmds = $DIFF_COMMANDS{lc($mimetype)}) {
    if ($f =~ /^ext(\d*)$/) {
      my $n = $1 || 0;
      $diffcmd = $diffcmds->[$n];
  if ($diffcmd && $diffcmd->{cmd} && $diffcmd->{name}) {

    if ($diffcmd->{args} && ref($diffcmd->{args}) ne 'ARRAY') {
      fatal('500 Internal Error',
            'Configuration error: arguments to external diff tools must ' .
            'be given as array refs.  See "<code>%s</code>" in ' .

    (my $cvsname = $where) =~ s/\.diff$//;

    # Create two temporary files with the two revisions
    my $temp_fn1 = checkout_to_temp($cvsroot, $cvsname, $rev1);
    my $temp_fn2 = checkout_to_temp($cvsroot, $cvsname, $rev2);

    # Execute chosen diff binary.
    local (*DIFF_OUT);
    my @cmd = ($diffcmd->{cmd});
    push(@cmd, @{$diffcmd->{args}}) if $diffcmd->{args};
    push(@cmd, $temp_fn1, $temp_fn2);
    my ($h, $err) = startproc(\@cmd, \"", '>pipe', \*DIFF_OUT);
    if (!$h) {
      fatal('500 Internal Error',
            'Diff failure (exit status %s), output: <pre>%s</pre>',
            $? >> 8 || -1, $err);

    http_header($diffcmd->{type} || 'text/plain');
    local $/ = undef;
    print <DIFF_OUT>;


  # Normal CVS diff.

  $f = $DEFAULTVALUE{f} || 'u' if ($f =~ /^ext\d*$/);
  my $difftype = $DIFFTYPES{$f};
  if (!$difftype) {
    fatal("400 Bad arguments", 'Diff format %s not understood', $f);

  my @difftype       = @{$difftype->{opts}};
  my $human_readable = $difftype->{colored};

  # Apply special diff options.  -p and -F are not available with side by side
  # diffs and may cause problems with older (< 2.8) versions of diffutils if
  # used with --side-by-side.
  if ($showfunc && $f !~ /^s/) {
    push(@difftype, '-p');
    while (my ($re1, $re2) = each %funcline_regexp) {
      if ($fullname =~ $re1) {
        push(@difftype, '-F', $re2);

  if ($human_readable) {
    push(@difftype, '-w')  if $hr_ignwhite;
    push(@difftype, '-kk') if $hr_ignkeysubst;

  my $fh = do { local (*FH); };
  if (!open($fh, "-|")) {    # child
    open(STDERR, ">&STDOUT");    # Redirect stderr to stdout
    exec($CMD{rcsdiff}, @rcsdiff_options, @difftype, "-r$rev1", "-r$rev2",
         $fullname) or exit -1;

  if ($human_readable) {
    # Human readable diff.
    human_readable_diff($fh, $rev2);

  } elsif ($f =~ /^([ucs])c$/) {
    # Enscript colored diff.
    my $hl = 'diff';
    $hl .= $1 if ($1 eq 'u' || $1 eq 's');
    (my $where_nd = $where)       =~ s/\.diff$//;
    (my $pathname = $where_nd)    =~ s|((?<=/)Attic/)?[^/]*$||;
    (my $filename = $where_nd)    =~ s|^.*/||;
    (my $swhere   = $scriptwhere) =~ s|\.diff$||;
    navigateHeader($swhere, $pathname, $filename, $rev2, 'diff');
    printf(<<EOF, $where_nd, $rev1, $rev2);
<h3 style="text-align: center">Diff for /%s between versions %s and %s</h3>
    doEnscript(\$fh, $hl, 0, 'cvsweb_diff');
    print <<EOF;
<hr style="width: 100%" />
<form method="get" action="$scriptwhere">
    print 'Diff format: ';
    print "<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Show\" />\n</form>\n";

  } else {
    # Plain diff.

  #RCS file: /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c,v
  #retrieving revision 1.16
  #retrieving revision 1.17
  #diff -c -r1.16 -r1.17
  #*** /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/11/03 22:08:08     1.16
  #--- /home/ncvs/src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/12/05 17:46:35     1.17
  # Ideas:
  # - nuke the stderr output if it's what we expect it to be
  # - Add "no differences found" if the diff command supplied no output.
  #*** src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/11/03 22:08:08     1.16
  #--- src/sys/netinet/tcp_output.c     1995/12/05 17:46:35     1.17 RELENG_2_1_0
  # (bogus example, but...)
  my ($f1, $f2);
  if (grep { $_ eq '-u' } @difftype) {
    $f1 = '---';
    $f2 = '\+\+\+';
  } else {
    $f1 = '\*\*\*';
    $f2 = '---';

  while (<$fh>) {
    if (m|^$f1 $cvsroot|o) {
      if ($sym1) {
        $_ .= " $sym1\n";
    } elsif (m|^$f2 $cvsroot|o) {

      if ($sym2) {
        $_ .= " $sym2\n";
    print $_;

# Show Logs ..
sub getDirLogs($$@)
  my ($cvsroot, $dirname, @otherFiles) = @_;
  my $tag = $input{only_with_tag};
  my $DirName = catdir($cvsroot, $where);

  my @files = &safeglob("$DirName/*,v");
  push (@files, &safeglob("$DirName/Attic/*,v")) unless $input{hideattic};
  foreach my $file (@otherFiles) {
    push(@files, catfile($DirName, $file));

  # Weed out unreadable files.
  my $i = 0;
  my @unreadable = ();
  while ($i < scalar(@files)) {
    # Note: last modified files from subdirs returned by
    # findLastModifiedSubdirs() come without the ,v suffix so they're not
    # found here, but have already been checked for readability.  *cough*
    if (-r $files[$i] || !-e _) {
    } else {
      push(@unreadable, splice(@files, $i, 1));

  # If there are no files, we're done.
  return @unreadable unless @files;

  my @cmd = ($CMD{rlog});
  # Can't use -r<tag> as '-' is allowed in tagnames,
  # but misinterpreted by rlog.
  push(@cmd, '-r') unless defined($tag);

  my $fh = do { local (*FH); };
  if (!open($fh, '-|')) {                       # Child
    open(STDERR, '>', devnull()) unless $DEBUG; # Ignore rlog's complaints.
    if ($file_list_len && $file_list_len > 1) {
      while (scalar(@files) > $file_list_len) {  # Process files in chunks.
        system(@cmd, splice(@files, 0, $file_list_len)) == 0 or exit -1;
    exec(@cmd, @files) or exit -1;
  undef @cmd;

  my $state = 'start';
  my ($date, $branchpoint, $branch, $log, @filetags);
  my ($rev, $revision, $revwanted, $filename, $head, $author, $keywordsubst);

  while (<$fh>) {
    if ($state eq "start") {

      #Next file. Initialize file variables
      $rev         = '';
      $revwanted   = '';
      $branch      = '';
      $branchpoint = '';
      $filename    = '';
      $log         = '';
      $revision    = '';
      %symrev      = ();
      @filetags    = ();
      $keywordsubst= '';

      #jump to head state
      $state = "head";


    if ($state eq "head") {

      #$rcsfile = $1 if (/^RCS file: (.+)$/); #not used (yet)

      if (/^Working file: (.+)$/) {
        $filename = $1;
      } elsif (/^head: (.+)$/) {
        $head = $1;
      } elsif (/^branch: (.+)$/) {
        $branch = $1;
      } elsif (/^keyword substitution: (.+)$/) {
        $keywordsubst = $1;
      } elsif (/^symbolic names:/) {
        $state = "tags";
        ($branch = $head) =~ s/\.\d+$//
          if $branch eq '';
        $branch =~ s/(\d+)$/0.$1/;
        $symrev{MAIN}  = $branch;
        $symrev{HEAD}  = $branch;
        $alltags{MAIN} = 1;
        $alltags{HEAD} = 1;
        push (@filetags, "MAIN", "HEAD");
      } elsif ($_ =~ LOG_REVSEPR) {
        $state = "log";
        $rev   = '';
        $date  = '';
        $log   = '';

        # Try to reconstruct the relative filename if RCS spits out a full path
        $filename =~ s%^\Q$DirName\E/%%;

    if ($state eq "tags") {
      if (/^\s+([^:]+):\s+([\d\.]+)\s*$/) {
        push (@filetags, $1);
        $symrev{$1}  = $2;
        $alltags{$1} = 1;
      } elsif (/^\S/) {

        if (defined($tag)) {
          if (defined($symrev{$tag}) || $tag eq "HEAD") {
            $revwanted    = $symrev{$tag eq "HEAD" ? "MAIN" : $tag};
            ($branch      = $revwanted) =~ s/\b0\.//;
            ($branchpoint = $branch)    =~ s/\.?\d+$//;
            $revwanted    = '' if ($revwanted ne $branch);
          } elsif ($tag ne "HEAD") {
            $state = "skip";

        foreach my $tagfound (@filetags) {
          $tags{$tagfound} = 1;
        $state = "head";
        goto again;

    if ($state eq "log") {
      if ($_ =~ LOG_REVSEPR || $_ =~ LOG_FILESEPR) {

        # End of a log entry.
        my $revbranch = $rev;
        $revbranch =~ s/\.\d+$//;

        if ($revwanted eq '' && $branch ne '' && $branch eq $revbranch
            || !defined($tag))
          $revwanted = $rev;

        if ($revwanted ne ''
            ? $rev eq $revwanted
            : $branchpoint ne ''
              ? $rev eq $branchpoint
              : 0
            && ($rev eq $head))
        {    # Don't think head is needed here..
          my @finfo = ($rev, $date, $log, $author, $filename, $keywordsubst);
          (my $name = $filename) =~ s%/.*%%;
          $fileinfo{$name} = [@finfo];
          $state = "done" if ($rev eq $revwanted);
        $rev  = '';
        $date = '';
        $log  = '';
      } elsif ($date eq ''
               && m|^date:\s+(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)\s+(\d+):(\d+):(\d+);|)
        my $yr    = $1;
        $yr      -= 1900 if ($yr > 100); # Damn 2-digit year routines :-)
        $date     = timegm($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $yr);
        ($author) = /author: ([^;]+)/;
        $state    = 'log';
        $log      = '';
      } elsif ($rev eq '' && /^revision (\d+(?:\.\d+)+).*$/) {
        $rev = $1;    # .*$ eats up the locker(lockers?) info, if any
      } else {
        $log .= $_;

    if ($_ =~ LOG_FILESEPR) {
      $state = "start";

  my $linesread = $. || 0;

  if ($linesread == 0) {
    fatal('500 Internal Error',
          'Failed to spawn GNU rlog on <em>"%s"</em>.<br /><br />Did you set the <b><code>@command_path</code></b> in your configuration file correctly? (Currently: "<code>%s</code>")',
          htmlquote(join(', ', @files)), join(':', @command_path));

  return @unreadable;

sub readLog($;$)
  my ($fullname, $revision) = @_;
  my ($symnames, $head, $rev, $br, $brp, $branch, $branchrev);

  undef %symrev;
  undef %revsym;
  undef @allrevisions;
  undef %date;
  undef %author;
  undef %state;
  undef %difflines;
  undef %log;
  $keywordsubstitution = '';

  my $fh = do { local (*FH); };
  if (!open($fh, "-|")) {    # child
    $revision = defined($revision) ? "-r$revision" : '';
    if ($revision =~ /\./) {
      # Normal revision, not a branch/tag name.
      exec($CMD{rlog}, $revision, $fullname) or exit -1;
    } else {
      exec($CMD{rlog}, $fullname) or exit -1;

  my $curbranch = undef;
  while (<$fh>) {
    if ($symnames) {
      if (/^\s+([^:]+):\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
        $symrev{$1} = $2;
      } else {
        $symnames = 0;
    if (/^head:\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
      $head = $1;
    } elsif (/^branch:\s+([\d\.]+)/) {
      $curbranch = $1;
    } elsif (/^symbolic names/) {
      $symnames = 1;
    } elsif (/^keyword substitution: (.+)$/) {
      $keywordsubstitution = $1;
    } elsif (/^-----/) {
  ($curbranch = $head) =~ s/\.\d+$// if (!defined($curbranch));

  # each log entry is of the form:
  # ----------------------------
  # revision
  # date: 1995/11/29 22:15:52;  author: fenner;  state: Exp;  lines: +5 -3
  # log info
  # ----------------------------

  # For a locked revision, the first line after the separator 
  # becomes smth like
  # revision 9.19       locked by: vassilii;


  while ($_ !~ LOG_FILESEPR) {
    $_ = <$fh>;
    last logentry if (!defined($_));    # EOF
    if (/^revision (\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/) {
      $rev = $1;
      unshift(@allrevisions, $rev);
    } elsif ($_ =~ LOG_FILESEPR || $_ =~ LOG_REVSEPR) {
      next logentry;
    } else {

      # The rlog output is syntactically ambiguous.  We must
      # have guessed wrong about where the end of the last log
      # message was.
      # Since this is likely to happen when people put rlog output
      # in their commit messages, don't even bother keeping
      # these lines since we don't know what revision they go with
      # any more.
      next logentry;
    $_ = <$fh>;
    if (
      my $yr           = $1;
      $yr             -= 1900 if ($yr > 100); # Damn 2-digit year routines :-)
      $date{$rev}      = timegm($6, $5, $4, $3, $2 - 1, $yr);
      $author{$rev}    = $7;
      $state{$rev}     = $8;
      $difflines{$rev} = $10;
    } else {
      fatal("500 Internal Error", 'Error parsing RCS output: %s', $_);

    while (<$fh>) {
      next line if (/^branches:\s/);
      last line if ($_ =~ LOG_FILESEPR || $_ =~ LOG_REVSEPR);
      $log{$rev} .= $_;

  @revorder = reverse sort { revcmp($a, $b) } @allrevisions;

  # HEAD is an artificial tag which is simply the highest tag number on the main
  # branch, unless there is a branch tag in the RCS file in which case it's the
  # highest revision on that branch.  Find it by looking through @revorder; it
  # is the first commit listed on the appropriate branch.
  # This is not neccesary the same revision as marked as head in the RCS file.
  my $headrev = $curbranch || "1";
  ($symrev{MAIN} = $headrev) =~ s/(\d+)$/0.$1/;

  foreach $rev (@revorder) {
    if ($rev =~ /^(\S*)\.\d+$/ && $headrev eq $1) {
      $symrev{HEAD} = $rev;
  ($symrev{HEAD} = $headrev) =~ s/\.\d+$// unless defined($symrev{HEAD});

  # Now that we know all of the revision numbers, we can associate
  # absolute revision numbers with all of the symbolic names, and
  # pass them to the form so that the same association doesn't have
  # to be built then.
  undef @branchnames;
  undef %branchpoint;
  undef $sel;

  foreach (reverse sort keys %symrev) {
    $rev = $symrev{$_};
    if ($rev =~ /^((.*)\.)?\b0\.(\d+)$/) {
      push (@branchnames, $_);

      # A revision number of A.B.0.D really translates into
      # "the highest current revision on branch A.B.D".
      # If there is no branch A.B.D, then it translates into
      # the head A.B .
      # This reasoning also applies to the main branch A.B,
      # with the branch number 0.A, with the exception that
      # it has no head to translate to if there is nothing on
      # the branch, but I guess this can never happen?
      # (the code below gracefully forgets about the branch
      # if it should happen)
      $head = defined($2) ? $2 : "";
      $branch = $3;
      $branchrev = $head . ($head ne "" ? "." : "") . $branch;
      $rev = $head;

      my $regex = '^' . quotemeta($branchrev) . '\b';
      $regex = qr/$regex/;

      foreach my $r (@revorder) {
        if ($r =~ $regex) {
          $rev = $branchrev;
      next if ($rev eq "");

      if ($rev ne $head && $head ne "") {
        $branchpoint{$head} .= ', ' if ($branchpoint{$head});
        $branchpoint{$head} .= $_;
    $revsym{$rev} .= ", " if ($revsym{$rev});
    $revsym{$rev} .= $_;
    $sel .= sprintf("<option value=\"%s:%s\">%s</option>\n",
                    htmlquote($rev), (htmlquote($_)) x 2);

  my ($onlyonbranch, $onlybranchpoint);
  if ($onlyonbranch = $input{only_with_tag}) {
    $onlyonbranch = $symrev{$onlyonbranch};
    if ($onlyonbranch && $onlyonbranch =~ s/\b0\.//) {
      ($onlybranchpoint = $onlyonbranch) =~ s/\.\d+$//;
    } else {
      $onlybranchpoint = $onlyonbranch;

    if (!defined($onlyonbranch) || $onlybranchpoint eq "") {
      fatal("404 Tag not found", 'Tag "<code>%s</code>" is not defined.',

  undef @revisions;

  foreach (@allrevisions) {
    ($br  = $_)  =~ s/\.\d+$//;
    ($brp = $br) =~ s/\.\d+$//;
    next if ($onlyonbranch
             && $br ne $onlyonbranch
             && $_  ne $onlybranchpoint);
    unshift(@revisions, $_);

  if ($logsort eq "date") {

    # Sort the revisions in commit order an secondary sort on revision
    # (secondary sort needed for imported sources, or the first main
    # revision gets before the same revision on the 1.1.1 branch)
    @revdisplayorder =
      sort { $date{$b} <=> $date{$a} || -revcmp($a, $b) } @revisions;
  } elsif ($logsort eq "rev") {

    # Sort the revisions in revision order, highest first
    @revdisplayorder = reverse sort { revcmp($a, $b) } @revisions;
  } else {

    # No sorting. Present in the same order as rlog / cvs log
    @revdisplayorder = @revisions;

  return $curbranch;

sub getDiffLinks($$$)
  my ($url, $mimetype, $isbin) = @_;

  my @links = ();
  if (!$isbin) { # Offer ordinary diff only for non-binary files.
    push(@links, &link('preferred', $url));
    for my $difftype ($DIFFTYPES{$defaultDiffType}{colored} ? qw(u) : qw(h)) {
      my $f = $difftype eq $defaultDiffType ? '' : $difftype;
           &link(htmlquote(lc($DIFFTYPES{$difftype}{descr})), "$url;f=$f"));
  if (my $extdiffs = $DIFF_COMMANDS{lc($mimetype)}) {
    for my $i (0 .. scalar(@$extdiffs)-1) {
      my $extdiff = $extdiffs->[$i];
      push(@links, &link(htmlquote($extdiff->{name}), "$url;f=ext$i"))
        if ($extdiff->{cmd} && $extdiff->{name});
  return @links;

sub printLog($$$;$$)
  # inlogview: 1 if in log view, otherwise in markup view.
  ($_, my $mimetype, my $isbin, my $inlogview, my $isSelected) = @_;
  (my $br  = $_)  =~ s/\.\d+$//;
  (my $brp = $br) =~ s/\.?\d+$//;

  print "<a name=\"rev$_\"></a>";
  if (defined($revsym{$_})) {
    foreach my $sym (split(", ", $revsym{$_})) {
      print '<a name="', htmlquote($sym), '"></a>';
  if ($revsym{$br} && !defined($nameprinted{$br})) {
    foreach my $sym (split(", ", $revsym{$br})) {
      print '<a name="', htmlquote($sym), '"></a>';
    $nameprinted{$br} = 1;

  print "\n Revision <b>$_</b>";
  if (/^1\.1\.1\.\d+$/) {
    print " <i>(vendor branch)</i>";

  (my $filename = $where) =~ s|^.*/||;
  my $fileurl   = uri_escape($filename);
  undef $filename;

  my $isDead = ($state{$_} eq 'dead');
  if (!$isDead) {

    print ': ', download_link($fileurl, $_, 'download', $mimetype);

    my @vlinks = ();
    push(@vlinks, display_link($fileurl, $_, 'text', 'text/plain'))
      unless $isbin;
    push(@vlinks, display_link($fileurl, $_, 'markup', 'text/x-cvsweb-markup'))
      if ($allow_markup && $inlogview && (!$isbin || viewable($mimetype)));
    if (!$isbin && $allow_annotate) {
                 sprintf('%s?annotate=%s%s', $fileurl, $_, $barequery)));
    print ' - view: ', join(', ', @vlinks) if @vlinks;
    undef @vlinks;

    if (!$isbin && $allow_version_select) {
      print ' - ';
      if ($isSelected) {
        print '<b>[selected&nbsp;for&nbsp;diffs]</b>';
      } else {
        print &link('select&nbsp;for&nbsp;diffs',
                            $fileurl, $_, $barequery, $_));
    print ' - ', graph_link('', 'revision graph')
      if (!$inlogview && $allow_cvsgraph);
  print "<br />\n";

  print '<i>';
  if (defined @mytz) {
    my ($est) = $mytz[(localtime($date{$_}))[8]];
    print scalar localtime($date{$_}), " $est</i> (";
  } else {
    print scalar gmtime($date{$_}), " UTC</i> (";
  print readableTime(time() - $date{$_}, 1), ' ago)';
  print ' by <i>', htmlquote($author{$_}), "</i><br />\n";

  printf("Branches: %s<br />\n", link_tags($revsym{$br})) if $revsym{$br};
  printf("CVS tags: %s<br />\n", link_tags($revsym{$_}))  if $revsym{$_};
  printf("Branch point for: %s<br />\n", link_tags($branchpoint{$_}))
    if $branchpoint{$_};

  # Find the previous revision
  my $prev;
  my @prevrev = split(/\./, $_);
  do {
    if (--$prevrev[$#prevrev] <= 0) {

      # If it was X.Y.Z.1, just make it X.Y
      pop (@prevrev);
      pop (@prevrev);
    $prev = join (".", @prevrev);
  } until (defined($date{$prev}) || $prev eq "");

  if ($isDead) {
    print "<b><i>FILE REMOVED</i></b><br />\n";
  } else {
    my %diffrev = ();
    $diffrev{$_} = 1;
    $diffrev{""} = 1;
    my $diff = 'Diff to:';
    my $printed = 0;

    # Offer diff to previous revision
    if ($prev) {
      $diffrev{$prev} = 1;
      my $url =
        sprintf('%s.diff?r1=%s;r2=%s%s', $fileurl, $prev, $_, $barequery);
      if (my @dlinks = getDiffLinks($url, $mimetype, $isbin)) {
        print $diff, ' previous ', $prev, ': ', join(', ', @dlinks);
        $diff = ';'; $printed = 1;

    # Plus, if it's on a branch, and it's not a vendor branch,
    # offer a diff with the branch point.
    if ($revsym{$brp}
      && !/^1\.1\.1\.\d+$/
      && !defined($diffrev{$brp}))
      my $url =
        sprintf('%s.diff?r1=%s;r2=%s%s', $fileurl, $brp, $_, $barequery);
      if (my @dlinks = getDiffLinks($url, $mimetype, $isbin)) {
        print $diff, ' branchpoint ', $brp, ': ', join(', ', @dlinks);
        $diff = ';'; $printed = 1;

    # Plus, if it's on a branch, and it's not a vendor branch,
    # offer to diff with the next revision of the higher branch.
    # (e.g. change gets committed and then brought
    # over to -stable)
    if (/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+/ && !/^1\.1\.1\.\d+$/) {
      my ($i, $nextmain);

      for ($i = 0; $i < $#revorder && $revorder[$i] ne $_; $i++) {
      my @tmp2 = split(/\./, $_);
      for ($nextmain = ""; $i > 0; $i--) {
        my $next = $revorder[$i - 1];
        my @tmp1 = split(/\./, $next);

        if (@tmp1 < @tmp2) {
          $nextmain = $next;

        # Only the highest version on a branch should have
        # a diff for the "next MAIN".
          if (@tmp1 - 1 <= @tmp2
          && join (".", @tmp1[0 .. $#tmp1 - 1]) eq
          join (".", @tmp2[0 .. $#tmp1 - 1]));

      if (!defined($diffrev{$nextmain})) {
        $diffrev{$nextmain} = 1;
        my $url = sprintf('%s.diff?r1=%s;r2=%s%s',
          $fileurl, $nextmain, $_, $barequery);
        if (my @dlinks = getDiffLinks($url, $mimetype, $isbin)) {
          print $diff, ' next MAIN ', $nextmain, ': ', join(', ', @dlinks);
          $diff = ';'; $printed = 1;

    # Plus if user has selected only r1, then present a link
    # to make a diff to that revision
    if (defined($input{r1}) && !defined($diffrev{$input{r1}})) {
      $diffrev{$input{r1}} = 1;
      my $url = sprintf('%s.diff?r1=%s;r2=%s%s',
        $fileurl, $input{r1}, $_, $barequery);
      if (my @dlinks = getDiffLinks($url, $mimetype, $isbin)) {
        print $diff, ' selected ', $input{r1}, ': ', join(', ', @dlinks);
        $diff = ';'; $printed = 1;

    print "<br />\n" if $printed;

  if ($prev ne "" && $difflines{$_}) {
    printf "Changes since revision %s: %s lines<br />\n",
      htmlquote($prev), htmlquote($difflines{$_});

  print "<pre class=\"log\">\n";
  print &htmlify($log{$_}, $allow_log_extra);
  print "</pre>\n";

# Generates the HTML view for CvsGraph.
sub doGraphView()
  (my $pathname = $where) =~ s|[^/]*$||;
  (my $filename = $where) =~ s|^.*/||;

  navigateHeader($scriptwhere, $pathname, $filename, undef, 'graph');

  my $title = 'Revision graph of ' . htmlquote($pathname . $filename);
  my $mapname = 'CvsGraphMap';

  printf(<<EOF, $title, $mapname, $cvstree, $title);
<h3 style="text-align: center">%s</h3>
<div style="text-align: center"><img border="0" usemap="#%s" src="?cvsroot=%s;graph=1;makeimage=1" alt="%s" />

  # Remove any pre-existing tag/branch names from branch links.
  (my $notag_query = $barequery) =~ s/;+only_with_tag=.*?(?=;|$)//g;

  my @graph_cmd =
     '-r', $cvsroot,
     '-m', $pathname,
     '-M', $mapname,
     '-x', 'x',
     "-Omap_diff_href=\"href=\\\"%(%F%).diff" .
  push(@graph_cmd, '-c', $cvsgraph_config) if $cvsgraph_config;
  push(@graph_cmd, $filename . ',v');

  local *CVSGRAPH_OUT;
  my ($h, $err) =
    startproc(\@graph_cmd, \"", '>pipe', \*CVSGRAPH_OUT);
  fatal('500 Internal Error', $err) unless $h;

  # Browser compatibility kludge: many browsers do not support client side
  # image maps where the <map> element contains only the id attribute.  Let's
  # add the corresponding name attribute to it on the fly.
  while (<CVSGRAPH_OUT>) {
    s/(<map\s+id="([^"]+)")\s*>/$1 name="$2">/;

  print "</div>\n";


# Generates a graph using CvsGraph.
sub doGraph()
  (my $pathname = $where) =~ s|[^/]*$||;
  (my $filename = $where) =~ s|^.*/||;


  my @graph_cmd = ($CMD{cvsgraph}, '-r', $cvsroot, '-m', $pathname);
  push(@graph_cmd, '-c', $cvsgraph_config) if $cvsgraph_config;
  push(@graph_cmd, $filename . ',v');

  local *CVSGRAPH_OUT;
  my ($h, $err) =
    startproc(\@graph_cmd, \"", '>pipe', \*CVSGRAPH_OUT);
  fatal('500 Internal Error', $err) unless $h;
    local $/ = undef;
    print <CVSGRAPH_OUT>;

sub doLog($)
  my ($fullname) = @_;

  my $curbranch = readLog($fullname);

  html_header("CVS log for $where");

  my $upwhere = $where;
  (my $filename = $where) =~ s|^.*/||;
  my $backurl = "./$query#" . uri_escape($filename);
  if ($where =~ m|^(.*?)((?<=/)Attic/)?[^/]+$|) {
    $upwhere = $1;
    $backurl = ".$backurl" if $2; # skip over Attic

  my $isbin = $keywordsubstitution =~ /b/;
  my $mimetype = getMimeType($filename, $isbin);

  print "<p>\n ";
  print &link($backicon, $backurl), " <b>Up to ",
    &clickablePath($upwhere, 1), "</b>\n</p>\n";
  print "<p>\n ";
  print &link('Request diff between arbitrary revisions', '#diff');
  print ' - ', &graph_link('', 'Display revisions graphically')
    if $allow_cvsgraph;
  if ($cvshistory_url) {
    (my $d = $upwhere) =~ s|/+$||;
    print ' - ', history_link($d, $filename);
  print "\n</p>\n<hr />\n";

  print "<p>\n";

  my $explain = $isbin ? ' (i.e.: CVS considers this a binary file)' : '';
  print "Keyword substitution: $keywordsubstitution$explain<br />\n";
  if ($curbranch) {
    print "Default branch: ", ($revsym{$curbranch} || $curbranch);
  } else {
    print "No default branch";
  print "<br />\n";

  print 'Current tag: ', htmlquote($input{only_with_tag}), "<br />\n"
    if $input{only_with_tag};
  print "</p>\n";

  undef %nameprinted;

  for my $r (@revdisplayorder) {
    print "<hr />\n";
    my $sel = (defined($input{r1}) && $input{r1} eq $r);
    print "<div class=\"diff-selected\">\n" if $sel;
    printLog($r, $mimetype, $isbin, 1, $sel);
    print "</div>\n" if $sel;

  printf(<<EOF, $scriptwhere);
<hr />
<form method="get" action="%s.diff" id="diff_select">
<legend>Diff request</legend>
 <a name="diff">
  This form allows you to request diffs between any two revisions of a file.
  You may select a symbolic revision name using the selection box or you may
  type in a numeric name using the type-in text box.

  foreach (@stickyvars) {
    printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />\n",
           $_, htmlquote($input{$_}))
      if (defined($input{$_}) &&
          (!defined($DEFAULTVALUE{$_}) || $input{$_} ne $DEFAULTVALUE{$_}));

  print <<EOF;
<table summary="Diff between arbitrary revisions">
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="r1" accesskey="1">Diffs between</label>
<td class="opt-value">
<select id="r1" name="r1">
<option value="text" selected="selected">Use Text Field</option>
  print $sel, "</select>\n";

  my $diffrev = defined($input{r1}) ?
    $input{r1} : $revdisplayorder[$#revdisplayorder];

  printf(<<EOF, $inputTextSize, $diffrev);
<input type="text" size="%s" name="tr1" value="%s" onchange="this.form.r1.selectedIndex=0" />
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="r2" accesskey="2">and</label>
<td class="opt-value">
<select id="r2" name="r2">
<option value="text" selected="selected">Use Text Field</option>
  print $sel, "</select>\n";

  $diffrev = defined($input{r2}) ? $input{r2} : $revdisplayorder[0];

  printf(<<EOF, $inputTextSize, $diffrev, $scriptwhere);
<input type="text" size="%s" name="tr2" value="%s" onchange="this.form.r2.selectedIndex=0" />
<td><input type="submit" value="Get Diffs" accesskey="G" /></td>
<form method="get" action="%s">
<legend>Log view options</legend>
<table summary="Log view options">
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="f" accesskey="D">Preferred diff type:</label>
<td class="opt-value">
  print <<EOF;

  if (@branchnames) {

    printf(<<EOF, $use_java_script ? ' onchange="this.form.submit()"' : '');
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="only_with_tag" accesskey="B">View only branch:</label>
<td class="opt-value">
<a name="branch">
<select id="only_with_tag" name="only_with_tag"%s>

    my @tmp = ();
    my $selfound = 0;
    foreach (reverse sort @branchnames) {
      my $selected =
        (defined($input{only_with_tag}) && $input{only_with_tag} eq $_);
      $selfound ||= $selected;
      push(@tmp, sprintf('<option%s>%s</option>',
                         $selected ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
    printf("<option value=\"\"%s>Show all branches</option>\n",
           $selfound ? '' : ' selected="selected"');
    print join("\n", @tmp);

    print <<EOF

  print <<EOF;
<td class="opt-label">
<label for="logsort" accesskey="L">Sort log by:</label>
  print <<EOF;
<td><input type="submit" value="Set" accesskey="S" /></td>
  foreach (@stickyvars) {
    next if ($_ eq "f");
    next if ($_ eq "only_with_tag");
    next if ($_ eq "logsort");
    printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"$_\" value=\"%s\" />\n",
      if (defined($input{$_})
          && (!defined($DEFAULTVALUE{$_}) || $input{$_} ne $DEFAULTVALUE{$_}));
  print "</fieldset>\n</form>\n";

sub flush_diff_rows($$$$)
  my ($leftColRef, $rightColRef, $leftRow, $rightRow) = @_;

  return unless defined($state);

  if ($state eq "PreChangeRemove") {    # we just got remove-lines before
    for (my $j = 0; $j < $leftRow; $j++) {
      printf(<<EOF, spacedHtmlText(@$leftColRef[$j]));
 <td class="diff diff-removed">&nbsp;%s</td>
 <td class="diff diff-empty">&nbsp;</td>
  } elsif ($state eq "PreChange") {     # state eq "PreChange"
                                        # we got removes with subsequent adds
    if (HAS_EDIFF) {
      # construct the suffix tree
      my $left_diff = join("\n", @$leftColRef[0..$leftRow-1]);
      my $right_diff = join("\n", @$rightColRef[0..$rightRow-1]);
      my $diff_str = String::Ediff::ediff($left_diff, $right_diff);

      my @diff_str = split(/ /, $diff_str);
      my $INFINITY = 10000000;
      push(@diff_str, ($INFINITY) x 8);
      my ($idx, $b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2) =
        (0, @diff_str[0..7]);
      my ($l_cul, $r_cul) = (0, 0);
      my ($ldx, $rdx) = (0, 0);
      my (@left_html, @right_html);
      for (my $j = 0; $j < $leftRow; $j++) {
        my $line_len = length(@$leftColRef[$j]);
        my $line = @$leftColRef[$j];
        $l_cul += length($line) + 1; # includes "\n"
        my $l_culx = $l_cul - 1; # not includes "\n"
        if ($j < $lb1) {
          $line = spacedHtmlText($line);
          push(@left_html, "<td class=\"diff diff-changed\">$line</td>");
        } elsif ($lb1 == $j) {
          my $html_line;
          while ($lb1 == $j) {
            my $begin_char = $l_culx - $b1;

            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$begin_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-unchanged">';
            $line = $2;
            last if ($j != $le1);

            my $end_char = $l_culx - $e1;
            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$end_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-changed">';
            $line = $2;

            my ($tb1, $te1, $tlb1, $tle1, $tb2, $te2, $tlb2, $tle2) =
              ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2);
            ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2) =
            $lb1 = $INFINITY if ($lb1 < 0);
            $lb2 = $INFINITY if ($lb2 < 0);
            $le1 = $INFINITY if ($le1 < 0);
            $le2 = $INFINITY if ($le2 < 0);
            if ($te1 > $b1) {
              ($b1, $lb1) = ($te1, $tle1);
            if ($te2 > $b2) {
              ($b2, $lb2) = ($te2, $tle2);
               sprintf('<td><span class="diff diff-changed">%s%s</span></td>',
                       $html_line, spacedHtmlText($line)));
        } elsif ($le1 == $j) {
          my $html_line;
          while ($le1 == $j) {
            my $end_char = $l_culx - $e1;
            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$end_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-changed">';
            $line = $2;

            my ($tb1, $te1, $tlb1, $tle1, $tb2, $te2, $tlb2, $tle2) =
              ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2);
            ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2) =
            $lb1 = $INFINITY if ($lb1 < 0);
            $lb2 = $INFINITY if ($lb2 < 0);
            $le1 = $INFINITY if ($le1 < 0);
            $le2 = $INFINITY if ($le2 < 0);
            if ($te1 > $b1) {
              ($b1, $lb1) = ($te1, $tle1);
            if ($te2 > $b2) {
              ($b2, $lb2) = ($te2, $tle2);

            last if ($lb1 != $j);

            my $begin_char = $l_culx - $b1;

            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$begin_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-unchanged">';
            $line = $2;
              sprintf('<td><span class="diff diff-unchanged">%s%s</span></td>',
                      $html_line, spacedHtmlText($line)));
        } else {
          $line = spacedHtmlText($line);
          push(@left_html, "<td class=\"diff diff-unchanged\">$line</td>");
      ($idx, $b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2) =
        (0, @diff_str[0..7]);
      $lb1 = $INFINITY if ($lb1 < 0);
      $lb2 = $INFINITY if ($lb2 < 0);
      $le1 = $INFINITY if ($le1 < 0);
      $le2 = $INFINITY if ($le2 < 0);
      for (my $j = 0; $j < $rightRow; $j++) {
        my $line_len = length(@$rightColRef[$j]);
        my $line = @$rightColRef[$j];
        $r_cul += length($line) + 1; # includes "\n"
        my $r_culx = $r_cul - 1; # not includes "\n"
        if ($j < $lb2) {
          $line = spacedHtmlText($line);
          push(@right_html, "<td class=\"diff diff-changed\">$line</td>");
        } elsif ($lb2 == $j) {
          my $html_line;
          while ($lb2 == $j) {
            my $begin_char = $r_culx - $b2;

            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$begin_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-unchanged">';
            $line = $2;

            last if ($j != $le2);

            my $end_char = $r_culx - $e2;
            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$end_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-changed">';
            $line = $2;

            my ($tb1, $te1, $tlb1, $tle1, $tb2, $te2, $tlb2, $tle2) =
              ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2);
            ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2) =
            $lb1 = $INFINITY if ($lb1 < 0);
            $lb2 = $INFINITY if ($lb2 < 0);
            $le1 = $INFINITY if ($le1 < 0);
            $le2 = $INFINITY if ($le2 < 0);
            if ($te1 > $b1) {
              ($b1, $lb1) = ($te1, $tle1);
            if ($te2 > $b2) {
              ($b2, $lb2) = ($te2, $tle2);
               sprintf('<td><span class="diff diff-changed">%s%s</span></td>',
                       $html_line, spacedHtmlText($line)));
        } elsif ($le2 == $j) {
          my $html_line;
          while ($le2 == $j) {
            my $end_char = $r_culx - $e2;
            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$end_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-changed">';
            $line = $2;

            my ($tb1, $te1, $tlb1, $tle1, $tb2, $te2, $tlb2, $tle2) =
              ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2);
            ($b1, $e1, $lb1, $le1, $b2, $e2, $lb2, $le2) =
            $lb1 = $INFINITY if ($lb1 < 0);
            $lb2 = $INFINITY if ($lb2 < 0);
            $le1 = $INFINITY if ($le1 < 0);
            $le2 = $INFINITY if ($le2 < 0);
            if ($te1 > $b1) {
              ($b1, $lb1) = ($te1, $tle1);
            if ($te2 > $b2) {
              ($b2, $lb2) = ($te2, $tle2);

            last if ($lb2 != $j);

            my $begin_char = $r_culx - $b2;
            $line =~ /^(.*)(.{$begin_char})$/;
            $html_line .= spacedHtmlText($1) .
              '</span><span class="diff diff-unchanged">';
            $line = $2;
               sprintf('<td nowrap="nowrap"><span class="diff diff-unchanged"'.
                       $html_line, spacedHtmlText($line)));
        } else {
          $line = spacedHtmlText ($line);
          push @right_html, "<td class=\"diff diff-unchanged\">$line</td>";
      for (my $j = 0; $j < $leftRow || $j < $rightRow ; $j++) { # dump out both cols
        print  '<tr>';
        if ($j < $leftRow) {
          print $left_html[$j];
        } else {
          print '<td class="diff diff-changed-missing">&nbsp;</td>';
        if ($j < $rightRow) {
          print $right_html[$j];
        } else {
          print '<td class="diff diff-changed-missing">&nbsp;</td>';
        print "</tr>\n";
    } else {
      for (my $j = 0; $j < $leftRow || $j < $rightRow; $j++) { # dump both cols
        print "<tr>\n";
        if ($j < $leftRow) {
          print '<td class="diff diff-changed">&nbsp;' .
            spacedHtmlText(@$leftColRef[$j]) . '</td>';
        } else {
          print '<td class="diff diff-changed-missing">&nbsp;</td>';
        print "\n";

        if ($j < $rightRow) {
          print '<td class="diff diff-changed">&nbsp;' .
            spacedHtmlText(@$rightColRef[$j]) . '</td>';
        } else {
          print '<td class="diff diff-changed-missing">&nbsp;</td>';
        print "\n</tr>\n";

# Generates "human readable", HTMLified diffs.
sub human_readable_diff($$)
  my ($fh, $rev) = @_;

  (my $where_nd       = $where)       =~ s|\.diff$||;
  (my $filename       = $where_nd)    =~ s|^.*/||;
  (my $pathname       = $where_nd)    =~ s|((?<=/)Attic/)?[^/]*$||;
  (my $scriptwhere_nd = $scriptwhere) =~ s|\.diff$||;

  navigateHeader($scriptwhere_nd, $pathname, $filename, $rev, 'diff');

  # Read header to pick up read revision and date, if possible.

  my ($r1d, $r1r, $r2d, $r2r);
  while (<$fh>) {
    ($r1d, $r1r) = /\t(.*)\t(.*)$/ if (/^--- /);
    ($r2d, $r2r) = /\t(.*)\t(.*)$/ if (/^\+\+\+ /);
    last if (/^\+\+\+ /);

  my ($rev1, $date1);
  if (defined($r1r) && $r1r =~ /^(\d+\.)+\d+$/) {
    $rev1  = $r1r;
    $date1 = $r1d;
  my ($rev2, $date2);
  if (defined($r2r) && $r2r =~ /^(\d+\.)+\d+$/) {
    $rev2  = $r2r;
    $date2 = $r2d;
  $rev1  = $input{r1}      unless defined($rev1);
  $rev1  = $input{tr1}     if (defined($rev1) && $rev1 eq 'text');
  $rev1  = 'unknown-left'  unless defined($rev1);
  $rev2  = $input{r2}      unless defined($rev2);
  $rev2  = $input{tr2}     if (defined($rev2) && $rev2 eq 'text');
  $rev2  = 'unknown-right' unless defined($rev2);
  $date1 = defined($date1) ? ', ' . htmlquote($date1) : '';
  $date2 = defined($date2) ? ', ' . htmlquote($date2) : '';

  my $link = uri_escape($filename) . ($query ? "$query;" : '?');

  # Using <table style=\"border: none\" here breaks NS 4.x badly...
  print <<EOF;
<h3 style="text-align: center">Diff for /$where_nd between versions $rev1 and $rev2</h3>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" summary="Diff output">
<tr style="background-color: #ffffff">
<th style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top" width="50%">
<a href="${link}rev=$rev1">version $rev1</a>$date1
<th style="text-align: center; vertical-align: top" width="50%">
<a href="${link}rev=$rev2">version $rev2</a>$date2

  # Process diff text
  # prefetch several lines
  my @buf = head($fh);
  my %d = scan_directives(@buf);

  my $leftRow  = 0;
  my $rightRow = 0;
  my ($difftxt, @rightCol, @leftCol, $oldline, $newline, $funname);

  $link .= 'content-type=text%2Fx-cvsweb-markup;';
  $link .= 'ln=1;' unless ($link =~ /\?.*\bln=1\b/);

  while (@buf || !eof($fh)) {
    $difftxt = @buf ? shift @buf : <$fh>;

    if ($difftxt =~ /^@@/) {
      ($oldline, $newline, $funname) =
        $difftxt =~ /@@ \-([0-9]+).*\+([0-9]+).*@@(.*)/;
      $funname = htmlquote($funname);
      $funname =~ s/\s/&nbsp;/go;
      $funname &&= "&nbsp;<span style=\"font-size: smaller\">$funname</span>";
      my $ol = $oldline || 1;
      my $nl = $newline || 1;

      print <<EOF;
<td width="50%" class="diff-heading">
 <b><a href="${link}rev=$rev1#l$ol">Line&nbsp;$oldline</a></b>$funname
<td width="50%" class="diff-heading">
 <b><a href="${link}rev=$rev2#l$nl">Line&nbsp;$newline</a></b>$funname

      $state    = "dump";
      $leftRow  = 0;
      $rightRow = 0;
    } else {
      my ($diffcode, $rest) = $difftxt =~ /^([-+ ])(.*)/;
      $diffcode = '' unless defined($diffcode);
      $_ = $rest;

      # little state machine to parse unified-diff output (Hen, zeller@think.de)
      # in order to get some nice 'ediff'-mode output
      # states:
      #  "dump"             - just dump the value
      #  "PreChangeRemove"  - we began with '-' .. so this could be the start of a 'change' area or just remove
      #  "PreChange"        - okey, we got several '-' lines and moved to '+' lines -> this is a change block

      if ($diffcode eq '+') {
        if ($state eq "dump")
        {    # 'change' never begins with '+': just dump out value
          $_ = spacedHtmlText($rest, $d{tabstop});
          printf(<<EOF, $_);
 <td class="diff diff-empty">&nbsp;</td>
 <td class="diff diff-added">&nbsp;%s</td>
        } else {    # we got minus before
          $state = "PreChange";
          $rightCol[$rightRow++] = $_;
      } elsif ($diffcode eq '-') {
        $state = "PreChangeRemove";
        $leftCol[$leftRow++] = $_;
      } else {    # empty diffcode
        flush_diff_rows \@leftCol, \@rightCol, $leftRow, $rightRow;
        $_ = spacedHtmlText($rest, $d{tabstop});
        printf(<<EOF, $_, $_);
 <td class="diff diff-same">&nbsp;%s</td>
 <td class="diff diff-same">&nbsp;%s</td>
        $state    = "dump";
        $leftRow  = 0;
        $rightRow = 0;

  flush_diff_rows \@leftCol, \@rightCol, $leftRow, $rightRow;

  # state is empty if we didn't have any change
  if (!$state) {
    print <<EOF;
 <td colspan="2">&nbsp;</td>
<tr class="diff diff-empty">
 <td colspan="2" align="center"><b>- No viewable change -</b></td>

  printf(<<EOF, $scriptwhere);
<hr style="width: 100%%" />
<form method="get" action="%s">
<div style="float: left">
<label for="f">Diff format:<br />
  printf(<<EOF, $rev1, $rev2);
<input type="submit" value="Show" />
<table style="float: right; border: thin outset" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" title="Legend" summary="Legend">
  <td align="center" class="diff diff-removed">Removed from v.%s</td>
  <td class="diff diff-empty">&nbsp;</td>
 </tr><tr class="diff diff-changed">
  <td align="center" colspan="2">changed lines</td>
  <td class="diff diff-empty">&nbsp;</td>
  <td align="center" class="diff diff-added">Added in v.%s</td>
<br clear="all" />

sub doEnscript($$$;$)
  my ($filehandle, $highlight, $linenumbers, $lang) = @_;
  $lang ||= 'cvsweb';

  my @cmd = ($CMD{enscript},
             '-q', "--language=$lang", '-o', '-', "--highlight=$highlight");

  local *ENSCRIPT_OUT;
  my ($h, $err) =
    startproc(\@cmd, $filehandle, '>pipe', \*ENSCRIPT_OUT);
  fatal('500 Internal Error', $err) unless $h;

  # We could short-circuit and have enscript output directly to STDOUT above,
  # but that doesn't work with mod_perl (at least some 1.99 versions).
  if ($linenumbers) {
    my $ln = 0;
    while (<ENSCRIPT_OUT>) {
      printf '<a id="l%d" class="src">%5d: </a>', (++$ln) x 2;
      print $_;
  } else {
    local $/ = undef;
    print <ENSCRIPT_OUT>;

# The passed in $path and $filename should not be URI escaped, and $swhere
# *should* be.
sub navigateHeader($$$$$;$)
  my ($swhere, $path, $filename, $rev, $title, $moddate) = @_;
  $swhere = "" if ($swhere eq $scriptwhere);
  $swhere = './' . uri_escape($filename) if ($swhere eq "");

  my $qfile = htmlquote($filename);
  my $qpath = htmlquote($path);
  my $trev  = $rev ? " - " . htmlquote($rev) : '';

  http_header('text/html', $moddate);

  (my $header = &cgi_style::html_header($title, 0)) =~ s,\A.*<head>,<head>\n$HTML_META,s;
  $header .= $CSS .
'<body class="src">
 <table class="navigate-header" width="100%" summary="Navigation">
  print $header;

  my $frag = '';
  if ($rev) {
    $frag  = '#';
    $frag .= 'rev' if ($rev =~ /\./);  # Normal revision: prefix with "rev".
    $frag .= $rev;                     # Append revision/branch/tag.
  my $backurl = "$swhere$query$frag";

  print &link($backicon, $backurl);
  printf '<b>Return to %s CVS log', &link($qfile, $backurl);
  print "</b> $fileicon</td>";

  printf(<<EOF, $diricon, &clickablePath($path, 1));
  <td style="text-align: right">%s <b>Up to %s</b></td>

sub plural_write($$)
  my ($num, $text) = @_;
  if ($num != 1) {
    $text .= "s";

  if ($num > 0) {
    return join (' ', $num, $text);
  } else {
    return "";

# print readable timestamp in terms of
# '..time ago'
# H. Zeller <zeller@think.de>
sub readableTime($$)
  my ($secs, $long) = @_;

  # This function works correctly for time >= 2 seconds.
  return 'very little time' if ($secs < 2);

  my %desc = (
              1        => 'second',
              60       => 'minute',
              3600     => 'hour',
              86400    => 'day',
              604800   => 'week',
              2628000  => 'month',
              31536000 => 'year'

  my @breaks = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %desc;
  my $i = 0;

  while ($i <= $#breaks && $secs >= 2 * $breaks[$i]) {
  my $break  = $breaks[$i];
  my $retval = plural_write(int($secs / $break), $desc{$break});

  if ($long == 1 && $i > 0) {
    my $rest = $secs % $break;
    $break = $breaks[$i];
    my $resttime = plural_write(int($rest / $break), $desc{$break});
    if ($resttime) {
      $retval .= ", $resttime";

  return $retval;

# Returns a htmlified path where each directory is a link for faster
# navigation.  $clickLast controls whether the basename
# (last directory/file) is a link as well.  The passed in $pathname should
# *not* be URI escaped.
sub clickablePath($$)
  my ($pathname, $clickLast) = @_;

  my $root = '[' . htmlquote($CVSROOTdescr{$cvstree} || $cvstree) . ']';

  # This should never happen (see chooseCVSRoot()), but let's be sure...
  return $root if ($pathname eq '/');

  my $retval =
    ' ' . &link($root, sprintf('%s/%s#dirlist', $scriptname, $query));
  my $wherepath = '';
  my ($lastslash) = $pathname =~ m|/$|;

  foreach (split(m|/|, $pathname)) {
    $retval .= ' / ';
    $wherepath .= "/$_";
    my $last = "$wherepath/" eq "/$pathname" || $wherepath eq "/$pathname";

    if ($clickLast || !$last) {
      $retval .= &link(htmlquote($_),
                       join ('',
                             $scriptname, uri_escape_path($wherepath),
                             (!$last || $lastslash ? '/' : ''), $query,
                             (!$last || $lastslash ? "#dirlist" : "")));
    } else {    # do not make a link to the current dir
      $retval .= htmlquote($_);
  return $retval;

sub chooseCVSRoot()
  print "<form method=\"get\" action=\"$scriptwhere\">\n<p>\n";
  if (2 <= @CVSROOT) {
    foreach my $k (keys %input) {
      printf("<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />\n",
             htmlquote($k), htmlquote($input{$k}))
        if ($input{$k} && $k ne 'cvsroot');

    printf(<<EOF, $use_java_script ? ' onchange="this.form.submit()"' : '');
<label for="cvsroot" accesskey="C">CVS Root:
<select id="cvsroot" name="cvsroot"%s>

    foreach my $k (@CVSROOT) {
      printf("<option value=\"%s\"%s>%s</option>\n",
             ($k eq $cvstree) ? ' selected="selected"' : '',
             htmlquote($CVSROOTdescr{$k} || $k));
    print '</select></label>';
  } else {

    # no choice -- but we need the form to select module/path,
    # at least for Netscape
    printf "CVS Root: <b>[%s]</b>",
      htmlquote($CVSROOTdescr{$cvstree} || $cvstree);

  print <<EOF;
<label for="mpath" accesskey="M">
Module path or alias:
<input type="text" id="mpath" name="path" value="" size="15" />
<input type="submit" value="Go" accesskey="O" />

sub chooseMirror()
  # This code comes from the original BSD-cvsweb
  # and may not be useful for your site; If you don't
  # set %MIRRORS this won't show up, anyway.
  scalar(%MIRRORS) or return;

  # Should perhaps exclude the current site somehow...
  print "\n<p>\nThis CVSweb is mirrored in\n";

  my @tmp = map(&link(htmlquote($_), $MIRRORS{$_}), sort keys %MIRRORS);
  my $tmp = pop (@tmp);

  if (scalar(@tmp)) {
    print join (', ', @tmp), ' and ';

  print "$tmp.\n</p>\n";

sub fileSortCmp()
  (my $af = $a) =~ s/,v$//;
  (my $bf = $b) =~ s/,v$//;
  my ($rev1, $date1, $log1, $author1, $filename1) = @{$fileinfo{$af}}
    if (defined($fileinfo{$af}));
  my ($rev2, $date2, $log2, $author2, $filename2) = @{$fileinfo{$bf}}
    if (defined($fileinfo{$bf}));

  my $comp = 0;
  if (defined($filename1) && defined($filename2) &&
      $af eq $filename1   && $bf eq $filename2)

    # Two files
    $comp = -revcmp($rev1, $rev2)             if ($byrev  && $rev1  && $rev2);
    $comp = ($date2   <=> $date1)             if ($bydate && $date1 && $date2);
    if ($input{ignorecase}) {
      $comp = (uc($log1)    cmp uc($log2))    if ($bylog && $log1 && $log2);
      $comp = (uc($author1) cmp uc($author2)) if ($byauthor &&
                                                  $author1 && $author2);
    } else {
      $comp = ($log1    cmp $log2)            if ($bylog && $log1 && $log2);
      $comp = ($author1 cmp $author2)         if ($byauthor &&
                                                  $author1 && $author2);

  if ($comp == 0) {

    # Directories first, then files under version control,
    # then other, "rogue" files.
    # Sort by filename if no other criteria available.

    my $ad = (
      (-d "$fullname/$a")
      ? 'D'
      : (defined($fileinfo{$af}) ? 'F' : 'R')
    my $bd = (
      (-d "$fullname/$b")
      ? 'D'
      : (defined($fileinfo{$bf}) ? 'F' : 'R')
    (my $c = $a) =~ s|.*/||;
    (my $d = $b) =~ s|.*/||;

    my ($l, $r) = ("$ad$c", "$bd$d");
    $comp = $input{ignorecase} ? (uc($l) cmp uc($r)) : ($l cmp $r);

    # Parent dir is always first, then Attic.
    if ($comp != 0) {
      if ($l eq 'D..') {
        $comp = -1;
      } elsif ($r eq 'D..') {
        $comp = 1;
      } elsif ($l eq 'DAttic') {
        $comp = -1;
      } elsif ($r eq 'DAttic') {
        $comp = 1;
  return $comp;

# Returns a URL to download the selected revision.
# Expects the passed in URL to be URI escaped, relative, and without a query
# string.
sub download_url($$;$)
  my ($url, $revision, $mimetype) = @_;
  my @dots = $revision =~ /\./g;
  $revision =~ s/\b0\.(?=\d+$)// if (scalar(@dots) & 1);

  if (!defined($mimetype) || $mimetype !~ CVSWEBMARKUP) {
    my $path = $where;
    $path =~ s|[^/]+$||;
    $url = "$scriptname/$CheckoutMagic/$path$url";
  $url .= '?rev=' . uri_escape($revision);
  $url .= ';content-type=' . uri_escape($mimetype) if $mimetype;

  return $url;

# Returns a link to download the selected revision.
# Expects the passed in URL to be URI escaped, relative,
# and without a query string.
sub download_link($$$;$)
  my ($url, $revision, $textlink, $mimetype) = @_;
  return sprintf('<a href="%s" class="download-link">%s</a>',
                 download_url($url, $revision, $mimetype) . $barequery,

# Returns a URL to display the selected revision.
# Expects the passed in URL to be URI escaped, and without a query string.
sub display_url($$;$)
  my ($url, $revision, $mimetype) = @_;
  $url .= '?rev=' . uri_escape($revision);
  $url .= ';content-type=' . uri_escape($mimetype) if $mimetype;
  return $url;

# Returns a link to display the selected revision.
# Expects the passed in URL to be URI escaped, and without a query string.
sub display_link($$;$$)
  my ($url, $revision, $textlink, $mtype) = @_;
  $textlink = $revision unless defined($textlink);
  return sprintf('<a href="%s" class="display-link">%s</a>',
                 display_url($url, $revision, $mtype) . $barequery,

# Expects the passed in URL to be URI escaped, and without a query string.
# The passed in link text should be already HTML escaped as appropriate.
sub graph_link($;$)
  my ($url, $text) = @_;
  $text ||= $graphicon;
  return sprintf('<a href="%s?graph=1%s">%s</a>', $url, $barequery, $text);

# Returns a link to CVSHistory for the given directory and filename.
sub history_link($$;$)
  my ($dir, $file, $text) = @_;
  $dir  ||= '';
  $file ||= '';
  $text ||= 'History';
  return &link($text,
                       $cvshistory_url, uri_escape($input{cvsroot} || ''),
                       uri_escape($dir), uri_escape($file)));

# Returns a Query string with the
# specified parameter toggled
sub toggleQuery($;$)
  my ($toggle, $value) = @_;

  my %vars = %input;

  if (defined($value)) {
    $vars{$toggle} = $value;
  } else {
    $vars{$toggle} = $vars{$toggle} ? 0 : 1;

  # Build a new query of non-default paramenters
  my $newquery = "";
  foreach my $var (@stickyvars) {
    my ($value)   = defined($vars{$var})         ? $vars{$var}         : "";
    my ($default) = defined($DEFAULTVALUE{$var}) ? $DEFAULTVALUE{$var} : "";

    if ($value ne $default) {
      $newquery .= ';' if ($newquery ne "");
      $newquery .= uri_escape($var) . '=' . uri_escape($value);

  if ($newquery) {
    return '?' . $newquery;
  return "";

sub htmlquote($)
  local ($_) = @_;
  # Special Characters; RFC 1866
  return $_;

sub htmlunquote($)
  local ($_) = @_;
  # Special Characters; RFC 1866
  return $_;

sub uri_escape_path($)
  return join('/', map(uri_escape($_), split(m|/+|, shift, -1)));

sub http_header(;$$)
  my ($content_type, $moddate) = @_;
  $content_type ||= 'text/html';

  $content_type .= "; charset=$charset"
    if ($charset && $content_type =~ m,^text/,);

  # Note that in the following, we explicitly join() and concatenate the
  # headers instead of printing them as an array.  This is because some
  # systems, eg. early versions of mod_perl 2 don't quite get it if the
  # last \r\n\r\n isn't included in the last "payload" header print().

  my @headers = ();
  # TODO: ctime(3) from scalar gmtime() isn't HTTP compliant, see HTTP::Date.
  push(@headers, 'Last-Modified: ' . scalar gmtime($moddate) . ' GMT')
    if $moddate;
  push(@headers, 'Content-Type: ' . $content_type);

  if ($allow_compress && $maycompress) {
    if (HAS_ZLIB
        || (defined($CMD{gzip}) && open(GZIP, "| $CMD{gzip} -1 -c")))

      push(@headers, 'Content-Encoding: x-gzip');
      push(@headers, 'Vary: Accept-Encoding');     # RFC 2616, 14.44
      print join("\r\n", @headers) . "\r\n\r\n";

      $| = 1;
      $| = 0;                                      # Flush header output.

      tie(*GZIP, __PACKAGE__, \*STDOUT) if HAS_ZLIB;
      $gzip_open = 1;

    } else {

      print join("\r\n", @headers) . "\r\n\r\n";
        '<span style="font-size: smaller">Unable to find gzip binary in the <b>$command_path</b> (<code>%s</code>) to compress output</span><br />',
          htmlquote(join(':', @command_path));

  } else {
    print join("\r\n", @headers) . "\r\n\r\n";

sub html_header($;$)
  my ($title, $moddate) = @_;
  $title  = htmlquote($title);
  my $css = $CSS || '';
  http_header('text/html', $moddate);

  (my $header = &cgi_style::html_header($title, 0)) =~ s,\A.*<head>,<head>\n$HTML_META,s;
  $header .= $css;
  print $header;

sub html_footer()
  print &cgi_style::html_footer;

sub link_tags($)
  my ($tags) = @_;

  (my $filename = $where) =~ s|^.*/||;
  my $fileurl = './' . uri_escape($filename);

  my $ret = "";
  foreach my $sym (split(", ", $tags)) {
    $ret .= ",\n" if ($ret ne "");
    $ret .= &link(htmlquote($sym),
                  $fileurl . toggleQuery('only_with_tag', $sym));
  return $ret;

# See if a file/dir is listed in the config file's @ForbiddenFiles list.
# Takes a full file system path or one relative to $cvsroot, and strips the
# trailing ",v" if present, then compares.  Returns 1 if forbidden, else 0.
sub forbidden($)
  (my $path = canonpath(shift)) =~ s/,v$//;
  $path =~ s|^$cvsroot/+||;
  for my $forbidden_re (@ForbiddenFiles) {
    return 1 if ($path =~ $forbidden_re);
  return 0;

# Starts a process using IPC::Run.  All arguments are passed to
# IPC::Run::start() as-is.  Returns an array ($harness, $error) where
# $harness is from IPC::Run if start() succeeds, undef otherwise.  In case
# of an error, $error contains the error message.
sub startproc(@)
  my $h = my $err = undef;
  eval {
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
    $h = IPC::Run::start(@_) or die("return code: $?");
  if ($@) {
    $h->finish() if $h;
    $h = undef;
    $err = "'@{$_[0]}' failed: $@";
  return ($h, $err);

# Runs a process using IPC::Run.  All arguments are passed to
# IPC::Run::run() as-is.  Returns an array ($exitcode, $errormsg).
sub runproc(@)
  eval {
    local $SIG{__DIE__};
  my $exitcode = $? >> 8;
  my $errormsg  = undef;
  if ($@) {
    $exitcode ||= -1;
    $errormsg = "'@{$_[0]}' failed: $@";
  return ($exitcode, $errormsg);

# Check out a file to a temporary file.
sub checkout_to_temp($$$)
  my ($cvsroot, $cvsname, $rev) = @_;

  # Pipe given cvs file into a temporary place.
  my ($temp_fh, $temp_fn) = tempfile('.cvsweb.XXXXXXXX', DIR => tmpdir());

  my @cmd = ($CMD{cvs}, @cvs_options, '-Qd', $cvsroot,
             'co', '-p', "-r$rev", $cvsname);

  local (*DIFF_OUT);
  my ($h, $err) = startproc(\@cmd, \"", '>pipe', \*DIFF_OUT);
  if ($h) {
    local $/ = undef;
    print $temp_fh <DIFF_OUT>;
  } else {
    fatal('500 Internal Error',
          'Checkout failure (exit status %s), output: <pre>%s</pre>',
          $? >> 8 || -1, $err);

  return $temp_fn;

# Close the GZIP handle, and remove the tie.
sub gzipclose
  if ($gzip_open) {
    untie *GZIP;
    $gzip_open = 0;

# implement a gzipped file handle via the Compress:Zlib compression
# library.

sub MAGIC1() { 0x1f }
sub MAGIC2() { 0x8b }
sub OSCODE() { 3 }

  my ($class, $out) = @_;
  my ($d) = Compress::Zlib::deflateInit(
    -Level      => Compress::Zlib::Z_BEST_COMPRESSION(),
    -WindowBits => -Compress::Zlib::MAX_WBITS()
    or return undef;
  my ($o) = { handle => $out,
              dh     => $d,
              crc    => 0,
              len    => 0,
  my ($header) = pack("c10",
                      MAGIC1, MAGIC2, Compress::Zlib::Z_DEFLATED(),
                      0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, OSCODE);
  print {$o->{handle}} $header;
  return bless($o, $class);

  my ($o)   = shift;
  my ($buf) = join (defined($,) ? $, : "", @_);
  my ($len) = length($buf);
  my ($compressed, $status) = $o->{dh}->deflate($buf);
  print {$o->{handle}} $compressed if defined($compressed);
  $o->{crc} = Compress::Zlib::crc32($buf, $o->{crc});
  $o->{len} += $len;
  return $len;

  my ($o)   = shift;
  my ($fmt) = shift;
  my ($buf) = sprintf($fmt, @_);
  my ($len) = length($buf);
  my ($compressed, $status) = $o->{dh}->deflate($buf);
  print {$o->{handle}} $compressed if defined($compressed);
  $o->{crc} = Compress::Zlib::crc32($buf, $o->{crc});
  $o->{len} += $len;
  return $len;

  my ($o, $buf, $len, $off) = @_;
  my ($compressed, $status) = $o->{dh}->deflate(substr($buf, 0, $len));
  print {$o->{handle}} $compressed if defined($compressed);
  $o->{crc} = Compress::Zlib::crc32(substr($buf, 0, $len), $o->{crc});
  $o->{len} += $len;
  return $len;

  my ($o) = @_;
  return if !defined($o->{dh});
  my ($buf) = $o->{dh}->flush();
  $buf .= pack("V V", $o->{crc}, $o->{len});
  print {$o->{handle}} $buf;
  undef $o->{dh};

  my ($o) = @_;

# Local variables:
# indent-tabs-mode: nil
# cperl-indent-level: 2
# End: