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File: [cvsweb.bsd.lv] / mandoc / regress / man / SH / longarg.out_ascii (download)

Revision 1.1, Wed Feb 8 03:02:29 2017 UTC (7 years, 7 months ago) by schwarze
Branch: MAIN
CVS Tags: VERSION_1_14_5, VERSION_1_14_4, VERSION_1_14_3, VERSION_1_14_2, VERSION_1_14_1, VERSION_1_13

Finally port the OpenBSD regression suite.
Both kristaps@ and wiz@ repeated asked for this,
literally for years.

SH-LONGARG(1)               General Commands Manual              SH-LONGARG(1)

       SH-longarg - long section header lines

       initial text

TThhiiss sseeccttiioonn hhaass aa rreeaallllyy rriiddiiccuulloouussllyy lloonngg ttiittllee wwhhiicchh wwoonn''tt eevveenn ffiitt oonn tthhee
       custom section text

OpenBSD                          April 4, 2015                   SH-LONGARG(1)