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Revision 1.28, Sun Apr 28 17:10:06 2019 UTC (5 years, 1 month ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
Changes since 1.27: +4 -3 lines

Start a reorg module, to edit and move around nodes between parsing
and formatting.  This helps because using queue macros is prone to
bugs, but inspecting the resulting trees with a C debugger is quite
hard.  Using -T tree is much easier.

VERSION = 1.0.1
CFLAGS += -g -W -Wall -Wstrict-prototypes -Wno-unused-parameter -Wwrite-strings
WWWPREFIX = /var/www/vhosts/mdocml.bsd.lv/htdocs/docbook2mdoc
PREFIX = /usr/local

HEADS =	xmalloc.h node.h parse.h reorg.h macro.h format.h
SRCS =	xmalloc.c node.c parse.c reorg.c macro.c docbook2mdoc.c tree.c main.c
OBJS =	xmalloc.o node.o parse.o reorg.o macro.o docbook2mdoc.o tree.o main.o
DISTFILES = Makefile NEWS docbook2mdoc.1

all: docbook2mdoc

docbook2mdoc: $(OBJS)
	$(CC) -g -o $@ $(OBJS)

statistics: statistics.o xmalloc.o
	$(CC) -g -o $@ statistics.o xmalloc.o

www: docbook2mdoc.1.html docbook2mdoc-$(VERSION).tgz README.txt

install: all
	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
	mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/man/man1
	install -m 0755 docbook2mdoc $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin
	install -m 0444 docbook2mdoc.1 $(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/man/man1

installwww: www
	mkdir -p $(WWWPREFIX)/snapshots
	install -m 0444 docbook2mdoc.1.html README.txt NEWS $(WWWPREFIX)
	install -m 0444 docbook2mdoc-$(VERSION).tgz $(WWWPREFIX)/snapshots
	ln -f $(WWWPREFIX)/snapshots/docbook2mdoc-$(VERSION).tgz \

dist: docbook2mdoc-$(VERSION).tgz

	mkdir -p .dist/docbook2mdoc-$(VERSION)
	install -m 0444 $(HEADS) $(SRCS) $(DISTFILES) \
	(cd .dist && tar zcf ../$@ docbook2mdoc-$(VERSION))
	rm -rf .dist

xmalloc.o: xmalloc.h
node.o: xmalloc.h node.h
parse.o: xmalloc.h node.h parse.h
reorg.o: node.h reorg.h
macro.o: node.h macro.h
docbook2mdoc.o: xmalloc.h node.h macro.h format.h
tree.o: node.h format.h
main.o: node.h parse.h format.h
statistics.c: xmalloc.h

docbook2mdoc.1.html: docbook2mdoc.1
	mandoc -T html -O style=/mandoc.css docbook2mdoc.1 >$@

	cp -p README $@

	rm -f docbook2mdoc $(OBJS) docbook2mdoc.core
	rm -f statistics statistics.o statistics.core
	rm -rf docbook2mdoc.dSYM
	rm -f index.html docbook2mdoc.1.html README.txt
	rm -f docbook2mdoc-$(VERSION).tgz