#!/usr/bin/perl # Copyright (c) 2020 Freda Bundchen # Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES # WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR # ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES # WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN # ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF # OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. use warnings; use strict; use Getopt::Std qw(getopts); our ($opt_I); # === SUBROUTINES ===================================================== sub import_account ($$$$$) { my ($account_name, $accounts_ref, $bookings_ref, $compiled_ref, $csv_account) = @_; my ($account, $amount, $booking, $credit, $date, $debit, $description); chomp(my $header = <>); while (<>) { next if (/^$/); chomp; my $line = $_; foreach my $regex (@$compiled_ref) { if ($line =~ /$regex/) { $account = %$accounts_ref{$regex}; $booking = %$bookings_ref{$regex}; last; } } if ($account_name eq "chase_credit") { ($date, $amount, $debit, $credit, $description) = import_chase_credit($account, $csv_account, $line); } elsif ($account_name eq "capital_one_credit") { ($date, $amount, $debit, $credit, $description) = import_capital_one_credit($account, $csv_account, $line); } elsif ($account_name eq "optum_hsa") { ($date, $amount, $debit, $credit, $description) = import_optum_hsa($account, $csv_account, $line); } else { die "undefined format: $account_name"; } unless ($date && $booking && $debit && $credit && $amount && $description) { die "import parse error: $line"; } $description =~ s/#//g; print "$date $booking $debit $credit $amount " . "$description\n"; } } sub import_chase_credit ($$$) { my ($account, $csv_account, $line) = @_; my ($trans_date, $post_date, $description, $category, $type, $amount) = split /,/, $line; my ($debit, $credit); $post_date =~ s#(\d+)/(\d+)/(\d+)#$3$1$2#; ($amount, $debit, $credit) = get_accounts_by_amount_sign($amount, $account, $csv_account); return ($post_date, $amount, $debit, $credit, $description); } sub import_capital_one_credit ($$$) { my ($account, $csv_account, $line) = @_; my ($trans_date, $post_date, $card_num, $description, $category, $csv_debit, $csv_credit) = split /,/, $line; $post_date =~ s/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/$1$2$3/; my ($amount, $debit, $credit) = get_accounts_by_csv_col($account, $csv_account, $csv_debit, $csv_credit); return ($post_date, $amount, $debit, $credit, $description); } sub import_optum_hsa ($$$) { my ($account, $csv_account, $line) = @_; my ($date, $description, $amount, $type) = split /,/, $line; my ($debit, $credit); $date =~ s/(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/$1$2$3/; $amount =~ s/\$//; ($amount, $debit, $credit) = get_accounts_by_amount_sign($amount, $account, $csv_account); return ($date, $amount, $debit, $credit, $description); } sub get_accounts_by_amount_sign ($$$) { my ($amount, $account, $csv_account) = @_; my ($debit, $credit); if ($amount <= 0) { $amount = substr $amount, 1; $credit = $csv_account; $debit = $account; } else { $debit = $csv_account; $credit = $account; } return ($amount, $debit, $credit); } sub get_accounts_by_csv_col ($$$$) { my ($account, $csv_account, $csv_debit, $csv_credit) = @_; my ($amount, $debit, $credit); if ($csv_debit eq "") { $amount = $csv_credit; $credit = $account; $debit = $csv_account; } else { $amount = $csv_debit; $credit = $csv_account; $debit = $account; } return ($amount, $debit, $credit); } sub usage () { printf STDERR "usage: %s -I accountname csvfilename\n", $0; exit 1; } # === MAIN PROGRAM ===================================================== my ($csv_account, $fn, $in, $account_name, %accounts, %bookings, @compiled); getopts 'I:' or usage; if ($opt_I) { $account_name = $opt_I; $fn = "import_" . $account_name . ".txt"; open $in, $fn or die "$fn: $!"; } else { usage; } while (<$in>) { chomp; next if /^(?:#|$)/; my $line = $_; if (/^ACCOUNT\s+(\d+)$/) { $csv_account and die "duplicate ACCOUNT line: $1"; $csv_account = $1; next; } s/^(.*),\s+(\d+)\s+(\S+)// or die "$fn import parse error: $line"; my ($reg, $account, $booking) = ($1, $2, $3); $reg =~ s/(?:^|(?<=,))(?:$|(?=,))/[^,]*/g; $reg = qr/$reg/; push @compiled, $reg; $bookings{$reg} = $booking; $accounts{$reg} = $account; } close $in; $csv_account or die "no ACCOUNT line in $fn"; import_account($account_name, \%accounts, \%bookings, \@compiled, $csv_account);