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Annotation of pta/import/optum_hsa.txt, Revision 1.6

1.1       schwarze    1: # The CONTRIB accounts is the bank account which you make
                      2: # contributions from. These contributions are deposited into the Optum
                      3: # HSA account.
1.5       freda       4: ACCOUNT 1802
1.2       schwarze    5: DELIM ,
1.4       schwarze    6: HEADER Date,Description,Amount,AccountType
1.6     ! freda       7: DATE 1 YYYY-MM-DD
        !             8: AMOUNT 3
        !             9: DESCRIPTION 2
1.3       schwarze   10: ,Monthly Investment Fee,,, 6855 INVESTFEE
                     11: ,Monthly Maintenance Fee,,, 6855 BANKFEE
1.5       freda      12: ,Contribution from.*?,,, 1801 CONTRIB
                     13: ,(Pharmacy|Doctor),,, 5900 MED
