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Annotation of mandoc/Makefile, Revision 1.28

1.22      kristaps    1: CFLAGS += -W -Wall -Wno-unused-parameter -g -DDEBUG
1.7       kristaps    2:
1.4       kristaps    3: LINTFLAGS += -c -e -f -u
1.23      kristaps    5: LNS    = mdocml.ln html.ln xml.ln libmdocml.ln roff.ln ml.ln mlg.ln compat.ln tokens.ln
1.4       kristaps    6:
                      7: LLNS   = llib-lmdocml.ln
                      9: LIBS   = libmdocml.a
1.23      kristaps   11: OBJS   = mdocml.o html.o xml.o libmdocml.o roff.o ml.o mlg.o compat.o tokens.o
1.4       kristaps   12:
1.23      kristaps   13: SRCS   = mdocml.c html.c xml.c libmdocml.c roff.c ml.c mlg.c compat.c tokens.c
1.4       kristaps   14:
1.27      kristaps   15: HEADS  = libmdocml.h private.h ml.h roff.h
1.1       kristaps   16:
1.4       kristaps   17: MANS   = mdocml.1
                     19: CLEAN  = mdocml mdocml.tgz $(LLNS) $(LNS) $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
1.1       kristaps   20:
1.4       kristaps   21: INSTALL        = Makefile $(HEADS) $(SRCS) $(MANS)
1.1       kristaps   22:
1.7       kristaps   23: FAIL   = test.0 test.1 test.2 test.3 test.4 test.5 test.6 \
1.19      kristaps   24:          test.15 test.20 test.22 test.24 test.26 test.27 test.30 \
1.28    ! kristaps   25:          test.36 test.37 test.40 test.50
1.7       kristaps   26:
1.9       kristaps   27: SUCCEED        = test.7 test.8 test.9 test.10 test.11 test.12 test.13 \
1.16      kristaps   28:          test.14 test.16 test.17 test.18 test.19 test.21 test.23 \
1.19      kristaps   29:          test.25 test.28 test.29 test.31 test.32 test.33 test.34 \
1.28    ! kristaps   30:          test.35 test.38 test.39 test.41 test.42 test.43 test.44 \
        !            31:          test.45 test.46 test.47 test.48 test.49 test.51 test.52
1.7       kristaps   32:
1.1       kristaps   33:
                     34: all: mdocml
1.3       kristaps   36: lint: llib-lmdocml.ln
1.1       kristaps   37:
1.2       kristaps   38: dist: mdocml.tgz
1.7       kristaps   40: regress: mdocml
1.26      kristaps   41:        @for f in $(FAIL); do \
                     42:                echo "./mdocml $$f" ; \
                     43:                ./mdocml $$f 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null || continue ; \
                     44:        done
                     45:        @for f in $(SUCCEED); do \
                     46:                echo "./mdocml $$f" ; \
                     47:                ./mdocml $$f 1>/dev/null || exit 1 ; \
                     48:        done
1.7       kristaps   49:
1.4       kristaps   50: mdocml: mdocml.o libmdocml.a
                     51:        $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ mdocml.o libmdocml.a
1.1       kristaps   52:
                     53: clean:
                     54:        rm -f $(CLEAN)
1.2       kristaps   56: mdocml.tgz: $(INSTALL)
1.1       kristaps   57:        mkdir -p .dist/mdocml/
                     58:        install -m 0644 $(INSTALL) .dist/mdocml/
                     59:        ( cd .dist/ && tar zcf ../mdocml.tgz mdocml/ )
                     60:        rm -rf .dist/
1.23      kristaps   62: llib-lmdocml.ln: mdocml.ln libmdocml.ln html.ln xml.ln roff.ln ml.ln mlg.ln compat.ln tokens.ln
                     63:        $(LINT) $(LINTFLAGS) -Cmdocml mdocml.ln libmdocml.ln html.ln xml.ln roff.ln ml.ln mlg.ln compat.ln tokens.ln
1.3       kristaps   64:
1.13      kristaps   65: mdocml.ln: mdocml.c libmdocml.h
1.1       kristaps   66:
1.13      kristaps   67: mdocml.o: mdocml.c libmdocml.h
1.1       kristaps   68:
1.23      kristaps   69: libmdocml.a: libmdocml.o html.o xml.o roff.o ml.o mlg.o compat.o tokens.o
                     70:        $(AR) rs $@ libmdocml.o html.o xml.o roff.o ml.o mlg.o compat.o tokens.o
1.12      kristaps   71:
1.21      kristaps   72: xml.ln: xml.c private.h libmdocml.h ml.h
1.4       kristaps   73:
1.21      kristaps   74: xml.o: xml.c private.h libmdocml.h ml.h
1.6       kristaps   75:
1.21      kristaps   76: html.ln: html.c private.h libmdocml.h
1.6       kristaps   77:
1.21      kristaps   78: html.o: html.c private.h libmdocml.h
1.6       kristaps   79:
1.27      kristaps   80: roff.ln: roff.c private.h roff.h libmdocml.h
1.1       kristaps   81:
1.27      kristaps   82: roff.o: roff.c private.h roff.h libmdocml.h
1.1       kristaps   83:
1.13      kristaps   84: libmdocml.ln: libmdocml.c private.h libmdocml.h
1.6       kristaps   85:
1.13      kristaps   86: libmdocml.o: libmdocml.c private.h libmdocml.h
1.20      kristaps   87:
1.21      kristaps   88: ml.ln: ml.c private.h libmdocml.h ml.h
1.20      kristaps   89:
1.21      kristaps   90: ml.o: ml.c private.h libmdocml.h ml.h
                     92: mlg.ln: mlg.c private.h libmdocml.h ml.h
                     94: mlg.o: mlg.c private.h libmdocml.h ml.h
                     96: compat.ln: compat.c
                     98: compat.o: compat.c
